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Posts posted by CODHAWKSFAN

  1. Side note, checked out Peachtree Hoops, that's where Norhtcyde's been in exile. A lot of questionable posts over there like he did here. Praising Joe's teams at every turn, popping his head out for the few losses, head back in the sand for wins smh.

    Apparently Bill Simmons thinks Ferry will win EOY and there's a pretty funny narrative about all the excuses the media gives for us winning. Good stuff. After beating arguably the most athletic front line with our backup PG starting versus "the best PG in the game" (wildly overrated if you ask me but whatever) and championship-ring wearing coach, nothing would surprise me with this team.

    Northcyde has and I think will always be a pessimist to the Hawks, glad he hasn't been around lately.

  2. I would hope that Ferry didn't actually use this to consider Deng's validity as a free agent. Until that comes from someone other than Gearon I'm going to have a hard time believing it. If it is the case, then Ferry should be fired immediately.

    It was said in the 92.9 interview that Danny was actually the person who was pushing to get Deng.

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  3. I've personally spent a lot of time around there. I went to GSU for undergrad in the early 2000's, law school in the late 2000's, and have worked around the Fulton County courthouse area for 12-13 yrs. I've personally been threatened and almost mugged in Barbara Asher Square (coincidentally two cops came around the corner and the guy ran), which is just a couple blocks away from Philips. I've had my car broken into in parking decks on more than one occasion. I've personally witnessed two dumbass kids smoking weed a stone's throw away from the police station that's on Pryor. (Not that I really care about weed - just sayin' that's pretty ballsy to be doing right behind a police station.) I've seen LOTS of crackheads; lots of other people wigging out on something or another. I've had friends who were robbed. I've seen all kinds of crazy people doing crazy stuff. And as a GSU alum I was still getting Campus Alerts until about a year ago when I asked them to stop sending me that crap. Some of the stuff I read there was nuts - people getting held up in broad daylight; break-ins; assaults; etc. So let's not pretend downtown Atlanta is Mayberry or anything. It's not. And granted, I have seen a lot more of this sort of thing than the average person because I am down there all the time. My wife works downtown. I am and have been down there a ton for school and work. I have friends who live down there (on Mitchell St) that I visit regularly. But none of that stuff has really phased me. I still go to games. I still go down there for work and alumni events. But the stuff about downtown by Philips not being safe isn't just made up. It's part of being in a big city.

    Obviously we have all had different experiences downtown... some good some bad. My point is no matter how "bad" people want to say downtown is, it still doesn't stop them from going to falcons games, concerts, parades, bowl games, Oprah, etc... bottom line, is that the excuse of it being to dangerous to go to a hawks game makes absolutely no sense, considering the fact that it doesn't keep them from coming to other events in the downtown area. Can we agree on that? I mean are the falcons or any of these other events downtown doing anything that the hawks are not doing to make sure you make it to the event safely?

  4. I've personally spent a lot of time around there. I went to GSU for undergrad in the early 2000's, law school in the late 2000's, and have worked around the Fulton County courthouse area for 12-13 yrs. I've personally been threatened and almost mugged in Barbara Asher Square (coincidentally two cops came around the corner and the guy ran), which is just a couple blocks away from Philips. I've had my car broken into in parking decks on more than one occasion. I've personally witnessed two dumbass kids smoking weed a stone's throw away from the police station that's on Pryor. (Not that I really care about weed - just sayin' that's pretty ballsy to be doing right behind a police station.) I've seen LOTS of crackheads; lots of other people wigging out on something or another. I've had friends who were robbed. I've seen all kinds of crazy people doing crazy stuff. And as a GSU alum I was still getting Campus Alerts until about a year ago when I asked them to stop sending me that crap. Some of the stuff I read there was nuts - people getting held up in broad daylight; break-ins; assaults; etc. So let's not pretend downtown Atlanta is Mayberry or anything. It's not. And granted, I have seen a lot more of this sort of thing than the average person because I am down there all the time. My wife works downtown. I am and have been down there a ton for school and work. I have friends who live down there (on Mitchell St) that I visit regularly. But none of that stuff has really phased me. I still go to games. I still go down there for work and alumni events. But the stuff about downtown by Philips not being safe isn't just made up. It's part of being in a big city.

