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Posts posted by jceasar

  1. I'm sorry, what didn't he like about his role in Dallas? Oh yeah, he didn't get to shoot the ball enough, he had to take the back seat to other players. I noticed you didn't comment on my fading memory with regard to Boston.

    This is a team game. As much as I hate Kobe, look at how he's approached the game so far this year. He realizes he can't do it alone and gets his team involved.

  2. If my memory serves me correctly, Walker is no longer a member of Boston because HE was not the number one option. He is no longer a member of a WC contender (Dallas) for similar reasons. So while Hawks of past may have been shipped out without good reason, Walker clearly does not fit with your argument. Walker scoring 25ppg on 6 of 100 shooting is not going to help this team. This team needs evryone involved in order to be successful. Walkers presence simply will not allow the younger players to flourish.

  3. There are other people on this team who can score they just don't get the opportunity with Wakler on the floor. How many times did Walker fail to pass out of the double team tonight in favor of a forced shot. Walker does not know how to make the players around him better. He is a me first player and he is not a good fit for this team!

  4. Walker may score but he disrupts the flow of TEAM offense. HE is a black hole, once the ball goes in it never comes out. Every time he touches the ball everyone stands around and watches him force a shot or turn the ball over. I hope he showcases himself well enough to get traded so the youngsters can show what they have. This team has a long way to go but you would see a much more confident, aggresive TEAM without Walker.

  5. JS Fan, the Hawks coaching staff is from the old school. Rookies generally don't get to showcase themselves very often. Josh would not be playing if there was a vet who could adequately replace him.

    The offense is clearly designed for Al and Walker, not Josh. He is simply playing within the structure outlined by the coaching staff. If he's called upon to score more, I'm sure you will see his numbers increase.

    I'm sure your a true student of the game but your comparisons to JR Smith and other rookies are really offbase.

    JR Smith plays with one of the best penatrators in the league in BD. BD drives the lane, the defense collapses and JR is left with a wide open jump shot. I'd bet you would score 20 a game if all you had to do was catch and shoot uncontested. Unfortunately, Josh doesn't have the luxury of playing with BD. I'm sure you've also noticed that he is tasked with the leak out player in transition situations making it dificult for him to play below the 3 point line, which reduces the chance for higher percentage scoring situations.

    Luol Deng is playing on a much younger team with no one who demands the ball as much as Walker or Harrington. Who's the go to guy on the Bulls? They don't have one. It's much easier to score when you have the green light to shoot the ball.

    I agree with you in that Josh has not done anything that merits highlight reel consideration, however he is not doing as bad as you've lead on to believe. Your expectations of granduer may not fit in with the team philosophy.

    Remember we are in the preseason. Everyone on this team is trying to establish their roles. As a rookie sometimes you have to remain humble, bite your lip and wait your turn.

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