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Posts posted by KrishATL

  1. wow !! U would never see Michael Cunningham write an article like this, what a douche bag..

    exactly. MC actually exhibits some class and a humble perspective at all times...I'm just glad our guys or someone in the front office took it to heart enough to paste it in the locker room for everyone to see....if this doesn't ignite their asses to play harder, i don't know what will. of course, we've heard that story before, bit i really do think they get their sh#t together and pull one out in ATL. We better...or else mindless fools like this writer will keep on barking till game 7.

    • Like 1
  2. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/orlando-magic/os-bianchi-magic-0427-20110426,0,7657264.column

    I've read this chump's articles before, but think he took it way too far in this one: it's one thing to display homerism and root for your team no matter the odds, but to go out of your way and make remarks such as , "The Magic are going to win this series and the Birdbrains are going to fold up and collapse like a $5 lawn chair. You know it, I know it and deep down in the lonely recesses of their fragile minds, the Birdbrains know it, too."

    Read the article. Be pissed. I sure am. And good to know, the Hawks are as well: it seems they have printed the article out and stuck it in the locker room.

    I can't wait to close the Magic out...and shut up there writers and fans. what a bunch of imbeciles...

    • Like 4
  3. Hey everyone,

    I haven't posted anything in a long time, but am a avid reader of the site. Anyways, I have lived in Chicago the past 10 years or so, but was brought up in ATL. We have a pretty solid network here of Atlanta sports fans...especially when it comes to football. We have a group of 10 to 20 people who watch EVERY Falcons game at a bar in Lincoln Park called Kelsey's (2265 North Lincoln). We have a bunch of people going to the bar tonight, all u can drink from 6-9pm, and so we warmly welcome any Hawks fans who can make their way up here! Always nice to get Atlanta fans together, especially in a fanatic sports city like Chicago....we gotta represent!!!


  4. Whoa! So Juan Dixon is officially a Hawk? Sweeeeet! Go Terps!

    umm..i actually believe he's just invited to training camp, so not 'officially' a Hawk yet. everyone at camp gets a few pics i figure.

    and was that Jason Collins??? damn...he's become a chubby dude. hope that's not his playing physique. i dont ever remember him being that out of shape.

  5. anyway we can find out if it's really JJ putting up those tweets, even though i still imagine it is him.

    if it is, someone (management, woody, his parents) needs to do something about it...

    mildly retarded or not, he's become borderline disgraceful.

  6. I'm not saying it's the end of the world or that I don't respect JJ now or anything but it's ridiculous for a professional, especially one making so much money, to write things like that where his boss can read it. Agree with that or not but it's true. Do you talk like that? Would you want your children talking like that?

    Who knows how or why he got pulled over, that's not the point, but why mention it on Twitter? It just seems like poor judgment on his part.

    well put Dolfan

  7. Again, I ask you what is his track record? Has he been immature? Has he missed practices? Made stupid comments to the media? Dissed the fans? No. Give him a break. If how someone types on twitter, overrides a 7 year period of actual real life behavior as far as your opinion of that person, then I wonder if your opinion should be of any value to them in first place. The guy has been a good guy. A role model. And all he's really gotten for it is zero press, and zero marketability. Maybe he's trying to show a little something different..

    ..and I will add as a black male hanging out with other black males it is not an uncommon event for police officers in certain areas to pull you over just because you aren't dressed in a suit while driving that luxury vehicle.

    no one is denying his track record...as a matter of fact, that's precisely the reason why i think a few of us are surprised and a bit disappointed. and no one denies that he's still a 'good guy' in a league with some bad raps. but if he really wants to show more 'marketability' as u call it, i can promise u this isn't going to help. what exactly is he trying to market?? his ability to bet large sums of money on tonguing a random chick, his ghetto linguistic skills?? please...

    simply put, if JJ does really talk like that or is tryin to be something else with his boys...he's needs to do so with more discretion. that's all. i guarantee his agent or rick sund has an issue with it...esp if they are planning to extend him to a 4yr/65mil deal or so. and if u've noticed, he HAS been getting noticed around the league. what is it, 3 or 4 all star appearances? and quite a few commercials on top. and he'll get more...but not if he pulls tweets like this.

    i'm starting to realize why the rest of the guys on our team dont really look at him as a leader, and how much more i love the acquisition of joe smith and the extension of bibby. and im not saying they dont speak or act like that off court...but at least they know not to make it public and are smart about it.

    and again, i love JJ... i still think he's a decent guy. but hell what do we really know of these guys?? let's not let our obsession for the team overtake the fact that even some of our players could be pretty rotten people in real life. that's the truth, however much we ignore it or deny it.

  8. man, i hope we get a great game out of him. love the sound of Hanson, Vasquez, Jurrjens, Lowe, and Hudson as our rotation. Honestly, any one of those guys could make a case for being a top of the rotation type of person. If Hudson can pitch well and our Offense pull through tonight, i think we'll be in a decent position to make a run. we have the best pitching between the Rockies and Giants (although the Giants are a close second) and the second best offense behind Colorado.

    i know they have a favorable remainder of the schedule but so do we...we play NYM and WSH in 13 out of the last 19 games, with a series against PHI and FLA in between.

    go braves, get a win tonight! need 3 out of 4 against the FISH.

    and honestly, Matt Diaz is amazing. always liked him over the years but man oh man, he's something else. He has got to be my fav player on this team... esp since Chipper is sucking it up.

