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Posts posted by Basketballfan

  1. He is already worth a trillion dollars, but I do see him bolting. Cleveland will def. be free of some wretched contracts by then (IDK about Ben Wallace), and he loves his hometown, but in the ESPN article it says Akron, Ohio is his 5th favorite city behind 4 others? Wow. I don't see who exactly he will pair with. Yi Jianlian? GTFOH

  2. I agree--I am fine with Horford at center if he gets a bit bigger, but I don't know if we can make it to the Finals with him and Smoove at the two biggest positions. If we had someone like Sheed next to Horford (our Ben Wallace) I might feel more secure.,

  3. Right around early April, they said that they have to work harder because they're undersized. It might be from a Sekou Smith article on AJC.

    Also, Mike D'Antoni said that he felt he was "abusing" Amare by playing him at the 5 instead of the 4, so that triggered a large reaction around here.

  4. 100% Al Horford.

    When I watch him play (including the playoffs), I get this feeling and KNOW that he is the one player on this team who will never let ANYONE on our team underachieve or player below their level. I trust he will lead us to the NBA Finals in the next 8 seasons, and he will be an Atlanta Hawk for life

  5. This trade makes no sense at all. The point of getting Bibby was to let him finish off his contract here while developing Acie. Getting Chauncey means that Acie will get 10 mpg. Also, we have Marvin Williams, so where does Tay Prince play? PF?

    I will trade Smoove for Rasheed and would also go after Rip (Move JJ to the 3) if we can also include Marvin

  6. Isn't Richard Jefferson a bit too big though?

    I think JJ and Michael Redd would be very potent, because they are very similar players, but Redd is left-handed, and they complement each other very well. I would not be surprised if Mr. Sund is pursuing Redd either. I think Milwaukee is very impressed with Marvin.

  7. Plus Joe Johnson seemed REALLY pissed after we got eliminated in game 7 (LAL lost by more than we did!) and he wants veterans. Brad Miller, Ron Artest, James Posey, Kareem Rush (won a ring or two with LAL maybe?) Could we nab a couple of these guys? I don't see Posey leaving Boston unless they can't pay him. I think his stock went up quite a bit after these last few series.

  8. Maybe if we could nab Brad Miller too? He may be a hindrance to Spencer Hawes who really didn't do much last year.

    Bibby + Marvin

    for Artest + Brad Miller maybe?

    More importantly, I think going back to the SW will help Marvin's confidence--being closer to home. I am curious to see what he's done this summer though. All he needs is some weight-training (stronger legs), and to work with someone like Antwawn Jamison at UNC and he will be something special. I don't know if we'll extend his contract though

  9. I'm not happy for anyone on the Celtics. Maybe Leon Powe and PJ Brown.

    I have never resented a team this much.

    1) Kevin Garnett--arrogant, over-the-top, talks too much trash, and his pregame bull!@#$ rituals annoy me

    2) Paul Pierce--dissed Joe Johnson, does this "WHAT!!!" every time he makes a shot and blatantly tanked last season (sat out for no reason) so that they could try get the #1 pick

    3) Ray ALlen--Also avoided Joe Johnson at ASG. How he made the All star team averaging 17 PPG and 40 % FG is beyond me.

    4) Glen Davis--thinks it's a football field out there. Look at his body--is he playing the right sport?

    5) Kendrick Perkins--explodes every time he dunks. Should have had about 20 technical fouls by the end of the postseason. Not very talented--just big

    6) James Posey--dirty player

    7) Sam Cassell--need I say more

    8) Eddie House--actually thinks he's good

  10. thanks for the reply.

    I wish we could get James Posey. While i hate him for being a dirty player and always making 3's, this guy embodies a true utility backup. Bringing him and CHillz off the bench would be incredible.

    I think any contender needs a Ron Artest, Shane Battier, Bruce Bowen, or even a DeShawn Stevenson. I wish July would get here already, although I suspect the ASG will hold off till September til the Joshes are retained.

  11. Hi everyone, I was just thinking.

    I know we beat Boston 3 times, but I think Woodson came here wanting a rugged defensive Detroit Pistons-type team. Instead, BK gave him 29 6"8 tweeners instead.

    Would Woodson want a trade or maybe an overhaul?

    I am desperate for us to make it deep in the playoffs next year and was wondering what anyone would think of a Marvin + Bibby for Iverson / Arenas-type trade? I think we desperately need a legit 20 ppg scorer next to our stud superstar Joe Johnson, who is right now the 2nd best SG in basketball (yes, he's better than D.Wade who's done nothing since he won the championship).

    Anyway, I was just wondering what realistic changes you see happening, and I think a legit 2nd scorer is absolutely necessary at this juncture.


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