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Posts posted by bballfan

  1. I don't have a problem with you disagreeing with me over the sport. That is your opinion, I do however have a problem with immature children above telling me to leave because I do not agree with his opinion.

    I like JJ, I think he is a very good player but I don't see why we need another in his postition. I also do not feel that he will make a difference when it comes to winning or becoming winners in the future.

  2. Quote:


    we already predicted u'd be in favor of belkin

    we discussed this on another thread

    belkin is gone, toine is gone...don't let the door hit u on the way out!

    Why don't you grow up. If you cannot handle others opinion then don't go post at a message board.

    I was a Hawks fan before you were even born.

    I want the Hawks to be successful and so far there hasn't been a positive thing done by this entire ownership group PERIOD. The last thing this team needed was another sf.

  3. IMO He is dead on that we should not be doing this deal. 2 Draft picks for Joe Johnson really is a lot to ask this team to give up. Say Joe Johnson doesn't help us, we have given two draft picks away where we could have gotten some decent players to build around.

    I don't get how an arbitrator can tell and owner he can't do what is written in the contract.

    The best interest of the team is not to hope a free agent or two decides to sign onto this team.

    My opinion is based solely on the best interest of the team. This could come back and bite us in the butt. No one thought Dwayne Wade would ever be as good as he was and he was the 3rd pick.

  4. Belkin has a right to his opinion. Who knows, It might be a short matter of time all of you will be saying he was right not to want this deal.

    IMO he is right, Johnson is not worth this contract. Even if he was worth it why is Belkin wrong for not wanting this deal? This is an OWNERSHIP group, which means if they all don't sign off on the deal then it should not happen.

  5. You should here the bitterness in Celtics fans voices already. It is awesome. They deserve this.

    Walker plays defense. He isn't a top defender but to say he doesn't play defense is not true. He beat us his first game vs us by stealing the ball from Al. I am surprised you don't remember that.

  6. First off I am not a Braves fan and I have no clue who that guy is that you mentioned.

    Being a fan is about being realistic and yes the owners offered Martin a max contract and please spare me that he is an upper teir player. He is nothing but a thug.

    You all have dillusions of every free agent coming here and Dakin's stupid comment is everything wrong with the non paying Hawks fans.

    I am a fan of this team and I don't have to prove it to anyone. My opinion as a paying Hawks fan matter's to this organization because I actually support the team and help keep it in business by going to games.

    I am still here, I am still at the games I bet a lot of you can't say that.

    I hate bandwagon jumpers like the Josh Smith fans who probably couldn't name another Hawks player not named Dominique Wilkins.

    It is a fact that no free agent is coming here unless no one offer's them a max contract and the owners have proved they are willing to over pay players like Kenyon Martin. In the end we could be stuck in cap hell forever but I am so glad that doesn't concern any of you.


    I think I remember Tip making a post like this about the Braves after made they traded his favorite Doyal Alexander for some unknown minor leaguer.

    The Hawks have new people at the top. We were a solid but never great franchise for a few decades. The late nineties sucked due to poor GM decisions. Now we seem Serious! A less serious GM would have at least kept Nazr as a decent backup center although he was a little overpaid and not very defensive minded. Same with JT. I would have kept both, BK doesnt want to pay too much for any player that doesnt fit his system. I agree with the earlier post on Kenyon, I think BK liked him but was really just doing his part to mess up other team's capspace. I see the same thing happening this summer. BK is just a stone faced gambler and we'll see more of where we are going in a few months but we still have tons of moves before we are done. At worst, we end up with a deep midlevel talent team like Memphis due to our draft picks never reaching superstar level. At best, we draft a star or two and sign one or two and dominate!! I hope we are so good that the two Josh's are just valuable role players on our future team.

  7. I have come to the conclusion that the Hawks will never win a title or even come close to winning one.

    I love Josh Smith as much as the next guy but for people to act like he is the savior of basketball because he won the meangingless Slam dunk contest scares me.

