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Sign Up for Politics/Religion Forum


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We are segregating the political and religious discussions from the Lounge to a new Politics and Religion forum to allow for easier administration and to protect against the burying of the normal, lighter content in the Lounge Forum. In order to access the new Politics and Religion forum, you will need to be granted access to the forum by Dolfan. There are no criteria you need to satisfy other than just alerting us to your interest, but please note this will allow for removal of people from that forum who cannot follow the guidelines on debating like gentlemen without requiring a ban from all forums (although that could be appropriate anyway in some cases). People will be expected to debate without resorting to personal attacks or attacks on individuals or groups with a broad brush that amount to baiting (including comments such as "no Republicans care about the poor" or "Democrats are socialists"). Just reread the post on debating like ladies and gentlemen.

Please post on this thread if you would like access to the new Politics and Religion forum.

Let's keep this clean as a sign-up thread. If people want to have any discussion over this decision to open a separate forum, let's start a new thread under the Suggestion forum.


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Smart idea creating this thread AHF and I've given access to both coachx and eazyroc.

Thanks for the access.

I can get into the forum but cannot view threads or create new threads.

There are some hot, new, local, political issues in Atlanta that came up today that are quite intrigueing and thought provoking.

Edited by coachx
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Thanks for the access.

I can get into the forum but cannot view threads or create new threads.

There are some hot, new, local, political issues in Atlanta that came up today that are quite intrigueing and thought provoking.

Ah yes it appears there was a setting a missed, this is a bit of an experiment creating a forum and a group for members that are limited so bear with me. I think it should be working now though.

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