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Posts posted by buckeye242424

  1. I can understand the "welfare mentality". I just think if you're a fan, you want your team to become better, and ultimately win everytime they are on the court. Besides, why would hawks fans want another high draft pick? We're already grooming extremely young guys, why add another? The way the draft is going to be anyhow this year, picks 2-6 will not be much different than 7-10....let's win and be happy about it! lord knows we're all sick of losing....

  2. I'm a little confused reading some of these threads. I can't figure out what types of fans our beloved Hawks have. Often we're complaining about not winning and our players needing to grow up and be more consistent. Then at other times, I'm reading threads were the very same people are complaining that we ARE winning and we're going to drop in the draft and get a bad pick! What gives? It makes no sense....

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