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Posts posted by terrellgroup

  1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.peachtreehoops.com/platform/amp/2017/8/7/16103584/luke-babbitt-atlanta-hawks-free-agency-scouting-report



    If you read this article, especially the last paragraph about Miami having two guards that can penetrate which created spacing for Luke to shoot. We don't have two penetrating guards , unless your adding Bembry. Delaney is not that guy. So, what guards are left that can penetrate? I know of one, Trey Burke. That is only if the price is right.



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  2. Burke isn't an NBA talent ... he isn't very good ... he can't defend ... he can't run an offense and he doesn't shoot very consistently ... he would do better in China or Europe.  I wouldn't want to waste a roster spot on him.  



    So tell me, how has Clark, Quinn, or Weber performed as starters? Sorry, wait, none of has ever started in the NBA.


    All we need is a back up point, in case Dennis gets hurt or whatever.

    I know what Trey brings to the table, you are guessing, assuming what those others guys will do.


    If Trey is available at for little , I would take it.



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  3. Good morning Hawks fans. I'm curious , which point guard is better for us. I personally like Clark's size, but is really a point guard? He kinda remind me Malcolm. We don't need another Malcolm. Cook got some upside , but he is only 6 feet. I am not familiar with Weber, he appears to be a good defender,I am concern about his play making ability in half court.





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  4. Pretty much why I want him as one of the three listed points in addition to Bembry possibly helping out there and Jose not being the dead set second point guard. Can run the offense but if his shot is not on then his defense will hurt the plus/minus so see him as a part of our rotation and a teacher as well but not consistently getting twenty minutes every game. As always, I don't see Bud pulling the trigger for Bembry to be the second point but we have a few possibilities anyway.



    Don't you think Bembry should learn how to play point from a big point guard prospective, not by someone whose game is completely different than his?


    Playing point isn't Bembry's natural position ya know.



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  5. Unless Schlenk pulls off a Ferry level trade don't see Sap and Tim on our roster together next season. Hoping for a trade of Baze and/or Dwight is one thing but its a lot to expect right off the bat from Schlenk. Still hoping Tim ends up replacing Baze as a somewhat lesser expense of a contract but hedging my expectations.



    Thomas , I agree with you



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  6. We have a starting 2 and 5 being paid tons of money. It's highly unlikely either will be someplace else next year. We'll probably address the 4 spot heavily in the draft and either by re-signing Millsap or finding a replacement from another team. That's a given. 

    If we don't have a backup PG capable of starting then nothing else will matter next season. 



    How much a player is getting paid , has nothing to do with being legitimate starter. Howard maybe here another year or so, but he is definitely not the future.


    The Hawks future is Dennis and prince, at least for right now.


    If we do resign Sap, he is still not your future. Milsap is your right now, hell isnt he like 30 plus.


    Like I said in my post, about me being a GM and what I would do.

    If you resign Sap you better have a legit 2 guard to sign with him , like a trade for Derozan , or Butler. If you not seriously upgrading the 2 position, why resign him? That makes no sense




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  7. By now you've heard about all the cp3 to Spurs rumors this summer, well the rumor in my opinion seems legit and something the Spurs will try to make happen but to do this they must unload salary as it's the only way possible for them to pick up cp3 and give him the money he would command.

    so I bring up our Hawks being that we've done business before with the Spurs  (splitter) and because of Buds ties to their franchise I'm thinking our new GM is going to get a phone call from the Spurs this summer about unloading a few of their players to make this happen and unlike last time these players have a bit more quality. 

    The players I'm seeing that's likely going to be dealt is Danny Green & Patty Mills if the Spurs are going to make this happen  .simi if the Hawks could possibly land one of two green or mills or both would that satisfy you as a Hawks fan? Or do you feel like we are just doing the Spurs a favor again?



    To put it simply, NO



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  8. Melo is a defensive black hole.  115 is defense with Melo on court, 108 = off court.  No thank you.  Offensively on court = +3.8.  So yes Melo helps an offense but he kills a defense. Melo doesn't help anyone win.

    Offense: Pts per 100 Poss.
    Defense: Pts per 100 Poss.

    Compare this with THj.  The team is .4 points better with THj on the floor defensively but 9.1 points better offensively.

    Offense: Pts per 100 Poss.
    Defense: Pts per 100 Poss.

    THj is considered to be a poor defender (mostly based on reputation) but these charts show the team is slightly better with him on the floor defensively and he's 3x the impact on offense as Melo.  Consider Melo from 3 years ago.

    Offense: Pts per 100 Poss.
    Defense: Pts per 100 Poss.

    Here you'd have an argument that his offense mitigates the poor defense but he's been trending worse and worse for years. A change of scenery at his age isn't going to make it better.



    I wish we can get butler, pg 13, or Gordon. So, Removing them from available guys, who is next? Waiters, huh Gallinari (which I do like).


    Look, This is what I know, hawks CANNOT bring that same line up as last year, that's lame. Actually insane.


    Stats does not override selling tickets and I would go see melo and sap on the court.



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  9. Melo is a defensive black hole.  115 is defense with Melo on court, 108 = off court.  No thank you.  Offensively on court = +3.8.  So yes Melo helps an offense but he kills a defense. Melo doesn't help anyone win.

    Offense: Pts per 100 Poss.
    Defense: Pts per 100 Poss.

    Compare this with THj.  The team is .4 points better with THj on the floor defensively but 9.1 points better offensively.

