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Posts posted by h2t

  1. +1 to pretty much everything he said. We need a center but I'm not sure moving Smoove to SF is a viable option. But if I had to choose between getting a center and trading Smoove or not getting a center and keeping Smoove I'd have to say yes to a center.

    I honestly hope we resign Joe. All the iso s*** and everything that happened in the playoffs this year have made people forget how good he is. Assuming the new coach has a clue on offense that'll greatly help Joe. Not to mention his beastlyness on defense.

    Teague/Joe/Salmons/Horf/Center + Jeff Van Gundy is my dream but probably will never happen.

  2. I've been a Woody basher for a long long time and still have some concerns with how we're gonna score points in the playoffs. But hating on Woody at this point in the season is pretty ridiculous. He's done everything right this year. Everything.

    The defense is frustrating at times with all the switching and the mismatches they create but you can't argue with the results.

    Offensively we're #2 in offensive efficiency..right behind the Suns. I know we struggle a bit in the halfcourt but still..

    Basically I don't think Woody is the worst coach in the NBA like i did a couple years ago. He's closer to middle of the pack. BUT middle of the pack or not..I think he's doing a great f***ing job this year and should get some credit. Not everyone can be Sloan or Jackson or Pop..right now i'm content with Woody.

    Again though i'm really interested to see how we fare in the playoffs. In the end I think whether Woody is resigned depends on our postseason success this year and rightfully so.

  3. I think the hawks will do well in January. I'm not that worried.


    I mean i don't think we're gonna be anything other than the 3 or 4 seed anyway..so homecourt in the later rounds isn't really on my radar. It doesn't matter if we lose all those games we're still gonna get the 4 seed at worst and at the end it's all about matchups in the playoffs. As long as we get Bos/Cle in the 2nd round and there are no major injuries i don't care what happens in the regular season.

  4. I'm a pretty big Woody basher and even i've have had trouble finding much to complain about this year. Joe's minutes are down a bit and they should go down even more as the season progresses. Teague isn't getting many minutes because he's been horrible.

    Woody is obv incompetent when it comes to offense but in all other phases he's done a good job this season imo. And even the 'offense' has been efficient because of all the fast break opportunities and second chance points. But what really matters is how we play in the playoffs. I dunno if Woody and his philosophies are good enough to take the Hawks to the finals..this year or any other year. I really hope he is though.

  5. I'm a big fan of Teague but he realllllly struggled in the 5 minutes he got in the first half. Woody was smart to leave him on the bench in the 2nd in that environment. Let's just hope Woody doesn't read too much into it and keeps putting Teague in there.

  6. lol

    I havn't had many complaints about Woody this year but i can't help but remember the Charlotte and LA losses. Those were ugly games.

    The Boston win was great but let's not get ahead of ourselves. Woody is Woody and i'm sure he'll do some ridiculous stuff this season...remember him running Joe into the ground last year because he wanted Joe to be an Allstar?

  7. I just don't understand how people can think the Hawks won't improve on their 47-35 record this year...much less have a worse record. The young core is a year older, the team overall is loads deeper and more talented and experienced, and it's not like the East has gotten much better..if at all. We'll probably still be the #4 seed but we'll be a helluva lot closer to #3 than 11 freakin games.

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  8. I can see where Woody is coming from actually and am surprised we hadn't heard him complain sooner. I like the way Sund is handling this though..if he is indeed going to wait til the end of the season. Hopefully Sund doesn't give in just because of Woody's improving record. What a joke it would be to go through this teams prime with Woody as coach.

  9. Yup. If Al manages to get consistent with the jumpshot, improve his footwork, and take people of the dribble. If Josh Smith improves that 3 ball, and focuses more on driving to the basket. If Marvin improves his handles and continues to improve his shot. If Teague can come in and contribute as a drive-and-dish player.

    If we make all of those strides then we can compete with anybody in the league.

    I think Josh improving his 3 ball is about the worst thing that could happen.

    Now that Crawford is on the bench there really is no excuse to Joe being on the floor 40 mins a game. But with Woody who knows..

  10. If this team wins 50 games and makes the 2nd round I don't see how Sund doesn't give Woody an extension. Woody will harp on the progress they've made this decade under his watch and survive like he always does. Pretty depressing to think that this teams peak will be wasted with him as coach.

    If Sund does hire an upgrade then we should name the damn city after him. He'd be pretty much a god in my eyes.

  11. Assuming we get a quality big...

    54-28...4th behind Cle, Bos, Orl. We get knocked out of the 2nd round again by Cle. Woody finally gets his *ss s*** canned. We resign Joe + replace Mo + add more depth in the frontcourt and make a serious championship run in 2010 with someone who has a clue at the helm.


  12. Why is everyone so negative about our pick. First off Lawson wasnt available and second Teague has more potential than Lawson. Blessing in disguise. Teague will be our starting PG by mid season even if we resign Bibby. He will blossom like Bradon Roy did. Watch......


    Even if Bibs got hurt there's a pretty good chance Woody would move Crawford to starting PG instead of Teague.

    I think he'll 'blossom' too but not in his first year. Would be awesome if he proved me wrong though.

  13. wow....this series has turned into a nightmare.

    Now Joe hurt his ankle. What's next? Woody signs a 5 year extension?

    Only Bibby and Smith are healthy from our starting 5.

    If I had a white towel, I would be throwing it. I will be

    amazed if we don't get swept.

    i lol'd pretty hard

    and then i died a little inside when i realized it's probably a possibility.

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