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Posts posted by spotatl

  1. Orlando and Cleveland have better PLAYERS on offense yet the Hawks have been more effective on offense this season and you are still bitching about the offense. Its just ridiculous. Yes Orlando has more options on offense- they are called Rashard Lewis and Vince Carter if Howard gets shut down. Cleveland has Shaq and Mo Williams if Lebron gets shut down. The Hawks have one other guy other than Joe who can consistently beat 1 on 1 coverage and thats Jamal Crawford who the Warriors BEGGED to opt out of his contract. Seriously.... I don't see how you can blame the Hawks for not having a better offense when the Hawks are already a top 3 offense this season.

    If the Hawks had what you consider to be good coaching where do you think they would rank in the league on offense this season with the personnel they currently have?

  2. What coach do you think could have turned Salim, Acie, or Royal Ivey into quality NBA players? I can't see how any coach can be blamed for a GM drafting lousy players. Its not his fault he has nothing to work with. When Woodson was sitting Acie and Salim more than fans wanted its because he KNEW BETTER that they weren't NBA players and people here were just wishcasting all sorts of skills on them that don't exist. We'll see what Teague can do. I was much higher on him than I ever was on Acie. But After Salim and Acie I'll certainly give Woodson the benefit of the doubt for now. If Teague isn't ready yet then he just isn't ready yet. Maybe if the team wasn't too cheap to field a summer league team he would be further along.

  3. Woodson did miss on Boris Diaw. but I think thats a case of D'Antoni seeing WAAAY outside the box and was just a brilliant move rather than a gaffe on Woodson's part. Ironically Diaw is probably the young Hawks that I think the fans were the most down on. I think there was much more of a push for Woodson to play Acie, Shelden, and even Salim. I also think that Diaw had one really great year and he hasn't been the same player since he stopped playing center.

    I also think its ironic that Woodson got more out of Shelden than either of the next 2 teams he played for got out of him.

    I just think that when you use retrospect Woodson has been a pretty good judge of talent for young players. He identified early on that the young players he had were not good enough- long before many fans came to the same conclusion. At least for me I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt on Teague until I see more reason to think he is wrong.

  4. Its free to tell anyone that will listen that you are going to match. There is absolutely no reason to say anything else. When Andre Miller was a RFA on the Clippers they told everyone they would match right up until they didn't. Why wouldn't you tell everyone that you are going to match? Do you really believe that the Hawks would have actually matched ANY offer to Childress after they said that? I think its ridiculous that anyone actually believes that the Suns would have matched a max contract offer for their 4th best player. I mean after the Suns ended up SELLING their first round picks and so much information has come out saying they wouldn't have matched I am just astounded that people are still having this argument. To repeat- the Suns SOLD Rajon Rondo yet you think they would have matched a max offer for their 4th best player!?

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  5. How on earth can you say that Woodson has done a poor job developing guards when he hasn't had anything to work with? When Salim was here there were plenty of fans who thought that Woodson wasn't using him right. Then Salim became a free agent and is now out of the league because he simply isn't NBA material. He simply was a bad draftpick. People thought that Acie wasn't being used right. Then he got traded and the Warriors didn't even think he was good enough to pick up his 4th year team option. He simply was a poor draftpick. Its not like Woodson just sat on young players and as soon as they went to a different coach they all the sudden showed that they were being misused.

  6. Childress has a guaranteed contract for next season. He can opt out and return to the NBA if he wants to but there is no way for his Greek team to get out of paying him if they think he is overpaid.

  7. This is just an issue I have with NBA fans in general. THe NBA has pretty much made it illegal to guard someone 1 on 1 but you want teams to run the same offenses they did 20 years ago because they are prettier? Ridiculous. Find me guys who can exploit a weak defender 1 on 1- put 3 point shooters around him and lets abuse that mismatch over and over and over until the defense has to make a change. Then you reasses- find the next best matcup you can consistently get and abuse it over and over and over. NBA teams make it far too complicated because they think thats the way its supposed to be done. And seriously- you have the proof of that right here. Even when the Hawks have a top 3 offense in the league people are still whining about how its not a pretty enough offense. I just think its so ridiculous.

    Honestly I think that a coach is doing a good job to have a top 10 offense with the personnel the Hawks have. To complain about Woodson when the Hawks have a top 3 offense is just ignorant to me.

  8. You'd like the Hawks offense to be less ISO heavy even if it meant they had the 10th best offense in the league instead of a top 3 offense? Seriously... based on the Hawks talent on offense where do you think with good coaching the Hawks should rank? I think the team is overperforming to be a top 3 offense and the coach should get credit for that

  9. THe Hawks are winning because they have had one of the top offenses in the league this season. (#3 last I saw) There are 2 thoughts. First would be that if another coach were letting Marvin, Horford, and bibby initiate the offense more then they would have by far the best offense in the league this year. THe other is that by having those players initiate the offense more that they wouldnt be nearly as effective as Joe and Crawford and the Hawks would have been worse on offense. I think you have to be crazy to think that just because of coaching the Hawks SHOULD have the best offense in the league. Seriously- the Hawks have a top 3 offense in the league and you are bitching about the offense. You need to get a grip on reality. What they are doing is working even if its not pretty enough for you.

  10. The Hawks have 2 players who can consistently exploit a matchup with a below average defender. The Hawks have absolutely no post threat whatsoever. How many options do you really think that Woodson has? Let JJ or Crawford initiate the offense while Marvin and Bibby space the floor and hurt teams if they double. Use active bigs to set screens and flash to the basket. I really don't see what else you can do. bibby's days of initiating the offense are done. Marvin has never shown the ability to initiate the offense. The Hawks have one of hte top offenses in the league in spite of all this yet you are still bitching because the offense isn't "pretty" enough?! Seriously. The league with the handchecking rules has made it virtually impossible to stop Joe or Crawford 1 on 1 yet you don't want to see the team run that even though its working. Just amazing.

  11. I think that Joe had 6 turnovers because The Kings really have no one who is a good matchup for him and the Hawks were running the offense through him. I don't think it has anything at all to do with the fact he played an extra 6 minutes 2 nights ago when the season is just 5 games old. Seriously- you think thats the reason he had turnovers!?

    I don't think there is any meaningful difference between 32 and 36 minutes in any individual game. Honestly I think that Joe's exhaustion level probably has a ton more to do with who he is asked to guard than how many minutes he plays.

  12. In practice go out and show he is a better defender than Bibby and Crawford. Show that he can give the team a better chance to win than them. If he gets 5 minutes in the first half then do the most with that time. When the Hawks are either up or down go out and show that you are a class above the players you face. Seriously.. you don't even understand the concept of earning playing time?

  13. coachx- I think the general rule is that you play Joe as much as necessary in the second have of close games to get the win. I think its pretty funny that some people have an issue with that. I just don't at all see how playing 36 minutes vs 32 minutes is all that exhausting for a professional athlete.

  14. When Salim was glued to the bench people were blaming Woodson for it. Then Salim was a free agent and no one else thought he was good enough to play.

    When Shelden Williams was getting inconsistent minutes people were Blaming Woodson. In 2 stops since the trade it sure doesn't look like Woodson's fault anymore

    Acie Law now has the chance to prove Woodson wrong. Acie is in about as player friendly a system as he could. We'll see whether the fans were right about Acie or whether Acie just isn't good enough and Woodson simply recognized it before the homers.

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