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Posts posted by bamahawk

  1. Despite the subtle jab, I think he was very complimentary of the Hawks.



    I sat down and watched the last game against Cleveland on LP last night; Kevin Love was a monster that game. He is not there. Demarre Carroll is truly a junkyard dog against LeBron. 


    If I've learned anything about Atlanta sports, its that 'next year' is not a given. The 2012 Falcons can say that. We've got as good a shot as ever to beat a run-down Cavs team and take advantage of a home court in which has been vastly underrated around the league. 

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  2. Yep, I got priced out of a lot of games this year after the winning streak.

    I have to formulate a plan for next season.


    Buy season tickets. Seriously, its the best way NOT to get priced out.


    People in Atlanta are suckers for events and pay WAY over market for big games. I bought a pair of seats in 202 for 999 a seat on a 6 month payment plan. I've been able to sell a few Cleveland games (I hate LeBron) for around 300-400 a pair. Throw in a few games I couldn't make and the seats have almost paid for themselves.


    Above all, and I doubt they do this next season, but if you renewed early, the Hawks locked you in for the same price for every playoff game from now to the Finals for the same price--for me it was 39 a seat. I called to get extras today in the same section in case we make the Finals--the price? 220 dollars a ticket.


    Buy season tickets. 

  3. I don't see the Spurs wanting to get older. I think Atlanta is a great possibilty, if the money is right. We're gonna have to offer more than the MLE, for him to sign here. Is it worth it? I think so, just from gate and jersey sales. Even though he's 38, people will buy his garb,,,,

    Hell, I've got enough Hawks garb. But if we get him, I think there is enough room in the closet for a Kazaam jersey.

    I think this would be a really good thing for the Hawks. Bring some attention back to Atlanta after Miami took the spotlight away from everyone including the Lakers (who actually won something... twice in a row), and would really spike ticket sales and interest in those who might be a bit turned off by the 'stay the course' measures the Hawks are taking. Don't get me wrong, I like the direction and even agree that overpaying for Joe was necessary to remain competitive (remember what happened when we blew up the team in 99'?)

    But to get a guy who could defend Dwight Howard, put fans in the stands, and help us transition to a big set in the few times we need, all for the MLE? Sounds like a hell of a deal.

  4. Hello Hawks Squawk,

    First, it is a pleasure to finally sign up and post on these boards. I have been a reader on here since the 08' Boston series, but have really never took the initiative here to post.

    But, in times like these, I suppose there is a first time for everything.

    I grew up in Atlanta like many of you and have been a die-hard Hawks fan for all of those years. Like yall, the pleasures of watching Dikembe wag the finger and the agony of running into MJ's bulls in round 2 are still very vivid in my memory bank. Having been in Tuscaloosa for school the past four years, I have still been able to keep up with the team with FSS and SS showing games here, but a lot of what I do to keep up with the team has revolved around reading these boards.

    I remember the excitment of the fans here when we stood toe-to-toe with Boston, and what it felt like to be in Philips for game 4 that year when Joe crossed up Poe and hit that three--it was simply electric.

    But are we too far removed from that to take pleasure in this year's Hawks?

    I admit, after the game 5 loss, I went ballistic. My poor girlfriend had to put up with my ranting and raging for a solid hour before I settled down. But when I look at this team, I know they are capable of pulling this out.

    I know we have lost the last three, but most was because of hustle and heart. I know we have it, we all saw it three years ago in round 1. Can you imagine how you will feel tonight when Smoove blocks out? When Horford dominates the paint? When Joe crosses up Salmons? When bibby throws the dagger alley-oop to Josh and those drunk deer-loving fools realize that they woke up the beast? I want it so bad, and this team realizes this is gut check time.

    Whenever the Hawks are backed into a corner, most of the time, I see a fight and determination to win. Even last year's game 3 against Cleveland, our hobbled team gave a valiant effort against a driven Lebron James. We have beaten the best, and when called upon, can do it anywhere. Is our road record in the playoffs crappy? Sure. But if we go on to win this series, we will look back and see this as the moment our Hawks woke up, stepped up, and became a championship caliber team.

    I remember what happened when we pulled even a 3 a piece with the C's, and going over the Boston boards--it was mayhem on a level I've never seen before. They wanted (like many of us on the board) to trade KG, fire Doc, and run Rondo out of town. Well, a month an a half later, confetti rained down upon them.

    Every team goes through adversity like this, and as much as I understand Woody couldn't coach himself out a paper bag, Mr. Potato head seems to pull one out when his feet are to the fire.

    I want everyone from here on out to remember, we are Hawks fans. Settling for this is not acceptable, however, rant and rave IF we are eliminated. Now is the time to show that we are a strong fanbase, and a strong team.

    If we win tonight, I'm heading 3 hours east to Philips to support our Hawks. It's going to get rowdy. I want all of yall to do the same.



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