    Obviously we have all had different experiences downtown... some good some bad. My point is no matter how "bad" people want to say downtown is, it still doesn't stop them from going to falcons games, concerts, parades, bowl games, Oprah, etc... bottom line, is that the excuse of it being to dangerous to go to a hawks game makes absolutely no sense, considering the fact that it doesn't keep them from coming to other events in the downtown area. Can we agree on that? I mean are the Falcons or any other event doing anything that the Hawks aren't doing to make sure you make it to the event safely?

  5. Where did I say it was an excuse for anything? I just said it is like this in most cities. Most cities have their sports arenas in downtown areas that have some rough ie bad parts of town somewhere around it. That is just how it is. I don't understand why this is even up for debate. Atlanta is no different than any other city in the country in this regard.

    The topic of this thread is talking about Philips (or the area around Philips) being unsafe, which is being used as an excuse, or a reason why people don't want to come to hawks games. You are backing up the claim that it is unsafe by claiming that you see drug deals and people try to wash your windows (which I call bs on). I used to drive downtown EVERYDAY for at least 8 years and I have never seen anything of the sort, however someone will ask if you have some extra change. What I am saying is that excuse has NOTHING to do with it, because people still show up to these same "unsafe" places or areas for Concerts, football/bowlgames, baseball games etc...

  6. Yep. People can act like the area you have to drive through to get to the arena is fully of rainbows and unicorns but let's at least be honest. The area immediately around the arena is safe but getting TO the arena you have to go through some rough parts. That's just how it is. It is like that in most cities as well.

    And yet, people still showed up to Braves games for years. There was no excuse of traffic, even though there is more traffic going to a braves game coming from both directions and it being a worse area than Philips Arena.

  7. Sorry but this has been discussed many times before 2012, I remember seeing this topic several times and there were people saying that it is unsafe. I find that funny because the Braves stadium is in the center of the Atlanta ghetto, and no one has a problem going there, and you also don't hear these silly excuses like traffic, danger etc.... during falcons games, big concerts, when LeBron or any other celebrity is in town. These are ALL LAME excuses.

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  8. I'm sorry but today's game show a great disparity between fouls for and vs. We were getting hammered in there with no call. Tyler Hansborough in the third was a joke right. Over the back. Over the back. Over the back. Offensive foul.. Push off. Over the back.ANd sorry but our guys (PGs) do push the ball into the lane, get hacked and deserved the same call that their guys get. All that said, we deserved to lose because of the downright lack of BBIQ our guys have shown. turn the page.

    Hate to say it but I told you so....the refs let them beat people up, but you cannot touch them in their building, its crazy!
  9. To the Pacers fan:I personally do not have any problems with you being around, as long as it is respectful. On another note I do not blame your team for being aggressive, that is what they are supposed to do. However I feel like the refs know this is the way that you guys when games so they let you guys get away with it more, especially in your home building. That is what I meant in my first post about being beat up.I mean I have never seen a team be aloud to pound push slap and knock over players, like that (except the good Detroit teams)! If the Pacers play the way they have been playing the last couple of years, you are going to see a lot of complaints here.

  10. Update: With Chicago winning their game against the Magic last night, we are now a half game ahead of them. We have 2 more games left and they have one.For those who want Indiana: We only have to lose our last two and the Bulls have to win one.For those who want Brooklyn: We either have to win the last 2 games or win 1 and Chicago loses the last one.Either way, this may come down to the last game of the season. If I were LD (or any coach) I would make sure we face Indiana, as a fan, I wanna see Brooklyn.

  11. Sounds like your into appearance over substance............that is kind of Atlanta's rep........your right on that. Now that the Hoosiers are done, Conseco Fieldhouse will be sold out. Like you, I would not bet on "The Highlight Factory" sellling out to Atlantans who are more conerned about appearances over substance. The only fans around here with any real sense of loyalty are UGA fans.

