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Posts posted by AnnArborHawk

  1. Quote:

    - A scout saw something in Josh Smith and told BK to take a chance where 15 or so other teams passed up on him and had no earthly clue about his potential.

    This one isn't entirely accurate. A lot of people thought Josh Smith could have been a top 10 pick if he'd gone to college for a year, but a lot of teams saw him as a risk straight out of high school. He wasn't exactly a sleeper.

  2. I can't believe this drama queen. Gets carried off the court by his teammates to his wheelchair, towel covering his face because he's screaming in so much pain, only to come back out on the court 2 minutes later.

    They should call these guys the Big P's, cause Pierce is a (well it's been mentioned) and KG is a punk (as are Cassell and Perkins). The only guys on that team that I have even the slightest respect for are Rondo, Big Baby, PJ Brown, and Ray Allen.

  3. This is my concern with Woody staying on a year. Larry Drew and one other assistant (can't remember which one) tried to leave after last year. Now they're no longer under contract and are free to leave if they choose.

    So let's say ASG gives Woody the one year extension. He'll likely have to bring in 2 new assistants. If it doesn't work out, then we can Woody and bring in a whole new coaching staff after another year.

    That constant change over the next 2 years just doesn't sit well with me having a bunch of young guys on the team. I'd rather just cut ties and start fresh with a new coaching staff that can stick around a few years.

  4. Quote:

    True. I half way expected it to get worse???? In that case lateral isn't half bad?

    If you believe the rumors that BK was a difficult GM for other execs to deal with, then different might mean better (at least in terms of opening up some closed doors).

    Now, of course, BK could have gotten that reputation because the owners wouldn't sign on the dotted line after he got his handshake agreement with another GM.

  5. 1)


    # 1979: Selected by Norm Sonju as director of player personnel for a proposed expansion team in Dallas. At 28, became the youngest in league history to hold that position.

    # 1986-87: Presided over Mavericks team that won a franchise-record 55 games before losing to Sonics in first round of playoffs. Mavericks matched or improved their record in each of the franchise's first eight seasons.

    Hawks owners probably look at this and see that he can continue the upward trend we've had since nearly being an expansion-type franchise with our rebuilding 4 years ago.



    President Wally Walker has final say on basketball decisions, and principal owner Howard Schultz has set consensus as a priority in the franchise's decisions.

    If you're going to get anything done with this ownership group, you have to be skilled in consensus-building.

  6. Quote:

    That is what I was hoping they would ask and what I hoped he would say.

    At least we now knw Fratello does want to coach again. Many of us really like this guy.

    I'd love to have Fratello. 16 seasons coaching in the NBA...winning record for 12 of them...made the playoffs 11 times. He's got one of the better resumes out there, so I'm sure somebody will grab him.

    Only knock on him is, in those 11 playoff appearances, he won only a handful (3) playoff series.


  7. Quote:

    I agree with other posters, if Philly offers max do a sign and trade. Dalembert, Williams, and their draft pick would be fair I believe. Then with Williams and Law we could trade Bibby for whatever the hell we wanted.

    I would actually be OK with this. Sign J-Chill. S&T Smoove for Dalembert, Williams, and #16. Then trade Bibby's $14mil expiring contract to a team that wants the cap space to rebuild.

    Do I think Philly would do this deal? Probably not. But it does set us up to move Horford to PF, add to the bench with the #16 pick, and maybe pick up a shooter and a big in exchange for Bibby's contract.

    Having said that, I'm not advocating this, but IF we were to trade Smoove, I'd be OK with this one.

  8. Or worse, they'll decide they don't need a GM. I mean, if the owners are all making the decisions, they'll probably add GM to Nique's title, and he'll continue to be the famous face of the franchise - with Gearon Jr. pulling the levers behind the curtain.

  9. Quote:

    Whereas Smoove is the example of passion.

    Not necessarily a good thing. Sure, when he was going off, he was pumped and got the rest of the team behind him. But after he missed a couple layups in game one, he looked dejected the rest of the game.

    People talk about his BBIQ being bad...well his emotional IQ is worse. In one of the recent articles I read he said something about knowing he was going to have a bad game after he missed his first couple shots....well no frikkin wonder you have a bad game b/c 3 minutes into it you've already decided you're going to have one!!!! Somebody get this guy a sports psychologist because his own damn head takes himself out of more games than opposing defenses do!

  10. I think it was Colin Cowherd on the radio last week saying that successful organizations give their executives autonomy. Robert Kraft doesn't mess around football operations. Do we even know who owns the Spurs?

    My question is, what quality GM will come in after this AJC article, KNOWING before they go into the job that he won't have the autonomy he wants/needs?

  11. Quote:

    like literally i was robbed. Everyone was standing in the 4th, so i had to put it down on the seat. The next time i turned around, it was gone. I wasn't so mad cuz we got the win though ;p Plenty of crooks in downtown though.

    Same thing happened to me in game 3 with the towels. My gf had hers stolen out of her seat by the people behind us (who had their own), and then, they just grabbed mine that I had on my shoulder.

    I felt it being taken off my shoulder, so I turned around and looked at them, and they just refused to make eye contact, acknowledge anything I said. Actually just sat there and pretended I didn't exist. So I said to the people next to them, "did you see that", and that's when they got up and walked away (probably not their actual seats anyway).

    Oh yeah, this was a mom and her 8-10 yo kid. Nice lesson mom.

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