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Posts posted by Jammin29

  1. His job is to work on BOTH facets of the game. We play well when we play consistent defense, and a lot of that credit goes to him. But, he hasn't installed an offensive identity, which bothers me. Either get someone who you will allow total control to coach up offense, or focus on both offense and defense while not shafting the other.

    He doesn't totally ignore the offence in training, hes just more focused on defence. If we can't play consistency on defense (which isnt woody's fault), how will we be able to develop an offensive and defensive identity at the same time ?

    One thing he needs to do though is tell Josh Smith to play in his damn limitations and run more pick and rolls, other then small decisions like that, that are made in during the game which the players should be able to make for themselves. Im fine with him developing a defensive identity before the offense.

  2. Do you think Woody will work hard on working out a good offensive system for us to play in, woodys a defensive coach as you know, hes not an idiot, he is capable of putting in a real offensive system. So once we become consistent at what he wants to achieve on defense, will he work on our offense ? I think we defiantly will.

    In my opinion its our biggest problem and everybody on here thinks woodson is an idiot. Maybe he's just taking it one step at a time instead of trying to do to much because we are still yet to be consistently good on defense. I don't believe we should risk firing woody, much like I don't believe we should even be thinking about trading Josh Smith for the same reason; untill we have a good offensive system. Woody is the one who made us a good lock down defensive team(well its far from consistent), we dont have great man defenders on our team but once we get the defense consistent, then we work on the offense, much like the pistons.

  3. Defence was fine, just not as good as it was last game but it was okay. When Wade goes off, you can't blame the defense. Coaching was fine as well, its still a players game, can't blame woodson for our lack of ability to close out and at the point when wade was going off, we needed buckets, mario isnt such a great defender he can stop wade when hes on fine.

    Personally I think it would have been a different game if we didn't miss 11 threw throws and if jj and flip would have made a few more shots that they missed. If that happened we still would have had the crowd rockin the arena and we play 10000x better with crowd being loud. :)

  4. Well if speedy is healthy i see Acie and Speedy pretty much alternating playing off the bench, some games acie will play more, some guys speedy will play more but i think speedy will get the majority of time off the bench. I dont think woody cares about devolping Acie when he just wants to win and he prefers vets. None of our PGs can play SG and i dont even wanna attempt to develop Acie at SG, he far better suits PG (but he needs to improve his playmaking and passing).

  5. I want pargo here but I dont wanna play Pargo at 1, he is a SG in PG body, if he comes hope we keep our gaurds and pargo plays a combination sg/pg mostly sg. Bibby is still a top ten gaurd when healthy (around 10) and he's got a big expiring.

  6. A centers most important job is rebounding, we are a fast break team, whats marvin gonna do with his new 3pt shooting skills, he doesnt have the height to shoot over big guys, doesnt have the footwork to beat them.

    Marvin just needs to improve his ball handling and he's quiet the small forward.

  7. well we do have 3 pgs already so i dont mind not signing him but Pargo would be great to have, i like his guy alot. he can play SG despite his size, kinda like salim cept not as good shooter but better scorer. He is a SG trapped in a PG body. Next year if we dont have bibby, put him at pg, speedy is bound to hurt himself this season (sadly) and Pargo could play PG then.

    Elston would be great to have tho

  8. PG Acie Law

    SG Koe Bryant

    SF Lebron James

    PF Tim Duncan

    CT Dwight Howard

    PG Chris Paul

    SG Joe Johnson

    SF Lebron James

    PF Tim Duncan

    CT Dwight Howard

    PG Chris Paul

    SG Koe Bryant

    SF Marvin Williams

    PF Tim Duncan

    CT Dwight Howard

    PG Chris Paul

    SG Koe Bryant

    SF Lebron James

    PF Josh Smith

    CT Dwight Howard

    PG Chris Paul

    SG Koe Bryant

    SF Lebron James

    PF Tim Duncan

    CT Al Horford


  9. I have a system for converting Euroleague performance to NBA performance, one that's been uncanny in its accuracy in previous seasons. For instance, a year ago I projected a PER of 7.36 for Marco Belinelli, 15.16 for Juan Carlos Navarro and 16.27 for Luis Scola. The actual numbers were 8.23, 11.90 and 16.18, with only Navarro deviating from his projection. Previous seasons have shown similar accuracy.

    The reason this works is that there's a predictable relationship between a player's stats in the Euroleague -- the highest level of European basketball -- and what they'll be in the NBA. Crossing the Atlantic does the following to a player's results:

    • Scoring rate decreases 25 percent

    • Rebound rate increases by 18 percent (there are more missed shots in NBA play)

    • Assist rate increases by 31 percent (Euro scorers are tightwads with assists)

    • Shooting percentage drops by 12 percent

    • Overall, PER drops by 30 percent.

    dont know how accurate this is, thanx for Big three at another site for posting it.

    he's not our solution for anything but it would be great pick up. nothing to big but still a good pick up. If he can come off the bench get 5pts,3boards,run the fast break,give the starters a breather, pump up the fans/players with some big dunks, ill be happy.

  10. Id love to sign this guy, just for the highlights. I dont think we need to sign him but it had be nice to have him as a player. I think he'd fit that 7 second plan we had in the playoffs but He is an open lane guy, maybe woody will realize that try some new plays that dont involve isolating JJ like in the whole reg season., then everybody wins. possibly bring some fans. I know id pay to watch him. get it done sund

  11. thanx

    lol man i screw text everytime i do any gfx. gotta be more careful

    ohh it wasnt ment to look dissapointed, i just really like the pic. coz it works with the effect i put on it.

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