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Posts posted by smithrules

  1. I don't really think that was a head butt, but w/e. These refs are terrible though. They called a tech on Pierce for a screen, when it was Wade drawing the attention. I'm confused? Pathetic refs...

    It's crazy to see how bad NBA officials are compared to any other professorial sport.

    From here on out till championship game look for Miami to get every officiating call. Wade is so much better than lebron, but stern has to try and rehabilitate the kings image.

  2. Will Kevin Garnett get just one game or more for his People's Elbow on Quentin Richardson? And will his absence turn the first-round series in favor of the Heat?

    As they say at Oscar-time: "For Your Consideration..."


    The statuette IMO should've gone to Big Baby for starring in "Jermaine, Why You Always Clowning Fat Boys?" Not wishing (fake) injuries on anybody, but had Baby inadvertently fallen onto Pierce it would've been epic.


    FINALY!!!! This is what NBA fans hate about the NBA. You have a grown man acting like he is dying again on the sideline. Pierce and Garnett both still need to earn their man card and they are over 30! Q just earned a ton of respect in my book!!

  3. This is a joke right?

    Let me spell out the problems for you.

    1. The problem is we have no plays for a zone defense. We force ourselves to shoot over the zone and that's a terrible plan unless you have Curry, Gibson, and Morrow.

    2. Our coach doesn't know how to use his guards as passers.

    Last night, a few of the best passes we had were Craw finding people in the fourth. His pass to Smoove was elegant.

    3. Bibby is off. Our shooting ability relies on Bibby being able to hit an open shot.

    I will have to say this is pretty spot on, we would be alot better team if bibby was on. Alot of our assists actually come from smith, horford, joe or crawford. We really have no pg play right now with bibby cashing in his retirement home chips already.

  4. Yep, I got a list of guys who I suspect are using based on nothing in particular.

    1. Ray Allen.

    2. Lebron James.

    3. Dwight Howard.

    4. Ben Wallace.

    5. Shaq (in the Miami Years).

    6. Nate Robinson

    7. KMart in Denver.

    8. Josh Smith (3 years ago).

    9. Yi.

    10. Stephen Jackson

    11. Gilbert Arenas

    12. Carmelo Anthony (2 years ago)

    I don't know if many of you realize it but you can get chemicals that are basically one step away from being a steroid on most supplement site. These can put anywhere from 8-16 lbs on in a 30 day cycle. I used to go into the GNC alot and the guy who owned the place would always have some stashed away. I got to be pretty good friends with the guy just from going in and buying different proteins and that kind of thing. He told me alot of the local high school football team was taking them. Anyhow my point is they could be on something that technically isn't illegal but could fail a drug test. Just food for thought!

  5. Maybe Joe was trying to score more tonight to donate more money to Haiti

    he was one of the players who was donating $1000 per point he scored tonight.....

    just a thought

    If he wanted to give more money to haiti, then donate the money. He is allowed to donate his own money. I don't buy that argument. It is like hollywood running a telethon. All those multimillionaires sitting there answering telephones when they could donate a hell of a lot more money that you or I. Or a person who rides a jet all over the world telling you that your car shouldn't use so much fuel.

  6. As a JJ fan...

    i have to agree with you 100%.

    That was an awful display of sportsmanship by JJ.

    When joe pulled up on that 3 on the fast break josh smith was wide open going in for the easy alley opp. Everyone on the team thought iw was going to be an alley opp so no one was following up for the rebound. JJ started forcing shots with 20 seconds left on shot clock. I didn't even realize he was trying to match crawford but makes sense.

  7. I don't mind this ruling at all but it points out the absurdity of its ruling in the Miami protest. The league should never have granted that one. Also, the idea of "clear impact" is a terrible standard. Of course it had a clear impact. The standard should be for something other than clear impact. When an offensive player gets the ball stolen and the defender is going unimpeded to the basket and the refs incorrectly call a phantom foul and send the offensive player to the line for 2, that is a clear impact on the game. A game needs to be replayed just about never. Screwups should be dealt with by disciplining the refs/scoreboard operators/etc. not by replaying the games.

    Exactly it was absurd when they did it to us. However it just points out what we all know NBA is at least halfway fixed. Certain teams and certain players get the help of the league and the officials!

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