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Posts posted by BBallPrincess

  1. Ok, off the Hawks for a hot second.

    This months new DUB Magazine Issue is out (Ciara, and Chris Brown on cover) and I got two stories in there (it's about time Girl). NFL #1 pick Mario Williams, and I did the Ciara cover story.

    Look for Jan/FEB Hoops in issue on Biz behind the NBA - Trades

    Oh and DIME Magazine - Trey Johnsons of Jackson State's whats my name story. in January also...

    Let me know what yall think......

  2. Quote:

    This is where the age factor comes he's still only 20. I know the fact that he went so late in the draft year hurt his confidence. Because coming out of High School he was a top 3 high school prospect along with Shaun Livingston and Dwight Howard. Josh Smith was suppose to be a top 5-top 10 pick. He was promised on draft night by the Sixers and Cavs that they were going to take him. The fact that he dropped and then Jay Bilas comments just added fuel to the fire. IMO this hurt his confidence as he matures I think he will bring it everynight on a consistant basis. Meaning this team will get alot better esp with the other up and coming guys we have. As long as he plays at a high level everynight on both ends of the court hell develop nicely because the talent to be a good/great player is there. He's just as exciting as anyone in this league to watch.

    I'm sorry to say that all that is like sooo 3 years ago...

    Im a big Josh Smith Fan. Have been from day one. But, I'm sorry. It is 3 seasons to late to be using the crutch of him going number 17 instead of 5-10. Please...Messed up his confidence??? Yeah, ok

    From my perspective off of what I hear and what I see, he is not onwning his potential. Yet. Never said he won't, but he is not there. Aside from the personal things on his mind that were unexpected. He's going to need someone to keep him focused, and someone to help him bring to fruition what he's developed over the summer.....

    Cuz I aint seen it this pre-season....

  3. To be honest in my opinion, I still think he has a long way to go overall. He seems to me that he is not focused, and not taking things seriously at ALL. If I had to compare Marvins development to Josh's I would grade Marvin at an A, and Josh as a C-. When you use excuses like, "Oh I just wasn't there today," on more than one occassion then something is not right.

    I just don't see him ready to step up and take on the role we are needing him to take up....

  4. I've seen Marvin at the Maimi game and Birmingham Game, and he shows great improvement. His attitude is different, he's focused, poised, and looks to have learned some great foot work over the summer. His timing seems to be on point and his mid-range jumper seems to be hittin swell.

    Really look forward to seeing him tonight against the wizards...

    See yall been acting up since I've been away. Well, I'm glad to be back and I'm ready for some basketball!!!!!!

  5. Seems like my non inside info came out to be true. Especialy the part about Al heading out to indy tomorrow. I also said that the deal was done this afternoon, and that the announcement would be coming soon. Though vague, it still was true. But I'm glad a more reliable source came through with the same regurgitation from ESPN.com 14 hours ago....... laugh.gif

  6. Quote:

    Duh, that is a question that I did not ask. I heard the word "future" 1st rounder, but did not key into the details. So don't quote me on it.

    I didn't even think to clrarify that. How lame was that?....But i would assume logically a future 1st rounder would mean in the future, not meaning 2007. Because they would have said a 2007 1st rounder. Right? Hell, I don't know my mistake.... confused.gif

  7. Quote:

    It means Al gets to try the new CBA and he'll try to cash in again.

    I have not heard what year the first rounder is or what protection its going to have. The last I had heard on Saturday was that it was a 2008 first rounder, not a 2007 first rounder but that may have changed. Or may not. We'll see.

    Very disgusted at the ownership situation that has seen us get taken advantage of from all this.

    Duh, that is a question that I did not ask. I heard the word "future" 1st rounder, but did not key into the details. So don't quote me on it.

  8. Well for all those in speculation, yes it is a future 1st rounder, and yes, he is going to Indiana for less than what the Hawks had offered him to stay. (Every one knows this)

    It seems that the Hawks are not getting anything in return but a future 1st rounder, that still does not guarantee the Greg Oden that most teams are trying to position themselves for.

    I would have thought the Hawks would have signed Harrington for 40 million, kept him and dealt him off by the mid season trade deadline, which would have put the Hawks in position to help themselves tremendously. How? Really any team in the hunt for a playoff spot that needs that additional piece mid way through the season would be willing to come off a lil bit more than what they were willing to offer during the off-season.

    So now since it is a done deal, with the announcement coming soon, what does this mean for the Hawks? What could BK be thinking right now as we sit in awe, at what we ended up with in return for a guy like Al Harrington?

    A guy like Harrington, who not only wanted to be apart of the franchise, but is humble enough to take less in order to be where he wants to be since he was not wanted in Hawksville. Will this deal benefit Al more than the 6 year 57 mil deal he was originally offered? He is able to re-enter the FA market after his third year. Does he have it in him to "bring it" for 3 years to show that he worthy of a lucrative long term max deal?

    As Harrington prepares to leave out to Indiana tomorrow, what are your thoughts?

  9. Quote:

    When I originally asked you the question i noticed you didn't post any of Howards numbers in any of his games.

    I guess the China game was the first time Howard actually played, right?

    No actualy this is the 1st time that Coach K switched it up and had the players playing in 5 min intrvls. Evry 1 had the same opp to go hard. Wth that chnce he took advantage and showd what he could do against a strngr competitior.

  10. Quote:

    So Howard had a good game.

