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Posts posted by CAM

  1. The problem with Josh is that his play greatly affects the team with a huge positive and negative swing.

    When Al has a bad game, we only suffer because his production isn't where it should be and he isn't outplaying his opponent.

    When Josh has a bad game, it's often to do with decision making, and his decision making GREATLY affects the game (usually negatively) which is why it's easy and acceptable to get on his case about it.

    Both players often affect the game positively. Al rarely has a negative affect on a game, Josh does in moments of every game he plays.

    That's how I see it anyway.

    • Like 3
  2. I can definitely see some good potential in both DeAndre Jordan and Maurice Speights. I like them both and see them as good prospects. On the other hand, Hawes and Thabeet I don't like. I don't see much potential for improvement there and prefer what we have (unless they came very, very cheap).

  3. Copied and pasted from a RealGM thread on flip:

    It seems very unlikely at this point that we will have Flip back anymore. But I have to say.

    Flip Murray was a revelation for the Hawks this year. Whichever teams gets him this season is getting a steal. Had we not stolen Crawford away from GS, I'd be campaigning HARD for Flip to return to the Hawks for the next 3 seasons.

    He was a pro, and was so much more than advertised. Scored well, scored in the clutch, shot the 3 ball well, was so so so calm and steady no matter the game, passed well, played as a team player, played excellent defense.... and so on.

    Flip Murray might very well be one of my favourite ever one year Hawks. For so long we needed some punch coming off the bench as he was that and more. I take my hat off to Flip for going to work this past season and wish him the best for the rest of his career.

    (for the record, we'd be better as a team to re-sign him, but he would do better elsewhere now, and as mentioned, I don't want to impede the growth of Teague)

  4. I am one sweaty mofo. I'm fit, I'm very active and I eat well, but I notice that comparatively to other people......... I just get my sweat on real easy. I feel for ya Flip.

    Then again, Flip works his tail off, but looks so composed........ he earns that liquid expulsion

  5. In regards to Josh saying he doesn't want to come back here.

    I remember a home game a few months back on League Pass with a phone interview with Childress. He never said anything finite, but his tone in a lot of his interviews has shown a sense of negativity towards the Atlanta organization and not wanting to return to it.

  6. Well before Thanksgiving, I usually start making my Christmas list. And since I've decided that I wanted to get into the holiday spirit earlier, I decided to start this topic to help keep us excited and reminded of Christmas.

    My list isn't long at all. Basically, it's...

    -iPod Stereo System (I'm probably going to ask for the iHome IH9 which is around $80, and if anyone has that, would you care to tell me what you think of it?)

    -NFL Head Coach 09

    -Subscription to NFL Draft Scout

    I was thinking of adding a fitted hat or something, but I'm already happy with the things I have now except a lot of times I wish I had a stereo system in my room (I only have headphones for my PC), and I'm having problems with my Blackberry alarm clock. And now that my digital clock broke in my room, I figured it'd be killing multiple birds at once if I just asked for an iPhone Stereo System Alarm Clock. :p

    And I figured I needed something to entertain me for the two weeks that I would have off, and since NFL Head Coach 09 had some good reviews on a site, I figured hey... can't hurt to ask for a relatively 'cheap' ($35) game.

    My christmas wishlist:

    1. Consistent Hawks basketball that leads to more wins

    2. More interior Defense (with or without Josh Smith)

    3. Acie Law and Marvin Williams consistently prove their draft positions

    4. A healthy Josh Smith, bringing us plenty of highlight dunks and blocks and a few 4th quarter "sh**, don't shoot from 3 josh...... WOW, he hit it"

    GO HAWKS ;)

  7. men should not wear earrings. They are for women and sissies.

    Man Law

    men should not talk on a cell phone in public more than 6 minutes.

    Man Law

    men should not wear trousers lower than underwear. It is sissy.

    Man Law

    men should give GOD Glory in all things.

    Man Law


    All of these man laws are making me seem fairly womanly :0

  8. Overall ratings are almost irrelevant. I'm sure JJ will play somewhat acurately on the court, regardless of overall rating.

    I have the demos for both Live and 2K and have plaed both avidly for a looooooong time. Both games this year a very enjoyable.

    2K is a heavily simulation based game that depicts the players extremley well on the court. For a basketball nut like myself, this simulation accuracy makes the game enjoyable, along with the accurate broadcast style presentation.

    NBA Live plays very differently. The animations are reasonably solid, but very generic and don't differentiate the players as individuals so mch which is dissapointing. The gameplay mechanics and controls are quite fun though, and is probably better to just pick up and play against a friend.

    Like every year, I will get both games and enjoy them. Maybe not for everyone though.

  9. Rick, I'm in Melbourne, Australia.

    League Pass Broadband is not too expensive. I have purchased it the last 2 season. It'll cost around $150-$200 AUD for a season long pass. With the hawks lack of national coverage, you get to watch about 75+ hawks games live or delayed.

    Only catch is in Australia, usually it is unavailable for the first 20ish games. Other than that, it's f***ing great!

  10. No.

    Although I don't know much about this years draft class, I wouldn't think you'd get his type of production from a draft pick in that range.

    I think his game should take a 'decent' leap next year.

    So, no sorry.


  11. His age kind of gives him a 'get out of jail free card' for this season as far as I'm concerned. If anyone remembers the first 25 games of the season, Marvin was the most consistent player on our team. He was the only player to score double figures every night, while playing decent d.

    His mid range shot, mixed with drawing fouls was what kept us in games early in the season. He fell way off as the season progressed, but as I mentioned, I'll get over it because of his age.

    I expect a lot more in the next 1.5 seasons though. Marvin is the guy who should be our #2 scoring option in 2 seasons, or then I would consider him a disappointment.


  12. age: 25

    followed hawks: since about 1991-92.

    story: Everyone else went for the bulls, I saw NBA Action highlights featuring Nique, so I chose to follow the Hawks. Years later, through watching some exciting, and some horrible teams wear the uniform, here we are, still following the Hawks, but this year we have something to watch in April....

    Stayed through thick and thin, including little to no NBA coverage in Australia until I discovered (thank goodness) League Pass Broadband.

  13. The weather in Australia (in Melbourne) is decent at the moment. Averaging about 20 degrees celcius a day.

    Nice to have another Aussie Hawk fan on here............ I have never really come accross many in my lifetime.

  14. Quote:

    Lo isn't the answer as far as a bigman is concerned


    If you saw him in the rotation last year, you would know why he is not in the rotation this year. It would have to take some serious injury problems upfront to even consider him.

    I'd rather see Solo get the odd 1, 2, 8 minutes a game than Lo.

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