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Posts posted by chips

  1. I am not the type to get on and rant after a loss. Infact, I stay away from message boards because all you see is knee jerk reactions and a bunch of "fans" giving their exagerated opinions of how great we are one day and terrible the next. But, after tonights disgrace I couldn't resist. Our team is VERY atheletic. Problem is, we have a bunch of emotional guys that are not the smartest guys in the world. SO sick and tires of watching Josh Smith mope around every time he THINKS he gets fouled. Not to mention he is probably our WORSE 3 point shooter (I would say Horford is even better if he actually shot them) and he takes the do or die shot with way too much time left to not give it to Bibby, Crawford, or Joe......or an 8th grader that could have been sitting in the crowd that wins his school yard game of horse....ANYONE BUT HIM!... Not to mention that Woodson should have called a time out way before the game was tied and chew everyone out. He waits till its already blown, then he tries to get the troops settled down. Lets face it...We will be the forth seed...Teams above us are losing (to quality teams) and we cant take advantage because we lose to the Heat at home (blown out) and a team with only 15 wins by blowing a 19 point lead. We need to grow up. Games like this make me want to just wait until the playoffs and watch then as the next couple months are pointless and it is enevitable where we are gonna end up...4TH SEED. wE MIGHT HAVE THE most explosive team in the league, but I think they are also all dumb as bricks, Especially Josh and Jamal.

  2. Had to changge the channel.....look awful on offense...that unwatchable awful we were on the road last year. We are playing lazy on defense and not even attempting to put a hand in the face of the wide open 3 point shooters

  3. Think like me huh???? So you want a message board in which people cant have opinions different than yours??? I was never being racist. I made a valid point and all the homers here want to cry when it is something they dont like. Dont tell me what will fly around here.......a message board works bc people express their opinions......Its ignorance from people like you that turn every thing into some kind of hate post....Grow up, and stop acting crying when people express opinions different than yours.

  4. You people pulling the race card make me laugh....I can honestly say I thought nothing of race when I said Josh Smith acts like a thug. Im talking about the fact that he is getting in people face and yelling "bring it homeboi!" If a white player did that I would say that is acting thugish. Please read the post carefully before you post. Everyone is so quick to pull the race card for no reason. I see you have Vick on your post by the way.....hes a thug too.

  5. After these last two embarassments called basketball games, I was steaming. I was excited as anyone when I heard about Bibby. Why did I buy into the hype?? I know it has only been two games, but its not looking promising. Still the same old Hawks. Here is my view:

    Acie: Showing a little promise now that he is getting some minutes. He is good at cutting to the hoop, but looks so timid when shooting. I see him all the time wide open at the three point line and I see myself screaming shoot, as he kicks it into Zaza for some kind of wild throw of the backboard, which atleast makes me laugh really hard.

    Bibby: Who knows? Right now plays a little outta control but what can you expect. He seems to expect our players to zig right when they zag.

    Josh Smith: First of all, why even shoot jumpers Josh? It is more than likely not going in. Also, his shot looks like a 7th grade girl basketball player is shooting it. He airballs 15 footers, Hits the top of the backboard, or clanks the rim so loud I feel I need a pair of ear muffs to watch the game. Don't get me wrong, I think he is a great player. He needs to know his strength though, and shooting three pointers is not it. Also, don't try to be Steve Nash and throw behind the head past on fast break . I feel more comfortable with Horford running the break than Josh. Finally, dont be a thug like screaming "BRING IT HOMEBOI" really loud after a dunk.

    Joe Johnson: Please be more consistent! Looks like he cant miss some nights, then comes out shooting 6-19 the next. I think he is our best player, when he wants to be. Looks unhappy all the time though. Doesnt act like a leader either. I want to see him in someones face now and again.

    Horford: Nothing but positives. Never seems to get the benefit of the doubt from the refs, which often gets him in foul trouble, but he is a work horse. I think he will be our best player in a couple years. If he puts on a little more size he will be scary good. I think he has a lot of intangibles. Very smart basketball player.

    Childress: Quickly becoming my favorite. Never gives anything less than 100%. Shoots like a girl, but it goes in! Always seems to be in the right place at the right time. Would be really good if he played for a team like the suns.

    Marvin: Looking bad lately. Game has become very one demensional. Hit the little 15 footer or nothing else. I always like when he runs the floor, cuts to the basket, and gets to the line. Now all he wants to do his shoot his little jumper. Very soft. Lacks confidence. Not Chris Paul frown.gif.

    ZaZa: First off, how did this guy get called one of the best looking Atlantans??? After I heard he got that, I thought about going to Polo and being an under wear model. Hes not only not attractive....Hes plain ugly....just like his game. Like in the game against the Kings. He pump fakes, the drives to the hoop and throws it over the rim and hits the right side of the square shooting from the left side....How do you do that on purpose? He is another guy that gives me comic relief when we are looking like trash. Then he has the ball at the top of the key and throws it right to Artest. I used to take up for him, now I laugh at his goofy butt. ZaZa is a goob. But he sure is a hottie.

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