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Posts posted by Hawkfan89

  1. How do you feel about our number 15 pick so far? Do you think he can come in and contribute right away or will he be a body taking up space on the bench? Me personally I like him as player and what he did at Michigan State which makes me believe the Hawks got a steal in this years draft. Maybe one day (wishful thinking) he could crack the starting lineup maybe....


  2. I been watching Al since he came into the league and he has improve every year with the Hawks while playing out of position (he's a true power forward). Not only is it my personal feeling that Al should be look to as force especially with his style of play, but he should be look at as a star as well. He just doesn't get enough credit for what he brings to the Hawks and he's over look by many sport outlets outside of Atlanta and even here in Atlanta I hear people say he's not that good. What's your opinion?

    GO HAWKS!!!!

  3. So me and my girlfriend just had a conversation about Horford and she strongly disagrees with me about him being a good player and him having the potential to become a great player and even a superstar in the NBA. It's my opinion that Horford has the goods to lead a team and will be a force within the league especially if we can put him at his natural position of power forward. When I told her I would like him to become the Tim Duncan of Atlanta her reply was "he is not as good Duncan and never will be!" So what's your opinion of Al Horford?


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