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Posts posted by ViperXX79

  1. Greatest hitter ever?? I think Ted Williams would probably have something to say about that. Great hitter no doubt, but greatest ever? Noooo. 



    I have no idea what "formula" they use but wRC+, wOBA, and WAR have The Babe owning everyone.  Also Barry Bonds was really good even though he was a cheater...And Ted Williams was a god awful defender.

  2. Carmelo is not the definitive word on anything but it would be naive to think this won't negatively impact our free agent recruiting next year. The only real questions are how long that lasts and whether we reexamine our strategy in light of this. While I have pushed to tank in the past I don't think we can afford to be anything but competitive with this stigma on the team but this pretty much cements us as an early exit team the next few years, IMO.

    Well that sounds fun.

  3. He's a human in a VERY tough job that we'll never be able to understand. He puts up with and deals with an incompetent ownership group on a regular basis and after what was probably a long week and long day he had to go and dumb down his free agent report for these nimrods. Did he f up, sure he did. But to think that he can't be forgiven and given a 2nd chance when he's never messed up in his entire career, that just seems incredibly cruel and shortsighted. 


    And I know that you and some others feel like he will have a hard time selling the Hawks but when you'e got agents around the league and former stars like Barkley saying that won't be an issue, it's not something I worry about.

    But that's the price of business.  There's so many qualified people ready to step in to so many jobs that one mistake is usually enough for people to move on from you.  That's just reality.  


    How can it not be an issue?  It was already an issue before this mess.  I just doesn't understand keeping another headache for a team that really doesn't need it.  Let's be perfectly honest here though.  You know that whoever buys this team is going to change the GM.  It almost always happens when a new owner takes over unless there's some kind of legacy GM already in place.  I figured Koonin had enough sense him to go ahead and get out in front of it just to save face for the franchise.

    • Like 2
  4. Incompetency huh? You've never said something that if someone else found out about it, you'd be embarrassed by, get in trouble for personally or at work for? You've never made a mistake? If none of that applies to you then I guess you can throw out the incompetency bullet but I'm guessing you are just like the rest of us and have done or said something stupid that you're thankful certain people don't know about. So to hold Ferry to an impossible standard and offer him no shot at fixing it, learning from it and moving on just shows that you don't actually care about what he did and want him gone no matter what.

    I'm not the general manager of multimillion-dollar franchise.  I think there's slightly different standards for people like that.  Like it or not Danny Ferry is one of the main faces of this franchise.  His job is to sell a brand and he has made that more difficult for himself and the team.  Large private corporations tend to not let headaches like that stick around for too long.  Bad PR...

    • Like 3
  5. They belonged to Ferry because he climbed onto a conference call with ownership and was so lazy that day, so devoid of an original thought of his own, that he went out of his way to describe the shortcomings of Deng in a way that never should've been part of a private conversation – never mind a corporate one.



     Literally my entire point.  There was either a comfort level here or just incompetency.  Either way I don't know why we'd want someone like that running the show.

    • Like 4
  6. You being wrong still stands, that's true. And just because you don't like the fact that he was vindicated doesn't mean either of your worst case scenarios are accurate. 


    If you can't handle being called out then don't talk trash. But yeah I can definitely see another sabbatical on the horizon... 

    I honestly didn't realize I ever trashed talked you.  They're good for you.  I've been on one for about 10 years.

  7. How about is @ViperXX79 gonna admit that maybe he rushed to judgment here and the context and facts of all this actually was and is important. That's what I wanna know.

    My original point through all of this still stands.  He was incompetent enough to either read whatever is put in front of him or he somehow thought this racist crap was relevant.  That's what I wanna know.


    Real mature on the call out though.  I would of hated for it to come out the other way and you needing to take another sabbatical.

  8. I still think it goes back to speaking to Ferry's incompetence.  Just because you have this intel doesn't mean it's relative enough to say aloud unless you feel like it is.  Why not proof read this ignorant statement and just pass through it?  You either read it because you'll read anything put in front of you or you thought it had some kind of relevance to the situation.


    He'll probably keep his job and we get to hop back on the treadmill but I don't see how you can be comfortable with someone like that running the show.  Why would any of this coupled with his lack of success as a GM and the Nique statue stuff sure make me want to jump back on his bandwagon?  Sorry if I'm not thrilled with the direction of the team.  Everyone in charge makes me ill...No really I'm in the hospital even as we speak, for other things...Maybe.  I enjoy Bud but I'm not sure if we can get him the talent to do anything significant with the clowns in charge.

  9. Businesses do have the power.  The only people that will be boycotting the Hawks, if Ferry stays, are people who weren't going to the games in the first place.  They may lose a few fans but they will gain many more when this team is playing very well next season.

    Assuming this team is capable of playing very well though.  Even so we had 50 win seasons with the old core who were more exciting to watch and they weren't packing the arena every night either.

  10. Stephen A. wasn't the only place where I had heard that they the league office had proof of him reading it off the report.  I saw it somewhere this morning but cant remember where.  

    Well he better get that out their because it's a transcript vs someone's word.

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