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Posts posted by dirtypuppet

  1. I'd be interested in something based around Teague for Parker from the Bucks.

    I reckon that's reasonably fair for both. Teague is a talent on a good contract and a much more reliable and conventional point than MCW. We get some strong potential in Parker and some needed wing depth and size.

    • Like 2
  2. So we've had a lot of notable one time players at the Hawks over the years. In recent memory, guys like T-Mac have (surprisingly) wound down their careers with brief appearances on a Hawks roster. Going back a bit, during the early 2000's we were a doorstep for soooo many players who would come via trade or a signing for a variety of reasons. Sheed, Kenny Anderson, Stephen Jackson and so on. 

    So who was your favourite 'one-time' Hawk? Points go to the more obscure or forgotten players.

    For me, I feel like the season that Ronald 'Flip' Murray gave us was completely down played. In a year that we made the playoffs, Flip was a consistent sparkplug, often found iso'd at half court to wind down a quarter and get us a bucket. He even won a few games single handedly with offensive outbursts during fourth quarter runs that I recall. Even more surprising, in a what was a contract year for Flip I felt he proved himself to be an NBA level player, but he never received that contract and shortly bounced out of the league. Thanks for the memories Flip.

    Bobby 'triple double' Sura surely requires a mention but I'll leave him and others to the rest of you. So who sticks out in your memory?

  3. A small note from any of the Hawks footage from NBA 2K vids is that they all have our on court line-up as:

    Splitter, Horf, Paul, Kyle, Jeff


    Not that there's much to read into there other than it's interesting to see them put that as their likely plausible lineup. I know we'd use that situationally but if that does end up being the starters, that's a pretty big unit.

    • Like 1
  4. Another Australian fan here. Started following back in the Nique days around the 91/92 season and stayed on strong ever since. Highly active reader, and I don't miss a game on League Pass but I don't post often.


    I take full credit for converting NVC as a hawks fan btw! I'm slowly converting my Australian friends to hawks fans. It helps that we actually have a solid product on the floor these days.

    • Like 2
  5. The two bolded are things Payne doesn't have for the PF position much less NBA centers. Anyone saying Payne can play center is probably on the boat that Coach Bud can coach Josh Smith into a great decision maker. While it's ideal, it's highly unlikely. 

    Which is why my thinking as that Payne can play the 5 in some matchups but you can't under value things like positioning and strength which I'm surprised Pero does quite well and Payne at this stage, does not.

  6. I like the idea of him playing some 5 but definitely needs to improve his base strength. Good against certain matchups.


    No way we drop Pero this year in favour of Payne at the 5. As much as Pero had a terrible shooting performance in the playoffs, I was actually impressed with his positioning, post D and strength against Hibbert and at times West. He actually did a really good job bodying those two out which isn't an easy task. 


    I think this gets overlooked because of his poor shooting. With his extended minutes in the second half of the season it looked like he finally got comfortable at the NBA level and wasn't just a spot shooter.


    Still wouldn't be opposed to signing another big. Perhaps Brand. Is Jason Smith a free agent? He's the odd man out with the Asik trade. He'd be cheap and serviceable.

  7. Korver is one of the best pros we've had in Atlanta.

    He's been a hawks for 2 seasons now and atr the latter part of his career but he actually seems like a wise contract signing as his style of play isn't likely to decline much with age and his IQ and passion for the game is exactly what you want on any team.

    • Like 1
  8. Honestly, a player like Trevor Ariza seems like a much better fit than Stephenson. More of a Spurs type of 3&D platyer and I was surprised to see he's only 28.

    I see him as the sort of under the radar Ferry type of signing and I hate to root for guys like Lance with questionable attitudes. Can't deny his talent but I just don't see him fitting into what we're building.

    • Like 2
  9. The Drew Gooden comparison is a very good one. I think Drew was a slightly better re bounder but I'll give Mike some time to improve.

    Iv'e got to say, during his rookie season I though of him as a guy with limited athleticism, limited potential, some decent post moves and an OK shot. He's been a very pleasant surprise and he seems like not only a nice player but an interesting and fun guy to have on your team.

    • Like 1
  10. We looked like a deer in headlights for most of the night. While Al wasn't amazing tonight he had no chance to get in rhythm with early fouls and then a string of terrible passes form team-mates. Here's a few notes on the game.

    - I see Demarre as a very solid pick up

    - passing was terrible for the most part

    - some nice ball movement at times for some easy layups

    - Teague had a bad game, didn't show much poise

    - Schröder while still not doing very much (and not finishing around the rim) definitely has the tools

    - milsap took a while to get going but showed nice control around the rim

    - Mike Scott deserves to make the team and get some minutes

    - James Johnson might be OK too. He showed some aggressiveness and skill

    - Antić looked questionable, retreating to the 3pt line too often and a touch slow

    - real shame we didn't even get to see what Ayón has, hopefully the injury is minor.

    Pretty lethargic game from the Hawks though it's pre-season against the world champs so nothing to take from it.

    We can only improve from here.

    • Like 1
  11. Seems like a lesser version of Gerald Green. He's got some major hops and some flashy skills and streaky shooting that will make some highlights but not as good as Gerald who's barely an NBA player at this point.

    I say keep him around the end of the roster with a chance in scrub minutes to prove himself until a more valuable roster player takes his spot.

  12. Being the oldest known Hawksquawker, I am allowed certain leeway occasionally.Everyone knows this has absolutely nothing to do with the Hawks, but I just wanteveryone here to know something that the Old Gray Mule is proud of - - -Today, my bride and I celebrate our 53rd wedding anniversary!I want to say to the big wheels here: Thank you for allowing me to post this.

    congrats buddy. I'm getting married in December this year and could only hope for a long, happy marriage like you've forged. Nice work!

  13. I will say this though: he will have a lot less turnovers on offense than Zaza and Ivan will.

    and be more efficient on offense. Now we all love and will miss Zaza, but we all know most of of his points came from this sort of scenario.

    Grab offensive rebound (from great hustle and positioning), blow wide open layup, miss the tip in, miss another tip in, grab the board again, hit an awkward hook.

    Now with that hustle and effort, what's not to love? But Brand I feel would bring a much more solid offensive option, with a jumper and solid defense with some shot blocking to boot (which Zaza most definitely does not do). And at $4mil for ONE SEASON? Personally I think this is a very good, but not flashy or amazing signing. We have a sturdy, smart, veteran front court albeit a little short.

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