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Posts posted by ATL_BALLER

  1. Assuming we continue our path toward eeking out the 8th seed and getting crushed round 1, I'd like to think we'll have something to show at the end of the day.

    *Establishing a more competitive culture: record non-withstanding, this injury-ravaged group has battled. That's without a doubt a far cry from the more talented but prone-to-blowout teams of the recent past. The problem is that many of these players aren't necessarily long-term pieces, but I guess we've established the type of player that fits here.

    *A year of experience for Coach Bud: he's been a lead assistant for so long, so not sure how valid/important this one is, but we can say he's established himself as our first real coach in some time

    I'd love to add 'player development', but beyond Mack and Scott, and maybe DMC, who's still relatively young with more growth potential, who have we developed that's a significant part of the long-term plan? No chance they turn the keys over to Dennis with the playoffs at stake, so not sure we've really succeeded here.

    Um, what else?

  2. Before Horf went down, I held a quiet hope that the Hawks could actually shock in the playoffs. Team was really coming together, and who knows what could happen in 7?

    In spite of what's been said, I believe Horf absolutely was a game-changer for this season. With him in tow, I was hoping we would add to the equation for that playoff push. Now I don't know what the hell we do.

  3. The hard calculas is that tanking does nothing for us if the Nets don't finish with a better record than us and that is still a big unknown.

    Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing us both in the lotto, and having two shots at the top of the draft.

    To your point, though, it's too late for our tank, and sadly (and unsurprisingly), the Nets are starting to figure it out. I definitely see them getting in as at least a 6th seed.


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  4. One of C-viv's better "articles". It looks like he's trying to learn from Dave O'Brien.

    Don't give him too much credit - he spelled the number 2 as 'to'. Seriously, how did this guy get this gig? What was wrong with MC or Sekou?

    For some reason, I get aggravated every time I read one of his articles - on par with road rage. Stilted writing, typos, no personality or any real insight, etc.

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  5. I have a feeling this team's makeup will change a lot at the trade deadline.

    Wouldn't be so sure. Ferry is all about establishing a culture, and do so with players like 'Sap. As tradable as his contract is, jettisoning him or other new pieces after half a season doesn't establish anything. Of course, the right deal trumps everything, but I don't think it's forgone conclusion he's looking to blow this up.

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  6. Does it seem like they're signing international guys for the sake of it? What's the point of going overseas to grab Antić, and for two guaranteed years no less, when we've got Ivan in house and probably on a one year deal? Just 'cause Antić can stretch the floor a little more?

  7. In spite of the two-year deal, I honestly don't see a scenario in which Danny trades Sap (or Korver) at the deadline, no matter where we stand. With all the lip-service he's (rightfully) given to culture, he's going to give it more than a half a season to set in.

    I agree, AHF, though, that Sap wouldn't fetch a significant haul in trade anyway - especially if his likely destination is a contender, where any pick we'd receive isn't apt to be high.

  8. ...for Deshawn, Tolly and Ivan? They're not coveted players, and they're clogging capspace (which we may or may not use, I know). We can always renounce and re-sign.

    Is it just to preserve their Bird rights in the event we make another major move and preserve the ability to go over the cap to sign them? Not that the ASG is venturing into that territory anytime soon. And even then these guys would be end-of-bench fodder.

    I guess you could argue that if we're not signing anyone else, it doesn't hurt anything to keep them on board.

    Just curious what the thinking is there, though.

  9. Here's what I don't get, Wretch: If you're aiming for the upper half of the draft, why not aim for the top? To drive home your argument even more, the real game-changing talent is in the top 5, not the top 14.

    What's the point of just missing the playoffs? It's the inverse argument of the treadmill - if you're not moving towards the championship, what's the point of being a middling second-round team?

    In between doesn't work. If you're gonna tank or compete, go all in.

    • Like 1
  10. nicknames should be short to type and short to say, ideally one or two syllables imo. jj. smoove. boss. blink. woody. i'm a lazy american so writing out dennis the menace and german chocolate take up too much time and effort that could be better spent shoveling my face with beer and snacks or trying to think of a witty response to a post. the menace could work i guess, it's only 3 syllables, but doesn't have much sparkle to me. dish combines his name [D(ennis) Sch(roder)] and my favorite attribute of his, dishing out assists. his d is good, but it's his set ups and passes that make him fun to follow.

    To buy yourself some additional beer and snack time, how 'bout just 'Menace'? Two syllables.
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