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Posts posted by Jamil

  1. This is what's wrong with the NBA and MLB as well.

    If this were the NFL, players like Alan Henderson, Chris Crawford and Nazr Mohammed would be asked to restructure their contracts or be cut from the team.

    Of course the blame partially lies upon idiots like Pete Babcock who give these players those deals in the first place, but the team shouldn't be stuck to have to pay big money for small production over the course of several years like with Henderson. A team should have an option at some point of voiding the remainder of the contract. If the player still has some sort of ability, someone out there will pick him up at some price.

    In the case of someone like Crawford, it's unfortunate that he is chronically injured. That's tough. Injuries are a part of sports and only the strong survive. The best interests of the team should be first and foremost. He's making about $3 million a year and that is simply too much for a player who is contributing NOTHING.

  2. In reply to:

    I say we are better off now than we were with Lon.

    The winning percentage is worse under Stotts and he's had more games to get his system in place this season.

    If Lon was the big problem that some thought he was, Stotts isn't doing much to help that argument, and the record proves this.

    In reply to:

    The other thing is coach. As well as Stotts have started, If we are in the business for a new something, I would want Fratello as GM/Coach. Simply because he understands the game on both levels and HE loves Atlanta. Plus he's a good teacher.

    As well as Stotts has started? 19-29 is not well, especially when that has included a large number of double digit losses and a worse record than his predecessor who was fired.

    I wouldn't mind seeing Fratello come back though. I think that Doc Rivers is the man to go after if at all possible. He belongs back in Atlanta. A combination of the two would be wonderful.

  3. I agree with him about the drafting of JT that it was a good decision but it was a no brainer for Babcock because Avery was clearly out of the question. It was time for Mookie to go anyway.

    The SAR deal has not panned out as it should have. I'm sorry, but when you bring in a maximum-salaried player you expect results, in the wins column. People can talk all day about his statistics but since this hasn't translated into wins, you have to wonder what we gained. You also have to consider that he hasn't been a factor in attendance. Gasol comes at a quarter of the cost and is arguably as good as SAR is.

    Obviously the hiring of Kruger was a wrong, and the Rider deal should've resulted in Babcock's immediate firing.

    It would be nice to have Tinsley, but I think a more damning decision to the team was the Robinson trade. There's no denying that he has had a negative impact on the team. I never liked him before and it discusts me that he's a Hawk now. My hope is that out new GM's first order of business is unloading him.

    One more WRONG that Carter should've mentioned was the playoff guarantee. Yes I know that it was Kruger's idea, but that could only have happened with Babcock's approval. It has resulted in one of the biggest embarrassments in franchise history, right up there with the Rider deal.

  4. In reply to:

    Gabrielle should be higher.

    He traded a one dimensional shooter for a 20/10 PF and a 18/5/5 SG. Not to mention Tmac, Hill, and he should have gotten Duncan.

    I'd rank Dumars above Gabriel easily. The Grant Hill trade as an example. The Hill trade has been a total disaster for Orlando that may haunt them for several years. Hill has played about 50 games in 3 years for Orlando and has cost Gabriel's team at least $30 million. Meanwhile, it has been a blessing for Detroit.

    Gabriel should have gotten Duncan, but he didn't.

  5. Hunter didn't do much to impress in Vancouver. Most of all was the mishandling of the Steve Francis situation.

    I'm hopeful that the team will get the right man.

    THE EVIL IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. In reply to:

    Well, I'd argue that there are worse GMs. Jim Paxson in Cleveland immediately comes to mind. Gary St. Jean in Golden State is worthless.

    Pete needs to be replaced, but he isn't the worst GM in the league.

    Paxson has done an awful job but Babcock has done an awful job for many more years so for that reason I'd say Babcock is worse.

    As far as St Jean, he might be worthless but Babcock is worth even less. The Eric Musselman situation is an example.

  7. In reply to:

    As for Babcock, has there been a worse general manager in the NBA?

    No there hasn't and it's high time that he was fired.

    It's unfortunate that things haven't worked out for McMillan in Seattle. The Sonics have not fared better under Nate than they did with Westphal, and are one of only three Western teams with a losing record against the East.

    With that said, if he is to leave Seattle, I'd like to see the Hawks give Nate a shot. He was my #1 choice when the Hawks hired Kruger and I still think that he can succeed as a HC in the NBA. I think that the Hawks biggest weaknesses are areas that Nate can provide the most help (defense and ball movement).

