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Posts posted by AHFan

  1. So speaking logictikally, how zaza have chip on shoulder? His large head make him mad too, if this tomorrow roster!@

    What commin in have these?

    Dave Corzine

    Steve Bardo

    Alaa Abdelnaby

    Heinrick Rodl

    Hanno Mottola

    Tyrone Nesby

    Boniface N'Dong

    Art "The Horse Puncher" Long

    Randy Breuer

    Pig Miller

    Then you have list #235, aka the dream team:

    Jamie Feick

    Khalid El-Amin

    Granville Waiters

    Acie Earl

    Uwe Blab

    Sixth Men: Chris Gatling

  2. With a ridiculously stupid idea like that, how the heck did you get into acielaw school? We can get Perdue to pray for rain, sounds great to me. And Shirley can hire Dallas Austin to come up with a spiffy marketing campaign like the ATL. Please don't waste your energy or time with crap like this.

  3. Who is that dude with the Zaza-sized melon in the background? I swear that guy shows up in the background of every Hawks picture in the paper. Must be a bigwig of some sort. Or he just always knows where the camera is

  4. What part of Sekou's posting said there was a big announcement?? And how do you know the ASG is hurting for capital? Have you seen their books? Again, if you want to pick and choose, Bob Johnson is a billionaire. What good has that done the Bobcats?

  5. Look Frosgrim. If you'd rather have Renaldo Balkman, Mardy Collins, Eddy Curry, Jerome James, Jared Jeffries, Fred Jones, Stephon Crazybury, Randolph Morris, Zach Randolph, Quentin Richardson, Nate Robinson and Malk Rose, then go ahead and just become a Knicks fan. Enjoy that. I'll take JJ, Horford, Smoove, Chill, Marvin, Bibby any day of the week over that great organization the Knicks have built.

    Money doesn't make the right decisions. The right people do.

  6. Settle down everyone. I have a friend who works for the NBA. As you'll see from other teams around the league (Chicago, etc.), a bunch of the rookie press conferences had to be moved from Friday to next week because of major travel problems out of the New York airports on Friday. Nothing else

  7. Since you seem to know, why did he fire his agent?

    So you're saying players don't care about earning their market value? They're just content to get whatever someone will pay them?

    And since you continually throw it around ad nauseum on this message board, it's only fair to ask what exactly qualifies you as being "on the inside"?

  8. This is an absolute crock. No one in their right mind can tell me Danny Granger or Nate Robinson or Luther Head belongs ahead of especially Salim. And at the very least, would you think the fans might want to see Josh dunk a couple times in this game? On the soph side, I can agree with all except Nocioni and maybe TJ Ford, since he should probably be considered a 3rd yr player. Just more disrespect in general.



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