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Posts posted by WalkerFan

  1. I have read some stuff on this board about Walker and Boston and I would like to clear what was said here at this board.

    Walker was not traded away from the Celtics because he did anything. Danny Ainge was hired by the owners son Wyc and was traded away because Danny Ainge had preconceived notions that he refused to change even after Walker proved him wrong. Danny never gave him a chance.

    Second, Pierce and Walker always got along. They are still till this day friends. Last year during the All Star game they even hosted a party together. During the off season both where at each others charity events. There was never anything but admiration between the two and that still exists today. The only thing Pierce is guilty of is buying Danny Ainge BS about the team being better off if he got to take all the shots. I don't even think Walker knows that Pierce was asked about the trade before hand and bought all Danny's BS.

    Walker was nothing but a team player in Boston and Dallas. He worked his butt off for both teams and was never appreciated because he has a strong personality. That isn't appreciated in Dallas where they only like players with no heart.

    All of his teammates always liked him and he is good friends with some of the games current and past best players like Michael Jordan, Bill Russell, Michael Finley and Lebron James.

    If he was so hard to get along with like some on this board have proclaimed I don't see him being friends with guys he competes with now. If he can get along with Paul Pierce then he can ego along with anyone (Pierce is a jerk and has an ego the size of California.)

    I have been a season ticket holder in Boston for 20 years and have been around these guys quite a bit. Walker has always been a class act to the fans even when the fans have not been a class act to him. I really don't know how he put up with a lot of what he has put up with in Boston to tell you the truth.

    I just wanted to clear up some things that have been said around here because some of it, no all of it has been way off base. Us season tickets holders talk a to at the games and even out side and every one of us in my discussions would take Walker back in a second.

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