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Posts posted by Popeye

  1. Agreed. Skiles adjusted and Woody has been left standing with his mouth open. My worst nightmares about his failure to develop a Plan B on offense, his failure to come up with significant variations on defense, his failure to develop Teague as a viable spot player when Bibby's lack of athleticism is crushing us...they are all coming to fruition. Just sickening. It is an extreme indictment of Woody.

    *waiting for northcyde to come in and defend his boy*

  2. Horrible officiating, i mean WOW....... Kurt Thomas was playing dirty all game, he elbowed Smoove, he held him by hand so Smoove can't block a shot and than he would run into him when SMoove would try to run the shooters down....... f*** U STERN!

    Nba is trying to have as many games as possible in the playoffs because that's how they make their money......

  3. 1. (This happens every game) We need to stop switching if it ain't working damn it.... How many more times does Horford and Smoove have to get exposed because they are trying to cover Ridnour's, Ginobili's, Robinsons, Salmons and other guards who are not as good, but have career nights aganist us??

    WIll Woody ever f***ing get it?

    2. That last timeout that Woody took to run the same play for JJ we been running for 5 straight years and on last 10 possessions of the game was classic Woody......... I just wonder what he told the team in that timeout.....

    "Ummmm I took this timeout just to make them think we are actually gonna run a different play, but we ain't"....


    Oh yeah that was our last timeout so we had to go full court to make a 3 with 4 sec left, nice job Woodson.... I mean if he actually tried a different play and it didn't work i wouldn't be as mad, but he wasted a timeout for i don't know why.....

  4. He called it in the 1st - this team inexplicably comes out lethargic in the 1st and then comes back to make their games exciting.

    The hawks just came back to tie it in the 2nd. And he pointed out how talented marvin is and how he's yet to develop

    I've always been a woody supporter but I'm straying.

    really? I think you hated on Woody about 2-3 years ago....

  5. Marvin has 18/5 at the half with 2 steals against the Spurs. . I feel like i must be in an alternate universe or something.

    Not just that, but he single handedly brought us back in the game....

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