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Posts posted by Outlaw

  1. I think that either this poll suffers from severe selection bias in the wording of the responses or that the question is more about making distaste for Richt known about actually soliciting opinions from Bulldog fans.

    I'll tell you a little story of how Richt has lost this team completely.

    During the '08 season you may recall the blackout that we had against Bama. Well i was at that game and i noticed something interesting and disturbing. During pregame Alabama was doing drills and being a serious team while Knowshon and crew werent and instead were working on their little handshakes. We followed that by getting stomped by Alabama.

    At that point i knew we were gonna have problems.

    now give me a reason why Richt should stay. He has lost his team and Bulldog faithful such as myself. Waiting for another arrest to happen so i can laugh at how terrible a coach he has become.


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