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Posts posted by wfhawkfan

  1. Well we own the tiebreaker because of head to head.

    But at this point Im not so sure the 3 seed is something we really want right now. It may give us the Magic and the Bobcats

    I will take my chances with the Bucks and the Cavs

    They own the tiebreaker, division winner trumps head to head. But I too rather face Bucks/Cavs over Cats/Magic :angel19:

  2. Since 78-79, Jordan, Bird, Magic, Duncan, Hakeem, Shaq, Kobe, or Moses have been on the championship squad all but four 4 times. These are top 12-16 guys all time.

    1988-1989 Pistons

    1989-1990 Pistons

    2003-2004 Pistons (only real anomaly)

    2007-2008 Celtics

    All four of these squads played other worldly defense, plus 3 had multiple hall-of-famers. So unless we start allowing 90.0 ppg on 42% shooting ('08 Celtics) this team is not going to win a championship.

    In my opinion, we have to luck out into a superstar and our 4 and 5 are too small to be legit contenders. Eventually, one is going too have to go, our become an uber 6th man.

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  3. I came to the realization that he won't tonight. Knowing full well he was going to be under scrutiny this game after his missed dunk, and still coming out and playing stupid told me everything. Getting out muscled for rebounds by Beasly, complaining to the refs over obvious fouls, leaving teammates out to dry, and continuing to jack up jumpers he knows he cant hit did it for me. Good players can do it at home and on the road. The fact that Smoove is our leading scorer tells me evrything I need to know about Joe as well. Joe and Josh as our two best players = fail. Hopefully, both of them can render this whole post false by showing and playing with heart and intelligence Sunday

  4. Man, these games are over before the 2nd quarter ever begins. There is no drama or anticipation. One team always comes out to play while the other lays down and dies. Where is the intensity from both teams?


    Both teams are just mentally weak and can't or don't want to fight back.

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