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Sothron last won the day on January 13

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  1. Josh has really let his defense play drop this season. He might be the worst defensive player in the NBA that gets minutes at this point.
  2. Huge win, honestly. Half the roster with most of our starters out and we still win easy by 16. Crazy.
  3. Thanks to my parents for the Daniels jersey at Christmas I got almost our entire starting five now in jerseys. I thought it was kinda cool.
  4. It disgusts me Lamelo Ball is leading the guards in the East. Voted for Trae, Jalen, KAT, Cade and...can't remember last one West: Jokic, Sabonis, Sengun, ANT and...Fox maybe?
  5. If you remember I was jumping up and down for us to get him in that draft. He and Trae would be straight up gangsta on the same team.
  6. I would kill to have him here.
  7. We sent out feelers for Sabonis. We have talked with the Jazz about Kessler. There's too many teams wanting too much and the new CBA is out right killing teams ability to make trades. I honestly hope this is changed in the offseason because the apron restrictions are killing the ability for rebuilding teams to move guys and contending teams to pick up players.
  8. I came to Squawk after first being at ESPN.com on the Hawks, Twolves and Vancouver Grizzlies forums with Jason Walker (jaywalker). We both moved to realgm.com where Jason became the first real "internet" reporter covering the Hawks. He came to the Squawk and tried to get me to come for at least two years or more before I finally joined. I mostly lurk at realgm at this point but I'm here. Also, for those that missed it, the days before Dolfan took over and actually stopped how toxic this forum was...you have no idea. It was dirty and vicious. I even had death threats against my wife and myself including PMs that had my address and the expressed wish to rape and kill my wife before they killed me. Nothing was done over this even though I brought it up. I left for years and came back only when Dolf assured me that would never happen again. This place is by far the friendliest and chill it has ever been over the last few years since Dolfan handed back running the day to day things. Our admins and mods are amazing.
  9. It was...blatantly obvious to me that Segun, Murphy and Jalen were going to at least be good starters in the NBA. I still don't know why they passed on Segun. They could have kept Halliburton that @Gray Mule loves so much and Segun would basically be Sabonis.
  10. I don't think Mike Brown deserved the firing. He can't go on the court and force players to perform basic basketball 101 plays.
  11. I am totally down for this. Mrs. Sothron knows to come here should something happen to me FWIW.
  12. I hope the Twolves get moved because they have a horrible travel schedule every year but it will most likely be Memphis that is moved
  13. Random non Hawks insider info: been told to expect Seattle and Las Vegas expansion announcement at the AS game this season
  14. If Jalen is healthy and putting up around 20/10/5 he should be an easy All Star selection
  15. I'm not going to get upset that we dropped one after winning seven straight with two of our best players not playing in the game.
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