    I guess that makes him a good shooter and defender all of a sudden.

    That is the type of "insight" I can only get from you.

    Oh wait I could have gotten the exact same info by reading the box score.

    You better believe it. Thats the inside scoop!

  11. Howard tidbits from USA Basketball site.

    So the team's youngest member, 20-year-old Dwight Howard (Orlando Magic) posted a double-double of 16 points and 11 rebounds.

    “We just wanted to come out from the beginning of the game and play as hard as we could and set the tempo from the beginning,” remarked Howard. “It’s a tough match up me against Yao. He’s a lot bigger, a lot stronger and he’s way taller, but I’m not afraid to play against anybody and I just want to represent my country.”

    You asked what was he doing for the USA Team, well here is your ansr!

    Oh wait, I'm sure he did all that by dunking on Yao though. NOT!

  12. Quote:


    How can you dictate how someone comes on this site. What gives you the right to mandate new poster laws.


    All I did was address all of your crap. How is that leaping. You and I are playing leapfrog here. You jump, I jump to address it.


    I said that since you came here claiming to be a sportswriter that people were naturally skeptical.


    I never came on here "claiming" I was a sports writer. Although I am, but I don't recall saying, "hello board. I'm a sports writer!!!!!!"

    I merely posted something that I wrote, and you all went to haities with it.

    I still noticed you failed to address the fact that you misspelled a word. You seem to have a double standard round here.

  13. Quote:

    If you had come on here like a regular poster and not said what you do for a living you would have been treated like everyone else.

    How can you dictate how someone comes on this site. What gives you the right to mandate new poster laws. Not once did I say what i do for a living, cuz keeping it all the way real, my lifestyle in no way could be supported by being a jounralist at this stage in my quest for this type of career. I live a great lifestyle and would like to keep it that way.

    I aint doin it for the money believe me. I was paid 350 bucks for that. That's a mighty nice pair of shoes from Jimmy Choo in Phipps Plaza (on Sale). I aint in it for the money. I wanna do it because I want to do it. I have a passion for it, and the game of basketball

    So basically you speak for everyone else when you say "you would have been treated like everyone else"? What does that really say for this site, and the people that post here. you guys pick and choose who you disect, and those you don't?


    However by coming in claiming to be a sports journalist on your first day here you invited skepticism.

    When I was asked who the source of the 400 write up that i posted here on this site, all I said was that it was me. And what wrong with that. It's the truth, and will always be the truth. You chose to call me a journalist. And rightfully so, a writer is journalist.


    And if people see errors in your writing

    I right (write) how I want to. I do what I want to due (due) so what, my objective is still accomplished


    or lack of
    about certain aspect of the game it is natural that they will be skeptical



    First of all it's knowledge

    If I have a lack of that thereof, I'm the first to ask a question or admit it. You don't know everything about the game either. If you are referring to the Howard situation, that debate does not prove anything except that it is one of the top threads, and there was maybe a few people who agreed with you for the sake of going against me but for the most part, I know I was right. I had the conversation in VEGAS, about that already, with a NBA exec. So who's opinion of me am I going to value more. Yours, saying I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to Howard, or an exec who says "your dead on girl" with a smile on their face.......

  14. Quote:

    Okay, or it could be that you have some contacts that you've developed relationships with over the years.

    Over the years? How old do you think I am. I'm not even from Atlanta. And anyway regarless of the contacts you may have you can not get access unless you have a bona fide reason of needing the access.


    You are dead wrong if you think any Jane Doe can walk off the streets and say, "hey I want to go cover the USA Basketball training," and that access is given to them. Or "hey Al I don't know you from Adam, but can I interview you just because." Give the NBA, and it's players more credibility than that man. It's not that easy.


    Ummm, yeah, I never said that.

    I know you didn't, thats just proving my point even more. You never said it, but judging from your comments I can assume anything.....

  15. Quote:

    IMO, when you first arrived, you portrayed yourself as a journalist who covers the NBA.

    I never did that. You drew your own conclusion of that based on a 400 word write up that I did on Al that I thought the fans of the Hawks would want to read. I didn't have to post it


    IMO you are a person who wants to become a journalist and has gained access in order to do that.

    In saying this you are correct. I do want to be a journalist. But i have been given the access due to my ability, and the talent that I have. You are dead wrong if you think any Jane Doe can walk off the streets and say, "hey I want to go cover the USA Basketball training," and that access is given to them. Or "hey Al I don't know you from Adam, but can I interview you just because." Give the NBA, and it's players more credibility than that man. It's not that easy.

    Again you chose to make up your own assumptions of me, and I let you do it. Who am I to stop someone from speaking my success into existence. The more people speaking it in to existence the better.

    So in all actuality you all have held me to a higher standard that you all have set limits for. Not me. You guys have misrepresented me to yourselves.

    I maintain everthing that I have brought to this board about what I have done and will continue to do that whether you all like it or not.

  16. Quote:

    in a narrative type way. I find it easy to read and I think it does paint a nice image in the mind. I think BBP would be a pretty good writer for pieces about people's life. I don't think she would be good at an "inside information" type of writer (like Chad Ford if he ever gave accurate information).

    I appreciate the the fact that you like it smile.gif, but you make the assumption of me not being a good inside information writer off of what? Do you think Chad Ford started out writing inside info articles?

    But I would much rather provide people with the human side of an athlete anyway...Someone trusting you and allowing you into there (their) personal space is truly gratifying.....

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