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Posts posted by jhay610

  1. I'm with Coachx. Richt has coached at the highest level and he has earned the right to weather a couple of down years without his job being questioned. He didn't wake up and forget how to coach.

    Questioning him because he hasn't won an NC is ridiculous. Georgia was a mid-tier SEC program for twenty years before he took the helm. The fact that they have even been in the conversation over during the bulk of his tenure has been a major credit to him considering what he inherited. Besides, the fact that College Football does not have a playoff makes the luck element a big part of it -- UGA won the SEC with one loss a few years back and had the hottest team in the land in 2007; neither time did they have the opportunity to play for an NC. LSU, on the other hand, won a NC with a two loss team. Luck.

    If Richt is fired there is no guarantee that the next guy will do better, in fact it is far more likely Georgia will take several steps back before moving forward (see Coachx post above). I think it is reasonable to keep Richt on until the end of next year and revisit the topic then -- if there is no discernible improvement or positive momentum then you look at making a change.

    I do think, however, UGA should be looking at upgrading the OC.

  2. They have been a bit fortuitous but the divide of talent in the NFL is not that wide; seasons are defined based on whether you win or lose these types of games. They still had to go down the field in both games at the end and win.

    San Fran was a classic "trap" game after an emotional (and well-deserved, by the way) win in NO. They can still improve but I am glad they are doing it while winning instead of the other way around.

  3. Vick is still the most dynamic and exciting player in the league, in my opinion, because at quarterback he touches it on every play. The Eagles offensive line is not that great -- Vick ran away from a number of sacks, including one where he should have gotten nailed on the blindside and probably fumbled, but instead spun off the blitzer in a video game moment and rolled out for a completion downfield.

    The guy is still capable of amazing things and looks much more polished. (Granted no one has game planned for him yet and he has yet to face a great defense, but we always suspected Mora and Knapp were not the ones to get the most out of him.) If Kolb comes back and struggles it won't be long...

  4. As luck would have it, they draw Hammels, Halladay, and Oswalt for the 3 game series.

    That wasn't luck, ole Chollie has had his eye on this series for a while now and he purposely set his rotation so he could fire his three best bullets at us. Cox is Cox, and true to his style, he is going to keep an even keel and not do anything to upset the routine. That is a great strength of his but also a criticism -- that's how you have two rookies starting 2 of the 3 biggest games of the year.

    Certainly, the only matchup that looks at all favorable is the Hanson-Oswalt duel. I would consider it a victory to get one out of these three, then take care of business against the Nats and Marlins and shoot for the wild card. If you win 2 of 3 against both those teams you should be in ok shape. Sweeping would be optimal given the Rockies penchant for late season surges. Maybe the last series against the Phillies is meaningless for them and you catch a break in terms of them resting some of their regulars or starting arms, I don't know.

    Sure, play to win the division, but the wild card seems more feasible at this point.

  5. On a team with Josh, Marvin and Joe, where does Iguodala fit?

    Over Marvin of course. Trade Marvin.

    I don't think he is objecting to the idea of trading Marvin for Iggy; I think he is questioning whether Philly would ever do that in one million years. You know, because Marvin is locked into a multi-year contract and is, well, Marvin.

    • Like 1
  6. Just how is Ryan supposed to go deep when he's got pressure on him all day? To go deep you have to pass block. The real problem with the Falcons is not Ryan or Turner is a terrible offensive line. They are simply AWFUL.

    Ryan hit some very nice passes today. The INT in the 4th was awful though. He has got to stop staring at his receiver.

    Fair enough, the birds were dominated up front, but even when the blitzes were picked up he still was missing guys that were open because he was locked in.

    And Turner was slooooow to the holes, although there weren't many. He will be effective in games where we can make and hold creases, but in these types of games you have to hit the line hard and fast and try to get your four or five and get into 2nd and manageable.

    • Like 1
  7. I am telling you guys that he is going to have a below average season. He played horrible in the pre-season.

    I hate how Matt Ryan gets all the credit for all the success. Ryan has not lead us anywhere. I would make the argument that Michael Turner/running game is more valuable to this team than Ryan. Ryan looks good when the running game is strong but it comes down to him winning the game on his own we are in trouble. Now I Iike Ryan but he just has Joey Harrington written all over him. Average at best.

    Underwhelming performance today. The outs and curls will only work for so long, you have to stretch the field occasionally. I feel like he gets locked into a guy a lot of times and misses guys that are open because he doesn't make it through progressions. The Steelers were also jumping the snaps today and I didn't hear one hard count from Ryan, which he has been quite good with in the past, keeping blitzers honest.

    It certainly isn't helping that the running game has not been what it was in his rookie year, but he has not made the progress over the last 17 games (since the playoff loss) that I had hoped for.

    I would make the argument that Michael Turner/running game is more valuable to this team than Ryan. .

