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Hawks - Bulls



blog-0041327001359835985.jpgWill our Homecourt Houdinis will be at it again, as the shorthanded but overachieving Chicago Bulls pay a visit to the Atlanta Hawks at the Highlight Factory?

Our Deficit Hawks (26-19) have dug themselves out of double-digit graves in four of their last five home victories, erasing leads of 13 points versus Toronto on Wednesday, 27 against Boston, 18 versus Minnesota, 15 against Utah.

But how much burrowing will be tolerable against a Chicago team that deep-dished the Hawks to the tune of a 44-point lead back on January 14, conceding just five points in the second quarter and 20 in the first half, on the way to a 97-58 beatdown so severe and absurd that even Worldstar was considering hosting the highlights as a viral video?

To the casual viewer, one would think that was all Chicago’s doing, commandeered by Coach Tom Thibodeau with his vice-grip defensive strategies, as the Hawks shot a paltry 29.3 FG%. But the Bulls’ shooting in that game was also less-than-scintillating (41.8 FG%, just 27-for-65 from two-point range), and the Hawks committed just one more turnover (and three fewer assists) than Chicago, despite losing by 39.

Rather, a lot of Atlanta’s damage was self-inflicted, with half-hearted team rebounding (59-39 rebounding edge to the Bulls), laughable shot selection, and a woeful inability to earn trips to the free throw line (ten free throw attempts, to Chicago’s 33). Even in the prior matchup, a comfy 92-75 win in Atlanta on T.I. Night (December 22), the Hawks only got to the line ten times.

Prior to the January 14 game, Coach Thibodeau went in on his team, applying hoof-to-rump resuscitation two days after an embarrassing 16-point home loss to Alvin Gentry’s Phoenix Suns. "Early this morning, Tibs was going crazy on us at shoot-around,” Joakim Noah ruminated after the Hawks game. “Just waking up early in the morning and having Tibs just screaming at you and screaming at you and screaming at you ... we didn't want that to happen to us again." How amazing of a team that’s capable of responding when a coach dials the pressure up! After roasting the Hawks, the Bulls (28-18) went on to win seven of their last eleven games, pulling ahead of the Pacers in the Central Division.

With the bloom still off Derrick Rose (knee), the Bulls also played last night in Brooklyn without All-Star Noah (recurring plantar fasciitis), Carlos Boozer (sore hammy), and Kirk Hinrich (elbow infection). Yet they still gave the Nets a run for their money, leading through three quarters before falling short 93-89 with just ten active players.

Jimmy Butler and Marco Belinelli (team-leading 18 points) provided solid efforts off the bench, helping out with rebounding, passes, steals, and free throw shooting. Butler is a top-20 free throw shooter (85.4 FT%) in the league, and he’s top-ten in lowest turnover percentage (7.5 TOs/100 possessions). Belinelli and Hamilton will be leaned on heavily tonight to get open and spread the Hawk defense with accurate jumpshots.

Butler, Taj Gibson, Luol Deng, and Nate Robinson each logged 40+ minutes while the Nets pulled away late. Gibson played the entire game, while Deng, the league leader in floor time (39.8 MPG) missed all of 4 seconds. Vladmir Radmanovic and Daequan Cook were dressed but not pressed into action, so look for appearances from each today, along with Marquis Teague, who played sparingly.

Bob Rathbun sure can deliver the factoids. He tweeted today that against the Raptors, Josh Smith and Al Horford each tallied at least 20 points, 10 boards, three dimes and three swats. It’s the first time an Eastern Conference duo accomplished the feat since TNT celebrity Charles Barkley and ACC hoops analyst Mike Gminski did the deed just over a quarter century ago (January 27, 1988). Nice ‘n Smoove: sometimes, they run slow. Sometimes, they run quick!

And when they do the latter, they and the Hawks benefit greatly. Bob reminds us that only the Denver Nuggets (21.0 PPG) run up more fast break points in their home games than the Hawks (19.7 PPG). With Chicago on the second night of a back-to-back, Atlanta will need to keep the Bulls’ guards, depleted without Hinrich, on their heels, and their frontline at their backs. A back-and-forth halfcourt race to futility only works in Chi-town’s favor. Instead, secure the rebounds, get the ball to the lead guards in transition, and engage in the running of the Bulls.

If Noah and Boozer (both questionable) cannot go tonight, Horford and Ivan Johnson have to abdicate some of their mid-range shooting on halfcourt sets and back Gibson and Nazr Mohammed (their only available player above 225 pounds) into the paint. Last night, Andray Blatche wore down a weary Gibson with 10 points in the paint during the final stanza.

If Hinrich is unavailable (currently not expected to play), Jeff Teague and Devin Harris have to dictate the pace, forcing Nate Robinson to remain active on the defensive side of the ball, drawing help from Deng and Gibson while opening up shots for the Hawk forwards and shooters.

DeShawn Stevenson was a DNP-CD in that last Hawk-Bull matchup, and he’s expected to start tonight. He’ll be needed as an impediment to Deng, who shot 7-for-9 in that game. With Anthony Morrow finally fresh and Jannero Pargo’s re-signing today, the Hawks should have a full artillery of shooters at their disposal. Opponents shoot just 42.7 FG% (2nd lowest in NBA) against the Bulls' stingy defense, so someone should be crashing the offensive glass.

Remember who our leading scorer was from that goring in Chicago? Mike Scott, by default, led the way with ten points. Bob also notes that Scott will have a cheering section tonight, as Tony Bennett and his UVa Cavaliers, in town to play the Yellow Jackets on Sunday, will be in the house tonight. With Zaza Pachulia out of action, look for Scott to get some inspired floor time tonight when the Bulls’ frontcourt backups are out there.

Go Hawks!



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