    Fire Kasten and Babcock, hire Pat Croce to run the team and Nate McMillan to coach it.

  8. Were you hoping for something along the lines of:

    "Well, the Hawks are certainly one of the league's up and coming dominant teams of the future. You can just see the progress this team has made over the last four seasons. They have one of the top basketball minds in league history by the name of Pete Babcock. There's a reason why the team said NO THANKS to Jerry West. They knew that West's time was over and that the champions of the future will be build by guys like Pete. Also, look at how Memphis has taken such a big step back since West brought that other old timer, Hubie Brown, aboard...meanwhile, Babcock has the Hawks moving in the right direction!"

  9. Wins at this point do more harm than good.

    We learned last season how finishing out the season strong has absolutely no effect on the following season.

    The Hawks needed to keep their pick and a crack at Lebron James more than they needed a bunch of meaningless wins.

    Of course some fool might think tonight's win will be some kind of catalyst towards a miracle run at the playoffs.

  10. Nellie used to play manute Bol out on the perimeter and encourage him to shoot threes. lol

    Nellie is a wonderful coach tho and has won everywhere he has coached. He wasn't given much of a chance in NY. Milwaukee, Golden State and now Dallas he has won tons of games and a [censored] of a winning percentage.

    The problem is the same as Lenny's. When it comes to playoff time. Has Nellie ever made it to the conference finals? It wouldn't surprise me if the Mavs are out in the first or second round this year.

  11. The Hawks are 15 games below .500 right now.

    The Hawks have won 24 games.

    There are 19 games left in the season.

    It's probably gonna take about a .500 record to get in the playoffs, 41 wins.

    This means the Hawks will probably have to go about 17-2 to get in.

    Winning half of their games lately is a [censored] of alot different than going 17-2.

    No chance of it at all. None.

  12. Lenny's long gone and you still blame him for the price of gas today. Fact is Lenny is the only coach who was determined to make JT a solid PG, and had he been given time he would have. Babcock, Lon and Stotts change their minds every 10-15 games about whether he is playing SG or PG.

    Look at JT's A/TO ratio. It hasn't improved hardly at all from his rookie year under Lenny.

  13. I haven't heard anything about what he's doing since leaving the 76ers. He's a guy with great enthusiasm for the game and has no tolerance for losing. This is the type of person who the Hawks are desperately in need of.

    Stan Kasten is the anti-Croce. He's a man who has great tolerance for losing. Case in point is that Pete Babcock still has a job. Kasten is more concerned about not hurting someone's feelings than winning a championship.

    Babcock is a master at weaseling his way out of trouble after each of his moves fails miserably, and Kasten continues to fall for Babcock's act.

    Every time that Babcock f*cks up - and this has been often over the last few years - he proclaims that "I take 100% responsibility", "It's all my fault", "Nobody deserves blame like I do".

    For a while, it was refreshing to know that Babcock was aware of his own wrongdoings and took full responsibility for them. It also was nice that he took the time to come here at Sturt's asking and lately to answer email questions and of course take the blame for his fuckups.

    However, the act has just gotten old. Now he just comes across as a big baby who thinks he can get out of trouble by taking the blame. Pete now knows that all he has to do is admit his failures and Stan gives him the free pass.

    It appeared all but done that Babcock was on his way out a few weeks ago. Finally, Hawks fans had hope that the architect of this colossal mess that is the Atlanta Hawks was going to be sent packing. Well sure enough, Pete comes forward with "I take full blame for this, but I'd like to be around to try again"..... oh boy....

    And it appears that once again, Stan Kasten has fallen for it.

    I would imagine that if Pat Croce or someone similar were running things, Babcock wouldn't be allowed to try again nor would he be allowed anywhere near Philips Arena. He'd probably have Babcock escorted to the GA State Line by the cops and told never to come back again.

  14. The numbers are very close so I'd say they are about even. When you consider the big difference in salaries ( I think SAR is making about $7 million more per year), Memphis got the better end of that deal by a landslide.

    Bottom line is Babcock dealt the ROY for a maximum-salaried player who hasn't made his team better or put fans in the seats.

    And if Babcock had kept the pick, he probably was gonna take Battier. So either way he makes the wrong decision.

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