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Posts posted by oiatlhawksfan

  1. yea imagine the length we could put out there.

    6'10 Horford, 6'9 Smoove, 6'9 Marvin, 6'7 Joe, and a pass first 6'7 Livingston.

    Are you guys forgetting the great passes in the playoffs a couple of years ago.

  2. ^^they have him on there


    If Sund decides to ditch Woodson, one prominent candidate might be available: Detroit's Flip Saunders was fired Monday after the Pistons were eliminated in the Eastern Conference finals for the third straight season. Former Dallas coach Avery Johnson also is on the market.

  3. Quote:

    I think this will eliminate Beasley as the number 1 pick and from what NBA radio was saying today, OJ Mayo is picking up steam as the #1 or 2 pick.

    big mistake! People make a big deal off a combine, this doesn't impacts how a player will translate to the NBA. If Mayo is taken ahead of Beasley, than a GM should be fired. You don't ignore what a player has done during actual game, for a bunch of measurements.

  4. same person


    The legend himself, Rick Sund, is on the move to the Atlanta Hawks. Excellent hire for the Hawks. Anyone on this site knows how much I am a fan of Slick Rick. Most people wouldn't consider a great move but considering how Rick put together a very balanced and competitive team on the cheap here in Seattle I would imagine that he is going to make considerable upgrades to the Atlanta roster.

    I wouldn't expect Mike Woodson to be the Hawks coach for long. Rick is definitely not afraid to make tough decisions and despite the fact that I know that he would never admit it
    , Sam Presti has probably learned a ton having Rick serve as an advisor for the Sonics last season -- even if it was just hearing from Rick Cho, Assistant GM for the Sonics, about strategies that Rick has implored in the past.

    On a scale from 1-10 I would categories Rick's tenure in Seattle as a 7. His biggest fault was drafting Mo' Sene in the first round and signing Calvin Booth to a ridiculous contract. His best moves were obviously the Ray Allen/Gary Payton trades, the Wilcox/Vlad trade, the Fortson/Booth trade, his keen ability to sign undrafted free agents (Reggie Evans, Damien Wilkins, and Andre Brown), and his ability to negotiate with pending free agents.

    Injuries to Robert Swift (and an absolutely horrific rehab program) probably hurt Rick's stock more than anything else but he is easily my favorite GM to run the Sonics.

    How would you categories Sund as the Sonics GM?

  5. Quote:

    Unbelievable hire.

    Rick Sund is one of the best basketball minds in the business. He was handcuffed by an owner who was not willing to shelve out a ton of money in Seattle and he was able to put together a talented and deep team in each of his seasons -- while consistently coming out on the better end of any trade that he was involved in.

    He really only made one mistake in the draft and that was drafting Mo Sene in 2006. Robert Swift would have been a very good big in this league had he not tore his ACL in 2006 and Johan Petro is about as good of a center that you are going to get with the 25th pick in the draft. There aren't too many bigs picked behind them that truly make the Sonics regret drafting those two with the exception of Al Jefferson.

    Atlanta has not been known for making a ton of competent moves in the past but that is all about to change. You have a winner in Sund.

  6. Do you watch the Sonics. Swift started out slow because of how raw he was, but when he was getting some playing thime he started producing. He was sort of like Al jefferson in Boston, he was brought up slowly. Johan Petro is consider as a very athletic 7 footer, who has a chance to be really good. Don't you remember when he came off the bench and killed us.

  7. Quote:


    His top draft picks from his 6 previous drafts with Seattle.

    6-10 Vladimir Radmanovich

    6-11 Peter Fehse

    6-9 Nick Collison

    7-0 Robert Swift

    7-0 Johan Petro

    7-0 Saer Sene (at 10th overall!)

    Anyone noticing a trend? He was determined to find himself some frontcourt solutions. No matter the cost.

    That is 10 times worse than BK's draft record. However before you JUMP on him for picking those foreign bigs you must remember that heir ownership wanted guys picked who werent going to cost them money right away. They wanted guys they would hold the rights to for a year or so before paying them money was necesary.

    Not realy none of those players are actual bust yet. Collison coming off a solid year, johan Petro was a sure steal, Robert Swift was considered a future all-star before injuries, and the jury still out of Saer Sene.

  8. IMO Billy Knight was a good GM, he's made a mistake here and there, but it hasn't been enough to still have this team at the bottom.Even if we begged him to come back ,I don't he'll want to, isn't he going to New York to work for Donnie Walsh, he's some one who never buts in while someone trying to do their job

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