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Posts posted by WeiWang

  1. 2 things:


    1) I understand hawks fans will always preceive this differently but what exactly history of Delly is there? He wasn't known as a dirty player in college, wasn't known as a dirty player in the last 2 regular seasons. His rep has always been a hardworker, but its not like hes throwing elbows every time someone annoys him (hmm Howard), I would say having a "history" is a bit of a exaggeration.


    2) Lets be honest here, Al Horford ended TJ Ford's career on a very "questionable" foul. I get that the guy has been a model citizen since then, but if we're going with the standards that you guys are applying to Delly, Horford is no saint either.


  2. I'm watching the samething you are, look at the replay from the side, what exactly what Horford doing with his arm before the fall? Theres a difference in being tangled up and dragging someone backwards so they can't get the rebound. Also, you're making the assumption that Horford wouldn't get mad because he think he would of "deserved it" if he was dragging delly? Like I said earlier, I don't think Horford should of been ejected at all, but people have to seperate playing hard with playing dirty. Theres also alot of fans that think Patrick Beaverly injuried Westbrook on purpose too.

  3. So first off I'd like to say this has a been a good hard fought series and you guys have been playing really well even missing basically 3/5 of your starting lineup.


    My question is why did are you guys so angry about Delly?

    I don't think Horford should of been ejected at all, (flagrant 1 at best)

    But watching the replay over and over, Horford dragged delly backwards and down into his body, i mean, was Delly suppose to fall forwards? I actually agree the Bulls series that what Delly did on Gibson should of resulted in a suspension but in this case, Horford essentially pulled Delly towards and knee and got mad when he fell on it. So I don't really understand why the big outrage.

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