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  1. Guys, I am working here! I need readers, dammit! :P jokes. http://thehawksblog.blogspot.com/
  2. And as a way to mark this very special event, Hawks Blog will be doing a running diary. Yes, we couldn't possibly think of a better way to spend our Friday night. http://thehawksblog.blogspot.com/
  3. Quote: Can't wait to read it after tonight's pending ass-whoopin'. Well you got your wish.
  4. Thanks guys. We'll try to keep the updates nice and frequent. There's, um, a LOT of ground to cover.
  5. Hi guys, Long time reader, first time poster, so to speak. Just wanted to let everyone know that this frustrated Raptors fan (and an equally frustrated friend) has started a new Hawks blog at http://thehawksblog.blogspot.com/ Make of it what you will. (And mods, if you don't like that this post advertises another site, please delete it and accept my apologies.)
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