    Offense: Pts per 100 Poss.
    Defense: Pts per 100 Poss.

    THj is considered to be a poor defender (mostly based on reputation) but these charts show the team is slightly better with him on the floor defensively and he's 3x the impact on offense as Melo.  Consider Melo from 3 years ago.

    Offense: Pts per 100 Poss.
    Defense: Pts per 100 Poss.

    Here you'd have an argument that his offense mitigates the poor defense but he's been trending worse and worse for years. A change of scenery at his age isn't going to make it better.



    Melo plays defense when wants to. In addition, you never know, he is pissed at the knicks so he might have something to prove.


    Peep this, with melo and sap on court, what team in the east has a better duo forward lineup?



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  10. You have 5 1st round picks in the next 3 years(ish) + the first pick in the 2nd this year. You already have Prince, Bembry, Dennis as young players. When you roll those salary commits into the next 3 years it comes out to a payroll of about 35-45 million in 9 players.  Which means you have approximately 65 million to spend on 6 other players in 2020.  Do you really want one of those 6 to be a 35 year old Sap at $40 million?  Think about this and Nameste.



    I understand the numbers but I don't think the owner wants to wait. Well that is what he said on 92.9. And it's pretty evident that the owner doesn't want to wait when offering 4 first round picks for pg13 .


    So the best doable chance of winning in the next 2 years is melo. Now melo is not one of my favorite players, but we need a consistent scorer, besides sap. I think he can get the job done



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  11. This team would be betting a lot on the vets staying healthy AND productive. This would be a gamble that I could easily see this team losing in the short and long run. 

    Plus Melo is not saving this team. No need for to make the cap worse for a suspect "big 3". That is exactly what that combination of players would be. 



    There is no point in resigning Milsap, if you don't intend to go all end. If the plan is to strategically passive , simply let sap walk



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  12. I agree, tyreke is not he best shooter, BUT, he is older, I can't speaker for him , but I'm he is no longer an impact player, he might go for a small increase in salary.


    Look, camelo, Howard and sap are older, I think all of them wants that ring. I can't speak on their relationship. But what I do know is that squad would be hard to beat.

    This squad gives options. Bud can pick , based on his opponents who starts. By default my starters would be : Dennis, prince, lo, sap, and Howard



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  13. Sigh, but no. This is the same thing as "Paul Millsap can play small forward!"

    Just because they might be able to guard 1-4 (I think Prince can), doesn't mean they can guard a smaller guard full time.



    I left out , you can go bigger with:







  14. Sigh, but no. This is the same thing as "Paul Millsap can play small forward!"

    Just because they might be able to guard 1-4 (I think Prince can), doesn't mean they can guard a smaller guard full time.



    That is why you have options, you still have Thj or bazemore.



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  15. Taurean Prince doesn't have the lateral speed to play shooting guard.



    I think he can against some 2 guards, in addition he has an advantage against the smaller ones.


    Tyreke can help Bembry learn how to play , the 1,2 and 3 position.


    Plus if you want to go small you can play:







    That is a nice squad. Camelo is doable player who can get 15 to 20 points per game with little effort.




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  16. First, I am not sure if we can sign both Milsap and Thj, but if we can , this is what I would do as GM:


    Before signing Sap, I would make a trade for Carmelo, perhaps the knicks would except and first round this year and second round 2018. If so,







    2 squad


    Tyreke Evans, Malcolm




    I would love to get Gordon, pg13 or butler, but that is unlikely.


    With this lineup, the Hawks would be second in the east




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  17. 18 minutes ago, JTB said:

    Honestly it really depends....SGs available in free agency this off season aren't very talented. You will see teams pursue THJ.

    THJ being a starter isn't backwards. THJ started on and off all year this year despite showing he should have just been awarded as a starter. This is the first time he's played in a constructed offense and he vastly improved. If you think a 24 year old can't continue to improve that's fits the "backwards thinking" quote. 

    -Rudy Gay doesn't even try on defense so no need to pursue him . Plus he's looking for big time money.

    -I don't trust waiters, he had one good...decent actually is more fitting season. Waiters has had plenty of opportunities to prove himself even more so than THJ and he's now just having one decent year in year 5? Yet THJ is going backwards????? THJ actually played better than waiters and this is his 3rd season.

    -will Barton to me is on the same level of Hardaway jr. Also until he actually plays some meaningful basketball in his NBA career I wouldn't just assume he's so much better than THJ especially when the pressure isn't the same. Expectations for the nuggets are low. People or general fan base at least know the Hawks will be in the playoffs year in and year out.

    -Gallanari yes! Yes! Yes! ....not sure how long you've been on the squawk but everyone or at least most have been dying to get Gallanari! Hopefully we can find a way to get him this summer as he would be dominating under bud. Only issue is his health as he misses a lot of time but hell its worth taking the risk. We may get lucky like the rockets did with Eric Gordon and Gallanari plays the whole season.


    last starting prince at SG I would be ok with if we got Gallanari and retained THJ. Either way it goes i have no problem starting THJ next season as he's already showing huge improvement under just year 2 with bud and he's extremely young therefore no need to be down or give up on a 23 year old.


    3 minutes ago, Ropadope said:

    Yeah, no thanks on THjr as a starter. His defense stinks and he was exposed against Washington. Too streaky on offense.  He's a backup.

    I agree, Thj is not a legit starter. Ressler, like myself , wants to win now. I tired of playing around 

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