    Turner was substandard last year and was crap today, although admittedly there weren't many holes. Pitt is a good defense but the Birds were inept for most of the day, with Turner plodding East-West and tripping over the line of scrimmage.

  8. His pre-season was horrible and he does not have a strong arm. I keep watching them do the same thing little dump passes for 3-7 yards. Then when they get into the endzone that crap doesn't work. We are on the hook for alot of money for this guy it so far appears to be just average. Michael Turner was responsible for the success when he was a rookie and you saw he he looked without Michael Turner last year.

    I haven't seen anything from him that tells me he will be some kind of superstar. Maybe this is the year but I just feel that he is getting alot of accolades and hype when he hasn't done anything to warrant it. I bet if Redman was our starter there would be very little if any drop off.

    I am a die hard Falcons (me and my wife) but I just don't know about Matt Ryan.

    His rookie year was off the charts. He regressed a bit last year but the whole team was out of sync due to injuries and Turner's poor conditioning. I expect big things this year; if not, I would start worrying at the end of the year. Some great former QBs and people who would know better than you or I are on board with Ryan. I'm willing to give it some time to play out.

  9. Rick Ankiel is really doing something special. In his last 8 official at-bats, he is 0 for 8 with 8 strikeouts. The record for strikeouts in consecutive at-bats is 18, spanning several seasons by Daniel Cabrera. The record for most consecutive plate appearances with a K is held by Sandy Koufax with 12. Interesting that Ankiel may soon threaten records for hitting futility held by pitchers.

    Dude is a pitcher...what do you expect? Maybe he has forgotten how to hit like he forgot how to throw strikes...

  10. It's really not about the discussion. It's about your discussion. I think that's what drives most of this anyway. The media discusses one guy and makes him an allstar. Do I know more than the coaches? JSmoove would have been an Allstar and Horf not if I were choosing. So I guess so.

    That's classic Diesel right there. Just matter-of-fact with it.

  11. Speaking of convenient I like you how fail to mention Bibby was on an expiring contract when we traded for him at the deadline so we only had to pay half his last year's salary

    Bibby had another year on his deal when we picked him up, no? I want to say his last year was in the neighborhood of $14m, being the 2008-09 season (we picked him up in Feb 2008).

  12. The Hawks were also the healthiest team in the NBA last year. They'd be very fortunate to have a run like that again.

    On the FAs mentioned by the OP and the possible use of the MLE, I would love to see it but the dominoes are really starting to fall and it looks like the Hawks are going to miss out on any signings of consequence. Will hold out hope though.

    Regardless of what happens in the regular season, it will not change my view of Woodson's tenure. He had carried the Hawks as far as he could and it was time for him to go after that Orlando series.

  13. I liked Yunel's talent and obviously the Braves did as well or he would have been gone much sooner. The guy has more 'wtf' moments than any player I can remember wearing the uniform. Escobar makes jaw-dropping, indescribable mental errors and it happens frequently. He also has demonstrated a less than stellar attitude both on and off field.

    Now that he can't hit a lick this year the writing was on the wall. I am concerned in that Gonzalez is a free swinger and I like the lineup and the way they work deep counts, but the power he brings will be most welcome.

    By all accounts the prospects have a lot of potential as well.

  14. Wow someone had the nerve to leave negative points for this post?? Someone must have some really hurt feelings to be able to disagree with what spotatl said here. Acie was it you that gave spot a negative point?

    Yeah I thought that was egregious while reading so I had already repped him back to zero. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you give 'em the minus; that's from the Official +/- Scorebook. Besides, it was a good point.

    Let's keep it ethical and above board around here.

  15. :offtopic:

    it's my option that T.I. should quit the music biz because his new stuff is awful. Lyrically the dude has dropped to Snoop's level.

    There are some bangers on the new mix tape. Sure his singles have gone commercial (you can't blame him for that) but if you get into the albums there are always some cuts with the throwback style for the long-time fans.

  16. You know something I should have known what I was getting myself into. I was so hyped to post it on here to shut up all the jack**** fanboys but instead all I've done is lure more Hawksquawk trolls to bring more of the same nonsense to me that I was trying to kill.

    I've been coming to this site for a while but just recently decided to create an account this summer with all the hype surrounding free agency, but those years before I would always read some of the comment on here and think to myself, do these guys know anything about sports at all? It's really astonishing that a person can post something on here that actually happen to him and people call it bull, but a person can post some crap they heard from some ESPN jerk wad and trolls proceeded to lose their collective minds.

    What reason would I have to make up such a stupid story? If you don't like it then too F****** Bad, I'm not a 14 year old kid that make stuff up in order to get friends and candy. I can't believe someone on here actually said I should Google some random pic and post it on here as my own. If this person had any sense A**Hopper and paid attention to details than he would know why I'm not posting the pic, but that's not something people on this site like to do that's more than apparent.


    Moves to insult the board. Interesting counter..

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