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Posts posted by NiquesBiggestFan

  1. I'll be going to my 1st ever Hawks game on Nov 12 against the Jazz. 


    Looking for tickets.  To get the best view I'm sure mid court is where I'd be looking to buy.  Section 115 top row seems like may be a good place to sit, not looking to spend the super big bucks for seats closer to front.  Give me some ideas on seating, parking, etc.


    It's my honeymoon and I take the wife to the Cheesecake Factory and I get to see the Hawks play.  Nice hotel close by??  After the long day, driving to Atlanta from Macon, we're not gonna wanna go far from Philips.  Plus it's our honeymoon.  man_in_love.gif


    So help a fellow fan out and give me all I need to know.  I've been to many Falcon games but never a Hawks game and have been a Hawks fan since, well forever.


    Thanks in advance!!  Really excited about this opportunity.



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  2. If Josh Smith has spent his entire career practicing FT's, over and over, and during this time he was shooting them from the line, then why the hell is he moving around??? I played baseball too and I'm a right handed hitter. When I went into a hitting slump I did not start hitting left handed to try to end the slump. I kept doing what I was used to doing and fought, or tried to, my way out of it.

    Josh Smith has been playing basketball for a LONG time. FT mechanics should be natural to him. You keep doing what you've done all your basketball life, follow the mechanics like you always have, and fight out of the slump. You DO NOT start moving around the circle looking for a NEW FT style.

    You do not and cannot FIX the problem if you stand at a different spot every time you shoot a FT.

  3. If Josh Smith is moving around the free throw line to try to improve his free throw percentage, then it is very clear that he has never put forth the effort of trying to improve his free throw percentage. The way to improve shooting free throws is to do it the exact same way, every time, for many many many different times. There are no variables in shooting a FT. The basket is still the same height. The line is still the same distance away. There are no defenders.

    If Josh Smith is just now trying to master his FT technique, then it's telling about how much work he has put into it.

    Let's clear this up. I'm a Josh Smith fan. I'm one of the few on this board that would love for him to retire a Hawk. I'm not for a max contract, not at this point, but give him what he's worth and get a coach in here that can get through to him or bench his ass until he understands it.

    I've played organized basketball. I know how some things are accomplished. As far as FT's go, you do it the same way every time for as many times as it takes for it to become routine.

    Although it's something he should have worked on years ago, I can appreciate him wanting to do better. But the right way is shooting from the line.

  4. This is a common thing tried by big men who struggle with free throw and its designed to assist with depth perception.

    The taller you are, the less of an angle to the rim there is (especially straight on). This is the reason most 3 point shooters prefer a slight angle to the basket when shooting. At this point hitting a free throw has turned mental. The change from Josh is in the last 20 games or so. My guess is someone suggested he changed the perception by moving back a few feet.

    A smarter suggestion would have been to tell him to move left or right of the basket 6 inches. This would create an angle and make the depth of the basket appear to the shooter's eye.

    The smartest suggestion to Josh would be to do it the right way, the same way, and do it a million times a month.

  5. And why does Coach Drew allow it?

    Basic basketball fundamentals tells us that at least one of your shoes is at the edge of the free throw line when shooting free throws. Josh stands a foot or more back from the line. And most of the time he shoots it short.

    If I were Coach Drew, Josh would be at the line, even if he misses every free throw. He almost accomplishes that now anyway. But at least if he's shooting them properly he has a chance to improve. How the hell can he possibly be shooting from the same spot every time when he is guessing where to stand?

    This is an example of why I feel like Drew should be fired. Of course I believe he will be fired but whoever the next coach for Josh Smith is they need to pound some fundamentals in to him.

  6. First of all - I have always been a huge fan of Josh Smith since the Hawks drafted him but I do think it is time for the Hawks to trade him (sooner than later!). I still think that Smith is a huge talent (one of the most athletic players in the League!) but I don't think he is going to reach his full potential with the Hawks. I think Smith needs a change of scenery with a team that can better utilize his talents and a Head Coach that can have better chemistry with him. With the right team and the right coach I think Smith will become a much better overall player and hopefully make the NBA Allstar game in the near future (but, probably not as a Hawk). I think it wii be to the best interest of both parties (Hawks & Josh Smith) that a trade happens in the near future.

    The same thing has been said about Michael Vick, and it's the same every place he goes.
  7. I'm excited about the team. I'm excited to watch Teague grow as a player. I'm excited to see what Josh and Al can do as the leaders of this team. I'm excited that D Ferry has put together a solid team while the process, or his plan, unfolds. This is a fun team to watch. The guys can shoot lights out. Look at the emotion on this team, it's much greater than last season. I was tired of JJ and Marvin. THAT's what make me not want to watch the Hawks. JJ wasn't fun. Marvin just wasn't good enough. Surely no one thinks we were fun with those 2. I'm excited and look forward to the rest of the season.

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