    I will have to disagree with you here, I believe that we have a better shot at beating the streaky Nets than the abusive, consistent, well coached Pacers. I like the home team but the end result will probably be the same vs Miami or NY. So what you do is, you weigh your options:Nets: Have superstars but are streaky, we have split the season with them, there will be a packed house, the NBA will have a story to build around, AND we have a higher possibility of winning.Pacers: Without Granger, but still a solid team, consistent, well coached, will kill us on the boards, we have split the season with them, the PLAYOFF games will be half full (for us), and it is very possible that we could lose the series.I don't know about you but I would rather have an exciting series vs our former "superstar" and their overpaid roster, with a full house, than to play the Pacers on Nba tv, in a series against the Pacers with no excitement built around it, and a series that we will likely be out coached in.But that's just me, and of course we have a shot at betting anybody but I would rather take me chances against the Nets.Plus I do not want to get into a fight with any drunken Knicks fans this year. ;o)
  12. This is where I get to do my annual ANYBODY BUT INDIANA (or Milwaukee) shpiel. As I always say, individually, it's not about the matchups on the court, or coaching "strategery," or playing styles. Among the ten most sparse home-playing crowds, the Hawks, Pacers, and Bucks are the only ones playoff-bound. Teams with a metro-area NBA fanbase that only fill the arena when they're playing someone not like each other. I have much trouble stomaching the frustration of two halfway-decent playoff squads locked in a six-or-seven-game death match before half-full arenas, relegated to truTV or PAX or Boomerang or Logo or AztecaTV or Spike or MTV4 out of mere obligation to national audiences because they wind up getting crowded out by everybody else's series. A full two weeks of pundits soiling themselves over "HEAT versus whoever," "New York-area team versus whoever," "Celtics and Bulls trolling, hooray!" then sighing aloud before asking, "Do we HAVE to talk about the Pacers and Hawks again?" It'll be Baragon vs. Gigan while the rest of the free world flips the channel in search of Godzilla. No thank you! If the Hawks are going to risk bowing out of the first round, at least let it be in front of a capacity crowd and a national audience. If the Hawks are going to play great and pull off an upset, again, let it be in front of a packed house and a national audience. No trees falling in the forest! Besides all that, we potentially get a chance to make Joe Johnson earn his money? And Deron Williams versus Teague? LD versus PJ? Smoove versus a newly hobbled Crash? Horford versus Lopez? Reggie versus Ivan? Sign me up, please! ~lw3

    ^^^^^^^^ This
  13. Right now we are the 6th seed, but are a half game (or one % point) from the 5th seed, so it is very possible for us to either play the Nets or the Pacers. I personally would love for us to play the Nets, I think that it will be a fun series and Philips will probably be jumping, but I would not want to get swept by Miami. If we play the Pacers, I see the series being very boring and we would probably lose in 6, but if we make it past the first round we would get NY, who I hate the most. I would rather watch Lebron and the Heat, than to see all of NY at the Hawks game.Thoughts?

  14. I think it safe to say no one really won that Marvin/Devin trade. Unless you count the extra caproom the Hawks got. Problem is neither team can attract the big name Free Agents. The caproom become a mute point.

    Are you serious? I think Devin has probably put up more points since he has been here than Marvin put up in a full season.
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  15. He called Zaza Pachulia a worthless foreigner and went on to try to justify it saying he makes racist remarks about every race (which makes it even worse). Plus he's a blatant troll. Who cares how long he's been on this forum? It's still clear as day he's trolling. No sane person posts negativity no matter what. Post count and join date shouldn't put you above the rules, he's a troll and he will continue to troll. Just get rid of him before he does it more, this place will be a lot more pleasant when he's gone. I don't post a lot obviously but I do lurk a lot and whenever I see (blank)dude81 post i already know it's a worthless troll post.

    I agree, there is a difference between stating your opinion and being a blatant troll, now matter the outcome of the game. Does the guy or girl ever say anything positive?
  16. Gotta wonder. No J Smoove to yell at him, "Give me the ball" and refuse to pass a rebound to him. Could that maybe be a reason that JT played the game that he did tonight? Maybe not, but you gotta wonder. As for starting JT, after being assured he was the starter for this team, to bench him to start the game would be a slap in the face for him. You don't lie to a player like that. When you tell him that he's your starter, be man enough to stick to your guns. Great, unexpected win tonight. A true team effort. GO HAWKS!!

    You are right Mule, maybe I would have done what coach did with Bibby and Jamal. Let him start for his ego, then put Lou in after 5-7 minutes.
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