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Posts posted by T21

  1. ... well, IMO Marvin and Jamal's exp. contract should be enough to get Melo!

    Hawks have a very simple situation to deal with... We need financial flexibility to sign Horford long-term and Crawford (although I like the guy) simply has to be moved (we have JC2 to fill the gap).

    Realisticaly, I was expecting some kind of a trade be the All-Star break... but right now, with new circumstances (Melo on the market), we need to be active and try to get as much value as we can in return for Craw...

  2. I may be wrong, but I thought they selected the team before Nique got hurt. It 's dissapointing for not for him to be on that team with his all-star peers.

    I don't think the roster was completed at the time that Nique got hurt... As far as I can recall, several roster spots were up for grabs...

    P.S. Even worse "Political decision" was leavin' Nique off the list of 50 Greatest... He should have made it hands down!

  3. Yup.

    Class act. Born leader. Brings his game every night. Improves every year. Now that he has the 15-18 ft. jumper, the sky's the limit.

    He needs to being playing PF though. This is year four of him playing center, and that's a shame. I know Smoove is the main reason why, but still. Horf shouldn't be banging with the "real" bigs night in and night out like he does.

    Horford is the kid that has his head straight!

    As you said, he's a true leader, vocal, and by example... I wouldn't mind if Hawks would mold the profile of this team after Horf's example, his DNA!

  4. For these very same reason a trade will not go down between the Hawks and Hornets. If you are the new GM of the Hornets do you trade an all star/bonified star in Paul for marginal all star in Horford/Smith? NO.

    Do you trade away same said PG and a quality Center for choice of PF that won't suplant your all star PF in West?? NO.

    Would you think building around West/Horford or West/Smith is viable in the West? NO.

    Once again Hawksquawk fanatics... we are only thinking about this for what we can get out of it and not being realistic enough in some of our trade scenerios. Every year we have one or two rumors that us fans go crazy over and indulge ourselves deep in thought on the subject of actually aquiring a star player, that just will not die. Unfortunately for us, some of these very same rumors are ones that realistically outside of a salary match wont work for us. Although it is fun to dream....

    I'm not sayin' somethin' will happen'... but there's definitely somethin' goin' on... and if it's true that CP3 wants out, then anything is possible! Plus, they already have a promissing PG and they could opt to blow it up and start all over with young talents, draft picks and financial leverage...

    All I'm sayin' is, if it's out there, and if it makes us better, we need to find the way to explore it...

  5. Boozer overrated? Laughable much. I guess guys who get you 20/10 and are legit low post scorers just fall off trees these days. The Bulls had a good offseason. And for the person questioning their SG they picked up one of the best perimeter defenders in the league in Brewer.

    I will not say Boozer is overrated, but I don't think he's the kind of a player that can turn franchise around. OK, the Bulls don't need anything that dramatic... but No. 2... c'mon!!! How'bout them Lakers, they just won a tittle!!!

    P.S. I'm not going to go ballistic on Boozer, but I'll just say for the record that he could become Elton Brand part II...

  6. Consider the source. Seems to me if we trade Smoove we need a pf or center?

    Very true!

    Plus, Hornets will not, under any circumstances, trade CP3 without getting rid of a bad contract...

    So, the only package that makes sense for Hawks is CP3 & Okafor, as already discussed on our board. That way we land CP3 and a center.

    What would it take to get it done... it's hard to say... But I truly believe that we're one of the rare teams that can put a solid offer on the table (quality player, exp.contract, even a draft pick)!

    P.S. Unfortunatelly, it would also mean we'd have to say 'bye to one of Smoove or Horf...

  7. Posted: Wednesday July 21, 2010 2:30PM ; Updated: Thursday July 22, 2010 10:58AM

    Ian Thomsen

    Ian Thomsen>INSIDE THE NBA

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    Sneak peek at East contenders

    Story Highlights

    Criticism of Heat's stars may provide Miami unifying defiance Pat Riley teams love

    Celtics' continuity may not be enough to overcome decline of star trio vs. Heat

    New coach, emphasis on transition game should keep Hawks among elite in East

    • Atlanta Hawks (53 wins last season). It's a big mistake to write off Atlanta based on its unprecedented postseason drubbing by the Magic. The Hawks' young trio of Josh Smith, Al Horford and Marvin Williams is still maturing around Joe Johnson and Jamal Crawford, and Jeff Teague will be given additional minutes at point guard to make them more explosive in transition. They're deep and athletic, and coach Larry Drew may provide new energy after serving as an assistant the last few years. Johnson's max contract was controversial, but the Hawks will be glad to have him back next season.

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    Good article!

    We're not going to dissappear for sure!

    There's a very strong reason why ASG and Sund don't want to break up our core... unlike many other teams, we have huge room for improvement from within (still) and luxury of having continuous build-up of chemistry...

    Our biggest problem was our offense!

    We never played up to our strenghts: high-tempo basketball (athleticism), movement, longer rotation (a must!)... I don't see many teams who could keep up with us!

    With new coach, another year of maturity, I think we're just fine!

    P.S. This year we're not gonna judge our Hawks by regular season win total, but by the way we play and how far we go in the Playoffs...

    • Like 1
  8. Great post man!

    I agree that we have a very good and competitive team... However, the most satisfying aspect of it all is the fact that we have built this team brick by brick, and we're still seeing this team grow from within'... and that's the department that I personally expect the most from! We have lot's of talent, key pieces who are still very young and have huge upside!

    P.S. I'm a true Hawks fan, believer... My personal dissapointments and disgust are aimed at this league, it's leadership, who allowed (for a handfull of bucks) every bloodsucker to ruin the brand that's been built by the legends of the sport... not to mention big market medias, agents, cry-baby players (so-called stars)...

  9. The NBA is becoming Fantasy League!

    We have "Big market" teams, cry baby players, blood suckin' agents... It's no basketball anymore, and it's not ben for quite a while!

    Star players are not stars! They are jumpin' ships after they fail the first hurdle! Nobody is even tryin', everybody want's it the easy way... They want it all and right now!

    Back in the days it was all totally different! Players had loyalty, they even bled for their teammates, coaches, fans... Game had dignity, pride...

  10. I'm not going to claim I know all these cap numbers/how they work.... but could this line up be pulled off?

    If we could this really help keep us on top for sure.

    Teague - Shaun Livingston / Bibby

    JJ - JC / Jordan C

    Chillz - Marvin / Mo

    Smoove - Zaza / Udonis Haslem

    Al - Big Z / Udonis Haslem

    I'd surely like to get Chillz back, as well as Haslem and even Big Z...

    As far as cap is concerned, I don't think the issue is if we're gonna go over and pay extra Dollar... we'll (ASG) basically have to go over in order to upgrade our teams most glaring needs and contend!

    Let's face it, after we overspent on JJ, we need to go all the way, try to win right now and justify JJ re-signing...

  11. We all know that we have very athletic line-up and that up-tempo style suits the make-up of our team... Without Smoove all of that would simply dissappear...

    Hopefully, JD will find the best way to maximize our obvious potentials!

    I don't mind small front court, as long as we play up to our strenghts... but there were times last season when we shot ourselves in the foot with slow pace, half-court game that exposed our size and matchup issues...

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