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Posts posted by IBelieveInFerry

  1. This is Summer League playing time.  Nothing to worry about or be excited about.  


    Wake me up when he isn't playing an organized pickup game at 24 hour fitness.

    I think he assumes there were back screen etc being run to free up Payne of alley oop dunks or something!

  2. This current roster has more potential to not even make the playoffs than winning the East, at full health. Even then, if Horford or even Korver (who is our only consistent scoring option at the wing positions) goes down for the season, we are screwed.

    River boat gambler!  Ferry isn't like that by the way!  He is methodical in his approach now.  He'll again have plenty of money available next off season so we'll see what happens

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  3. Are we going to win championships when Lebron is in the East regardless? Would you rather build a potential superstar or stand pat and get beat on national TV in the 1st or 2nd round a couple more times before Horford bolts in FA?

    Wiggin will not be a super star period!

  4. In a compare and contrast discussion of Miller and Muscala, I would think it would reflect that Miller was much stronger; a much better shooter; a much better passer; and a better rebounder.  Muscala's agility/athleticism edge seems to pale in comparison to that.  I found it odd that Miller's relative strengths went completely unmentioned while his relative weaknesses were the sole focus.  It seemed to paint a pretty incomplete picture if the purpose was to compare them.

    Do you at least agree that they do not have similar games on the court?

  5. This makes it sound like Muscala is a much better basketball player than Brad Miller was.  Miller was very good - a two-time All-Star who had a double-double season and was both a solid rebounder and a highly efficient teen scorer.  If Muscala can be 80% the player that Miller was, I will be thrilled.

    Never said that Miller was a terrible player...just that he and Muscala have very little in common

  6. As far as Muscala being Brad Miller...Total opposites again.  Brad is a lumbering non Athlete whereas Muscala is a pretty good athlete.  Muscala is long and wirely and Brad Miller is a heavy lead foot.  Muscala is skill enough to make spinning moves in the lane and i doubt Brad Miller ever did that.  Nor has Brad Miller ever caught an alley oop for a dunk.  The only similarities is that they both shoot from the perimeter but so does Al Horford and Brad ain't no Al Horford.

  7. Dude, everything you say is close to wrong as possible, tell me how my view is terrible? 

    Boozers has no athleticism while Payne is an exceptional Athlete.  Payne is a distance shooter whereas Boozer is a midrange shooter. Boozer is a big lumbering guy where Payne is a gazelle.  Payne is a decent defender with the potentials to be a rim protector whereas Boozer plays no defense.

  8. He is a young Marcus Fizer with less core strength which also was a weakness for Fizer as well. I think sunny side up, he could reach a level like a Carlos Boozer but everything thing goes right. 


    As for Moose, he is on his path to Brad Miller lane. He's nothing like McBob though. Moose is a similar skill-set to Miller but like Miller, he is going to need to bulk up for the center position.

    Terrible comparison!  Those players aren't remotely similar

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