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Posts posted by TomSelleck

  1. I never understood re-signing him to that contract. If the team didn't feel like DeMarre Carroll was worth $15M per season, why is Bazemore worth $17M per year? When smart teams find viable players off the scrap heap, they're supposed to let them go when they become too expensive, let a dumb team overpay them, and find the next viable player off the scrap heap. 

  2. On 5/23/2016 at 0:53 PM, JTB said:

    I do see why bud loves Big Al...he just need to limit the 3s next season and crash the boards harder. 2 things he's fully capable of...it's not like he's a dumb player.

    Unfortunately, that seems to be a thing of the past. He just posted the third worst rebounding numbers of his career the year after posting the second worst. There is a definite trend going down. 

  3. I'm sure the owners thought it would be a good idea to institute max contracts but in reality it probably isn't a good idea because it artificially deflates the value of true max players and inflates the salaries for lesser players. In a true open market, a player like LeBron James is probably worth $50 million per season. But in this system he only makes $25 million which means teams have lots of extra money to give players who aren't LeBron James $25 million per season. 

    Everyone can say Al Horford is a max player because some team will give him a max contract, but the problem is if Cleveland can pay LeBron $25 million and get what they get out of him, how much more money does Atlanta have to spend in addition to the $25 million they would have to give Horford to make up for everything Horford can't do that LeBron can? In other words, the Hawks would have to spend $40-50 million for Horford and 2-3 other players to be able to do everything that LeBron can do by himself. You can't win that way. 

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  4. 20 minutes ago, AHF said:

    Game 1 - won rebounding battle (chance to win game), last lead 4.5 minutes left in 4th quarter, down 4 points with 2.5 minutes remaining

    Game 2 - lost rebounding battle (no chance to win game), last lead 7 minutes left in 1st quarter, down by 36 to end 3rd quarter

    Game 3 - lost rebounding battle (no chance to win game going down stretch), destroyed 36-17 in 4th quarter

    Game 4 - won rebounding battle (chance to win game), last lead 1.5 minutes left in 4th quarter, outscored Cleveland in 4th

    Great post. 

  5. According to HoopsHype, the Hawks have the #6 payroll in the NBA. They're spending a ton of money. They have 5 players who make at least $7.5 million per season. They have the 10th highest paid player in the league. Unfortunately, they're just not getting a good return on investment for most of it.

    • Like 1
  6. I agree that Joe is a better athlete. But considering his age, Dirk was amazing. He is a very smart player and you are right on with your comment about leadership and competitiveness.

    Is he? Joe may be a marginally better athlete in a vacuum, but if you throw in a height adjustment, Dirk is way, way more athletic than your average 7'0" player in the NBA compared to how Joe would relate to your average 6'7" NBA player.

  7. A lot of people are talking about Mark Cuban being able to throw money at players to get them, but in most cases the Mavs had to give something up to get those players, so it's not just about money. The Mavs have done a great job holding onto assets and moving them when the time was right. To get Jason Kidd they traded Devin Harris, some expiring contracts, and two 1st round picks. To get Tyson Chandler they dumped Erick Dampier's expiring contract. People talk about the Hawks not making moves, but they have little to no assets other teams would want. You have to give up something to get something.

  8. Until JJ is GM and he can give himself a balanced team to play with... I don't think you can put that on him simply because of Money.

    How many balanced teams were Gilbert Arenas, Michael Redd, Tracy McGrady, Vince Carter, Grant Hill, Jason Richardson, Jerry Stackhouse, and every other pretty good but not great wing player of the last ten years? Joe Johnson has been in the same situation the rest of the league has been in.

  9. You missed the whole point. Joe is a much better defender than Dirk. That was the point (Joe has more all around skill, Dirk is a better scorer)... You keep mentioning scoring as if if you showed 20 more ways that Dirk is a better scorer that it will change his all around game??


    Dirk is also a significantly better rebounder. Granted he is much taller and plays a position more favorable for getting rebounds, but the point is he does more than score.

  10. Man, if Jason Terry is better than Joe Johnson....what are we complaining about? The Hawks didn't underachieve, they overachieved..

    People complain about this team. This player sucks. This player sucks. This player sucks. If all our players suck, we wouldn't have made the playoffs...we wouldn't have gotten past the first round...and we wouldn't have been close to advancing to the ECF.

    It is arguable that the Hawks have been overachieving. They have a lot of good players but what people complain about the most is not having a true #1 alpha dog type player. But they do have more #2 and #3 level players than a lot of the teams still playing.

  11. No one underrates the talents of Joe Johnson like his own fans. Are people seriously talking about Marcus Thornton and the like? I mean....seriously? Dirk is as good comparison because DAL fans did thee same thing to him for ages. Tyson Chandler and Haywood are making a world if difference on that team. Not to mention the right coach.

    Come on Dirk is the #28 scorer in NBA history to Joe's #164 while only being 3 years older. Over 9,000 points separate them. That's like comparing John Elway before his Super Bowl titles to Trent Green.

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  12. One thing is for certain, had we not made the trade, we would have never found Teague. He would have ended up like Acie or Salim. A dude that showed some flashes but could never win time on the court.

    I think a much better Hawks comparison would be Boris Diaw. Acie and Salim proved they couldn't play for ANY team. Diaw may not have been able to play for the Hawks for various reasons, but he was able to play for other teams. Even if the Hawks hadn't finally played Teague major minutes against the Bulls, some other team would have eventually given him a chance.

  13. The only thing that bothered me was his Tracy McGrady and Michael Redd reference in relation to Joe....both were injured which caused a decline in their games.

    Older players are more injury-prone. The older Joe Johnson gets, the less he'll be able to recover from stress on his body he's previously been able to overcome.

  14. It's funny. You don't have any other reason to trade Joe except his contract.

    He leads us in ppg.

    He leads us in apg.

    He gets over 4 rpg.

    He's a 5 time allstar.

    He's the only player we have worthy of a nightly double team.

    and you say... trade him because he makes too much??

    That's ignorant.

    Joe's contract may be somewhat feasible right now, but it's not going to be like that forever. His contract is going to account for roughly 1/3 of the team's salary cap for 5 more years. If you look across the NBA, the worst contracts by far are held by perimeter players on the wrong side of 30 - Rashard Lewis, Michael Redd, Andrei Kirilenko, Gilbert Arenas, and Vince Carter. This shouldn't be news but Joe Johnson is a perimeter player who turns 30 in a month. All evidence shows he's not going to keep it up much longer.

  15. Here are the highest paid non-big men in the NBA right now:

    1. Kobe Bryant

    2. Rashard Lewis

    3. Michael Redd

    4. Andrei Kirilenko

    5. Gilbert Arenas

    6. Vince Carter

    Do we think Joe Johnson has more in common with Kobe Bryant or everyone else?

  16. I like a good healthy discussion of who we might trade and for whom. But what really burns my butt, is that idiot Bradley, saying we need to trade Josh just because he's the only one we can trade. No mention of who we might get, but we just need to do something. We did something in 99 and suffered for 8 years. No more idiot moves just to do something. You don't trade someone who is considered one of your top two players unless you have a target that would make you better in mind.

    The reason the team suffered for 8 years after dumping Steve Smith and Mookie isn't because they got rid of those guys it's because of the moves they screwed up afterward. If in the 2001 draft the Hawks would have held onto Pau Gasol instead of trading him for Shareef Abdur-Rahim or just picked Joe Johnson right there things would have been a lot different.

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