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  1. It looks like it happens often about this time, but yes...I am a longtime lurker, first time poster. I have been coming to HawkSquawk about every day for the last two years. You guys crack me up on a daily basis. The hate that most of you have for Diesel....he just tells it how it is. So, the subject, "on the record." I want to go on the record to say that Sheldon Williams was a solid pick for us. Don't get me wrong, I was waiting to see if BK would pull the string, but he didn't. I really expect Sheldon to come in and be the force inside that we have not really had to this point. I think reasonably he can put up 10/9 and 2bpg. Yeah, its nice that he can score, but HE IS HERE TO PLAY DEFENSE. With him being in his first year, I don't see SW being one of our main offensive forces, that is why I am conservative with 10PPG. I would not be one bit suprised if he went for 15/10. Anyways, please continue to send me daily entertainment with your posts. Go hawks!
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