  9. At 1st I thought the account was fake. I'm still not 100 sure%. Sekou and Lang Whitaker say its real so IDK. I mean he is paying his boys 5 stacks to makeout with random chicks. WTF?

    yeah, it's pretty sad that the "leader" of our team is sayin s**t like that on a public basis. dont even think J Smoove would be tweeting something so ridiculous.

    I understand that he is in a relaxed environment and that he prolly had something to drink, but u still have to be more acountable. esp when u're making around 16 mill a year and have legitimized yourself as one the top players in the nba and as the face of a young but contending team.

    disappointed. talk like a man JJ. or keep your account private if u cant.

    and this is coming from a huge fan of his...i love his game no matter what, but there are kids out there who are more impressionable who look up to him for his off the field stuff too. he needs to understand that.

  10. Y thank you sir.

    true that. it's a testament to where we are as a team when we're discussing a third option for Center coming off the bench so heavily...few years ago, we wouldn't have even cared who rounded off the bench. love it.

    J Collins is going to be put in to draw some fouls, charges and whatnot, or just to bully around some people down low.

    he prob wont even see legit minutes, but the point is, if he were to in case one of our bigs gets hurt (which WILL happen sometime during the season), he should be able to carry those minutes without being a detriment to the team. it's on this season...

    and as a side note...i finally got my girlfriend to watch some games with me...she's finally a basketball fan. hell yeah. and what do u know, her favorite players are Zaza (bc she likes it when the PA goes crazy sayin ZA ZA Pachooooolia!) and Bibby (bc she finds him cute with his little skipping he does). haha. whatever works right guys. ill take it.

    she even bought me the NBA package this year out of the blue. livin in the CHI, i can cont to watch all the Hawks games i want. hell yeah :)

  11. It'll be really hard to improve over last season but when everybody stays healthy even ECFs are possible.

    Very exciting season with the highest expectations since over a decade.

    now if only the Braves could win 3 out of 4 against FLA. damn their inconsistency! it's an absolute tease.

    and hell yeah...go Dirty Birds! ...that's actually my FF name in my league...and i ended up with Roddy White, Tony Gonzalez, and Matt Ryan...so i'm hoping for big things from our team and those guys. enough to compensate for our lackluster Defense at least!

  12. i mean obviously he's past his prime and he never was an amazing player, but he seems to have a decent mid range jump shot, in the mold of zaza...and seems pretty darn good at drawing charges, which i always love. for the league vet minimum and a 11th//12th guy off the bench, we could do worse.

    and of course the video is just highlights, so everyone looks good when they make jumpers and stuff but for whatever reason, i'm ok with this deal. as the saying goes...u can never have enough big bodies, esp with the big men in our conference this year.

    i mean obviously he's past his prime and he never was an amazing player, but he seems to have a decent mid range jump shot, in the mold of zaza...and seems pretty darn good at drawing charges, which i always love. for the league vet minimum and a 11th//12th guy off the bench, we could do worse.

    and of course the video is just highlights, so everyone looks good when they make jumpers and stuff but for whatever reason, i'm ok with this deal. as the saying goes...u can never have enough big bodies, esp with the big men in our conference this year.

    need to press play again to watch it...

  13. Church is a class act who just knows how to play baseball...no if's and but's about it. the guy plays the game hard no matter what...and that's Bobby's kind of player.

    it's almost guaranteed that he's gonna see platoon action with Diaz in RF. Hopefully, once Infante comes back, we'll see platoon a bit in LF. only problem with that is i think G Anderson hits better against LHP.

    hopefully, Bobby maximizes this lineup now...

    ugh, sucks to be 5 back now behind Philly...and now they have Ibanez back. let's go Lowe. make it happen. we didnt pay u all this money to be our worst starter! :)

  14. It is simply amazing that the Falcons went from being one of the least stable franchises to one of the most stable in virtually no time at all. How many NFL teams have no issues at all regarding GM, HC, QB, all the skill positions on offense, (at least 4 of the) O- Line, Kickers, and most of the defense. Simply amazing. If Matt Ryan stays healthy, this team can be special for years to come. I am happy for Mr. Blank. He seems like a decent man and he deserves to enjoy some success.

    couldn't agree more Scottt,

    Mr. Blank seems like a genuinely good person and it's great that his money, hard work, and patience are finally paying off....he's been taken advantage of too often in the past by the likes of Vick, Petrino, and even Mora...so couldn't be happier that he's surrounded himself with guys who care for him and look up to him in Dimitroff, Coach Smith, and M Ryan. Just a great story. and he deserves a lot of that credit. Can't wait for this year!!! even with the tougher schedule, think we're gonna go 12-4 :)

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