    If it came down to signing Smith right now because he won that contest I get the impression the ownership would max the guy out and that scares me. Add the contract they offered Kenyon Martin doesn't bode well for the decision makers of this team.

  8. No way, I am giving us an A.

    We had Antoine Walker and a bunch of throw away's and rookies. We were lucky to have Walker as long as we did or we would have had 6 wins for the season (yikes)

    Al Harrington was a sixth man, we had teh rookies and then we had some guys who really just wanted to play.

    We were one go to guy away from getting to the playoffs. One

    Allan Iverson and that would have been a huge step for us.

    Okay so I know we realistically don't get a passing grade bhut I for one loved this teams heart. There never say die attitude and the way they performed much more then their talent allowed them to perform.

    We beat the defending champions and Dallas Mavericks.

    Any given Sunday.

  9. The Celtics were swept last seaosn without Walker. He works well with Paul Pierce and if it wasn't for Walker Pierce would be refusing to come into huddles during the playoff games instead of finally showing up and acting like a man.

    I hate Dallas so I was rooting against them (Damn Jason Terry:)

  10. Walker came to pre season in Boston 2001 in great shape, he then got hurt and gained some weight. He was playing on a bad knee at the time but Boston reporters never liked to make excuses for Walker, they saved that for Pierce.

    This humble BS is just that BS, Walker always gave his all to that team and they never appreciated it. That is why I hope he ends up somewhere other then Boston next year.

    The media loves to say he was humbled by Dallas and Atlanta but Danny Ainge gave Walker no chance to prove himself in Boston. He traded him away before the seaosn even started and had been trying to trade him away all summer but deals were made and broken.

    Walker has been nothing but a team player since his second year in the league, these are more lies made up by the Bob Ryan's of the world.

    Sorry but I disagree with everything you have said. Having lived in Boston I saw the hypoctisy that has gone on there but it took Boston fans losing Walker to appreciate him even a little and even now their fans are pathetic. They lose and it is Walker's fault. He shoots 6 for 12, has 10 rebounds and they say it isn't enough but if he takes 30 shots they blame him. He can't win.

    Please don't let the biased Boston media dictate the truth because the Globe is full of idiots and the Heralds NBA insider is in Danny Ainge's back pocket.

    As for your matured greatly comment I don't agree. Dana Barros recently said on a TV interview that Walker is the best teammate he has ever had. He made many great comments about how Walker was a great teammate and how he helped everyone on the team and he hasn't played with Walker for years.



    On the contrary, I don't think Walker IS the same player. Though his numbers might not be signifantly different, 'Toine has matured greatly over the last 2 seasons. Its amazing how playing in a situation where you weren't "the man", then moving to a team that didn't stand a prayer to make the playoffs, can tend to humble someone. I'm not saying he's perfect, but he's a better team player than he was during his final year in Boston (where also, I might add, he was playing overweight).

  11. Sorry Weez but I have a problem with two faced people and he is one.

    Walker is the exact same player he was before now but SImmons and company are too stupid to grasp that. Maybe it is the you didn't know what you have till you are gone scenerio but Walker gets blamed for a lot in Bodton even stuff he hasn't done since his second year in the league but these "fans" still bring it up.

  12. Do you think we would have won more games with Stephan and Antoine vs Al and Antoine.

    Al and Antoine got along, they played well together but just couldn't seem to keep this team alive in the forth quarter.

    Walker is a gamer and everyone here thinks Jackson had heart would that have helped this team?

  13. with all due respect no one at this board likes anyone but Josh Smith and that is because he won the slam dunk contest.

    Al worked very well on thge Pacers last year because he had talent around him. The Hawks have some talent in Childress and Delk but Al can't do it alone. No even MJ could.

    Dominqiue practically had to do it alone and we never came close to winning a title.

  14. I knew that minute Antoine was gone that someone would start the

    Al is the problem threads, lets trade him"

    Al is a great player and so is Josh Childress but if you want a team of 12 equal players you might as well start rooting for the Memphis Grizzlies who are never going to win a title. That is what 12 equal guys does for a team because in the playoffs you need a name to get you the calls.

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