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Posts posted by MVP23

  1. I'm doing my senior project on this, and would love some feedback. I don't really post on other NBA message boards, so....

    Anyway, to sum things up as best as I can, if you look at the NBA from 1999 (Strike year) to roughly 2008, ratings fell through the floor. The NBA was tagged as the "thug" league and interest fell. Why? A few reasons in my opinion. David Stern made a terrible mistake by marketing Allen Iverson, instead of guys like Ray Allen. A.I is what many people consider to be a "thug". The tats, the background, the talk, the dress etc. Personally I hated Iversons game because score first Pgs never win anything, and to me watching him was like watching a WWE event, purely entertainment, and no substance. Many people also consider A.I the founder of Hip Hop culture when he crossed over Jordan. Everybody wanted to be like Allen Iverson, instead of MJ. Not just in play, but in all other aspects of life. Mainstream rappers (who were and still are complete garbage) were now wearing NBA jerseys, and rap was played at NBA games. To counter this image, Stern enforced a dress code, the right move imo. Sure, Steve Nash DID come to the games dressed like a bum, but...come on, we all know the real reason Stern made the players wear suits to the games, but I don't have a problem with it. Also, the brawl. The brawl only gave validity to the "Thug" league BS. That turned off a key demographic. If you look at the typical NBA fan, in that era, he was a 35 year old white male. The biggest demographic that fell during that era was the white one. If you look at NBA viewership, whites make up about 70% of the NBA fanbase. Lets not forget that 70% of the NBA is black. I don't think race ever played a role in the lack of interest. The culture however did, and always will. I'm not white, but if I was a 35 year old white male in 1999-2007 I wouldn't have cared much about the NBA. The culture of the game was rotten, not to mention the actual basketball was pretty bad as well. Allen Iverson, the face of the league at the time in my opinion was the cause of all of this. His "practice" rant, his lifestyle, everything about him was bad news for the NBA.

    Now, if you come to 2008- today, the faces of the league are Jordan Esque in manner. Derrick Rose, who is dumb as a brick is still a humble nice guy. Lebron is an *ss, but he is a mature decent dude. Kevin Durant is the Shawn Michaels of the NBA. Personally, I think he is an overrated spotty scorer, but the guy is humble, quiet, etc. This appeals to all different kinds of people, and guess what? Ratings are up. Game 1 of Bulls v Heat was the highest rated cable basketball game ever. Playoff ratings are up in general. Interest is up. The faces of the league aren't thugs. They are actually decent guys you could "have a beer with" and people in general like that. The best player that people would consider a "thug" is Jr freaking Smith, and even he is bearable.

    Please, give opinions..

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  2. First thing first, get the CBA signed. We can't do anything without it, which might hamper us...we'll see.

    My first action would be to fire Larry Drew. We're starting off fresh...he is a nice young coach that will land on his feet, but I want a new team. Kidnap Hubie Brown from the broadcast booth if you have to.

    Sign and Trade Jamal Crawford for draft pick(s). Enough is enough with this guy. I was thinking a team at the tale end of the the lottery would give up their pick for him. Draft Josh Hamilton, the SF from Texas.

    You trade Marvin just to clear up some cap space. Somebody will be dumb enough to take him. You sign Shawne Williams, Deandre Jordan, and Jr Smith.

    Our 2011 Lineup


    Horf- Whoever


    Joe-Jr Smith

    Teague- Hinrich

    Now, you make a run at Dwight/CP3. The reason you keep Smoove and Horf is so you can dangle them out there in your trade negations. When you trade for Dwight/CP3 trading Horf and Smoove would clear the space alone. Orlando/New Orleans would be FOOLS to not take Smoove, or Horf and Teague.

    Our post All star game lineup


    Smoove/Horf (whoever stays)


    Joe-Jr Smith

    Teague/CP3(if we get CP)-Hinirch.

    Now we have our superstar, and we're legit NBA title contenders.

  3. Ladies and Gentleman, I have been watching NBA basketball since Allen Iverson took the Sixers to the finals. I've been watching on the regular since 2006. I estimate I've seen about 1000 games in my life, probably more, I don't know, but I do know I have never seen a game more clearly biased toward one player/team in my life. There was a play where Derrick Rose grabbed both of Teagues legs right IN FRONT of the ref, and there was no foul. Meanwhile, Rose can drive to the basket, and anything resembling tough defense is apparently a foul. I'm sick of this. We're the better team. This is what I hate about the NBA. They don't let the players play. They market players during the games. Derrick "Read to achieve "Rose isn't marketable NBA. The guy can barely speak. Save your BS for WHEN we play the Heat.

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  4. We will win or lose this series based on how Jeff Teague plays. Collins did his job on Howard. Now its Teagues turn. I understand this guy has gotten almost no playing time through these playoffs so far, but good players are ready when their name is called. We don't need Teague to put up 30 a night. We just need him to play heavy mins, and keep Derrick Rose from getting easy baskets. The gameplan is simple. Stay on these shooters. Korver is a stand still shooter unlike Reddick. That should be east, but it won't be if Derrick Rose is blowing past Teague. ITs actually funny. We dumped Bibby because he couldn't defend, and didn't want to play Teague, but now we have no choice. This may be Teagues last chance btw. How long until we cut him lose? He can prove himself....for good, or for bad.

    I take this back. Will or lose, Teague is doing his damn job, and more. I'm impressed, and I think we've found our PG of the future.

  5. Lets see

    2010-Lakers High BBIQ

    2009-Lakers High BBIQ

    2008-Celtics High BBIQ

    2007-Spurs High BBIQ

    2006-Heat- Average BBIQ

    2005-Spurs High BBIQ

    2004-Pistons Excellent BBIQ

    2003-Spurs High BBIQ

    2002-Lakers...ehh I can't remember..

    But you get the point. Teams with overall High BBIQ win. Simple as that. I was watching the freaking Grizzlies last night. They were down double digits most of the game. In the 4th, they made a run. They didn't jack threes. They played defense, and took smart shots. Thats why they are now legit title contenders. In that situation we're jacking threes I guarantee. I've been watching basketball for almost a decade, and I've never seen a team play as stupidly as this one, high school, college, D League, rec league, street ball or NBA. This is why I say we need to blow this up. One or two low BBIQ guys is fine, you can get by. When 5 out of the 8 guys that see the floor have low BBIQ, you're going nowhere.

  6. I'm tired of people singling out, Josh, Al, Joe, Craw, Marvin Teague etc. They all need to go. This team as is constructed will never compete for a title, and are on the road about 70 games a year. We need a star for the fans in Atlanta to get behind the team. We also need a star to win a title. Don't get me wrong. I love all of our players, but I'm sick of this. I don't know how much more I can take. Perhaps we should just clear cap room and make a run at CP3 or Dwight in 2012. We're just wasting out time with these players. I would.

    Let Craw expire, try to trade Joe and Smoove, Pick up David West and JR Smith. We should be back in the 1st round. Pick up Deandre Jordan, draft a competent SF, try to trade Marvin, full the rest of the rosters up with bums, win 41 games, then the next year sign and trade for Dwight. Do whatever it takes. If not, trade away Horf to clear cap space then pick up Dwight.

    our 2012 roster


    Draft Pick-Jr Smith

    Draft Pick- Whoever

    David West-Whoever


    Just blow it all up..

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