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Posts posted by jhay610

  1. hey we might complain about ownership, coaches, management, players, et all; but at the end of the day we are all hawks fans, and I know I am til the day I die. I don't care if we re-sign Billy and Woody 'til eternity and field a full roster of freelancing 6'9" tweeners 'til 2100 I am still a fan.

    You won't see any other team's logos popping up on my posts. All I ask for is a team of guys that will play hard every night. They weren't doing that a few weeks ago so I was hot, but now they seem to be.

    Lets bring it in for a big Hawksquawk cyber hug.

  2. Quote:

    Smith is the top player on the NBA's youngest team

    Wait, did we trade Joe Johnson?!?!!


    Said Woodson: "He's made gradual steps along the way. When he first got here, it was a nightmare. He's grown a lot in his own way, and he's had a lot of latitude to develop his game. While he's doing that, we're still trying to win games, and that's tough."

    Nice D, Woody!

  3. I know why Nique wasnt more involved in the past....RACISM!! QUICK! Somebody tell Terence Moore so he can put a new twist on his go-to topic!

    I absolutely LOATHE Moore and I wonder why he is getting so much shine on ESPN myself.

    My own personal purgatory would be being locked in a small room with no windows or doors listening to Skip Bayless and Terence Moore debate various topics of the day. Jay Crawford would host.

  4. Quote:

    Marvin must score to be effective. He just doesn't bring anything else to the table.


    That is one of the most ridiculous myths on this site and it drives me nuts. Marvin and JJ are by far our best perimeter defenders and it's a toss up on which one is better but Marvin routinely has to defend the opposing teams best wing player. He had T-Mac completely locked down and then when he went ouf of the game T-Mac went off.

    CO-SIGN! I swear I don't know if people are getting different broadcasts than me. Although Marvin can be awkward, he does a pretty good job of staying in front of his defender and is a good team defender. He also has the length to bother the shots of the volume scorers in this league (6'8" athletic swingmen: Lebron, Kobe, T-mac, Vinsanity, et all)

    Chillz, although he has been better lately, is defensively just....lazy. Not to contribute to the ever-running Chillz v Marvin arguments, because I like them both, but to say Marvin has to score to be effective is asinine.

  5. I like Marvin's game fine, he will be a solid pro for a long time, but we have too many guys at his position and if we can make a trade that gets Al out of the 5 I'm all for it.

    I'm not saying Pryz is a better player than Marv but provided we can resign Chill/Smoove we will need to shop him for another big. Didn't you say on another thread that the best we could get for marv was a late 2nd rounder? Now you are upset about trade talk and saying he's worth more?

    Marv is a project but the things he will get better at are his decision-making, maybe extending his range out to 3 and, best case scenario, figuring out a way to finish through contact. He will never get that much quicker, won't get much more explosive, his feet won't get lighter, so to speak, and he will never get less awkward. He's knees and elbows everywhere when he drives.

    Watching him in the first half the other night I almost fell out of my chair laughing when he tripped on a drive and then lost his feet when he stepped on the ball.

    Of course he has a higher ceiling than Pryz but it's not that high. I can't say I'd be happy with a Marvin/Pryz swap but Billy's master plan has come together and low and behold, we don't have anyone that can contain legit centers in this league.

  6. Quote:

    Trade Marvin home to Seattle for their pick and a big.


    Yes, yes...c'mon....let's get real guys - nobody will likely trade either one of those for Marvin. He's just a typical 6'9" dude witha jumper....this is the Pros..nobody cares where your hometown is.

    Yes please who is giving us a middle/early 1st round pick for this guy + a big?!!?

    He might get a serviceable big OR a very late 1st rounder. All you have to do is watch a little game film and you'll see that is fair value. I'd like to see another NBA GM outside of BK give up that much for Marvin Williams.

    Hey we could throw in Mario West and trade Marvin to S.A. and pick up Tim Duncan! That would put is in line for a chip next year!

    This is not dynasty mode in Live....

  7. I'm pretty sure there was 7 on the clock when that went up, but maybe not...I thought the play where he gave up the J and found Chillz, and then got the block on the jumper after some exceptional team D were key possessions. If we defended like we did on that trip for 48 minutes we would win a lot of games.

    Way to grind out a tough win when u played poorly for most of 3 quarters. Zaza, kill ya self.

