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Everything posted by Duff_Man

  1. I work from home, so I guess I just walked up the steps and sat at my desk.
  2. I know how to use Twitter and I love Reddit, but I have zero idea what this is even about.
  3. D-Wade and Harden would have been D-leaguers without doing that exact same stuff.
  4. Thread headlines like this should be banned. Or at least changed to reflect what it is about.
  5. They will technically lose this game and people here will blame Coach Bud.
  6. The guy has taken two different teams to the East finals. "Worthless in the playoffs" is a hell of a stretch.
  7. I am really tired of the "Hawks will give up great players for basically nothing" gimmick.
  8. I read something today that led me to believe it took a bit for him to actually find out about it.
  9. The Wizards haven't been fun to watch since Bernard king was there.
  10. I had to miss the game last night and I feel bad about it. Looks like Trae was a phenom. Looks like all the kids were.
  11. Just make this stuff within the rules. It's absurd.
  12. His frustration is understandable. At least the team did him a solid and got him to where he wanted to be. He's a good dude.
  13. I heard "Dreidel". Figured he converted.
  14. I loved Pero. Such a good head for the game.
  15. He magically transformed into Mookie Blaylock and became awesome.
  16. Who gives a rat's ass about who is on what day? We have the internet...you can watch literally anything on the entire planet any time you want. Christmas Day is a special day filled with hating your family, feeling like a failure and getting drunk. Basketball is an afterthought.
  17. He had a classic DOL moment last week; Julio Jones: "I'm not going to talk about my contract." DOL immediately: "How is the contract coming along..."
  18. FINALLY! Welcome aboard, SKS! Can we double her salary and have her replace DOL now, too?
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