  8. Quote:

    If your going to quote someone, you should utilize the whole quote. Not just the part that proves your point.

    Yes please that is lazy. Without context a benign quote can seem inflammatory.


    Furthermore, lets keep this blog strictly basketball, at least until the season ends.

    actually the lounge forum is intended for topics outside of basketball.

    Since Obama is mixed, he has the best of both worlds. He can bang on either side of the equator and not be labeled a racist, right? Oh wait, I forgot he was drafted in the second round by the black race [(#1 overall: Tiger Woods) See Dave Chappelle's 'Racial Draft']

  9. Quote:

    He can have the Ace and King of Spades in his hand. But because the Big Joker and Little Joker are still in somebody's hand, he'll let someone cut a book without challenging it with his 2 high Spades, which lets them get a cheap book.

    example: ( Woody and his partner bidded 7 for the hand. They have 5 books, with 4 more chances/plays of the hand to reach 7. Key play of the hand comes right here. )

    player (1) - plays Jack of Hearts

    player (2) - because she has no Hearts, cuts with a 5 of Spades

    Woody is player (3) - He has the Ace, King, and 8 of Spades he can cut with.

    Instead of being aggressive, and playing the Ace or the King, to force Player (4) to possibly cut over him with one of the Jokers if he has one, Woody would play the 8 of Spades and hope that would be enough to get the book or trick.

    player (4) - who had the Big Joker, the 9, and the 4 of Spades to cut with, plays the 9 and wins the book.

    Woody didn't make a horrible play by playing the 8 of Spades. It was just too safe of a play. But the fact that player 4 won the book with the 9 of Spades, gave that team a book that they didn't count on. And that's what made it a horrible play.

    On the final play of the hand, Woody would still be holding his Ace, his partner would have the Lil Joker, and player 4 would have the Big Joker, to win the book at the end. And of course, that would end up being the book that got Woody SET, and they'd have to go back -70 points.

    JJ was Woody's Ace of Spades tonight, that he tried to hold onto too long. And that got him SET tonight.

    My man, are you high? Pass that ish lol

  10. If you haven't read my posts in the past I think everyone on HS is in love with MWest for some mystical unknown reason, or maybe it's because he's a tech guy, or maybe it's because he is a feel-good underdog story...I, for one, think he should be what he is...one of the last guys off the bench.

    I dont think West should play extended minutes except in special circumstances. Last night was one of those circumstances. When one guy is torching u like that from outside, you need to get someone out there who will make him earn it. While Carter can elevate over West, at least West would get physical with him and put the wood on him a couple times.

    The other problem is that Carter had the night off on defense, so he had free reign to go at the Hawks w/o expending effort on defense. West doesn't solve that problem but I wouldn't have minded seeing him get a shot at it last night, especially when we started floundering on offense. We needed someone to DEFEND last night, and it wasn't team offense that was beating us, it was VC.

  11. No one defended well last night, but Chillz was the worst. He was late or lame on I counted 4 possessions where a guy penetrated and got all the way to the basket because he didnt rotate over at all/in time. It can't be that easy to score in an NBA playoff type game. The Hawks don't play defense hard enough to win tough games.

    He also kept letting freakin' Nachbar get free for easy dunks in the 1st half. No one played good D, but his was esp. horrible.

  12. I agree Carter was vintage tonight he was hitting some ridiculous shots. He could not be stopped, and it is frustrating because we are better than them.

    Still though, we were not rotating on defense. Too often it was a blow by of one defender and then a half-ass or a no-contest of a dunk. And Carter was hot throughout the game, I mean red-hot from the jump, and we still had a 10-point lead at half.

    It was frustrating becuz you see the Hawks offensively in the first half and u think they are about to turn that corner, that they have gelled, and then...the second half happens.

    WTF Woody sitting JJ the whole 3rd with only 3 fouls. I remember looking at the lineup at one point and thinking, 'ok who is gonna score right now'. Nobody, as it were.

  13. Back to old habits defensively. Horf didnt show hard enough on a pick, Chillz doesnt rotate over, Carter layup. Carter blows by Joe, no rotation from Chillz. Smoove loses handle on break, recovers, throws horrible pass, backpedals back on D as Jefferson streaks by him for a feed from Carter for two.

    Offensively, keep at it. What a shot by Joe!

    Nets need to miss some freakin' shots from outside though, which they will. We're ok

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