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Posts posted by lush23

  1. Orlando has 3 talented and young SG on their roster and should be willing to move one.  Evan Fournier is a BIGTIME shooter like Korver and is only 23.  We could make him a big offer as a restricted FA or use Teague in a trade for Fournier or Oladipo.

  2. Wish we still had ZaZa! Pero has been awful. Terrible shooting (.25%) last ten games, imagine what it would be if you took away his lay ups. You people who say he plays great defense, well defensive rebounding and shot blocking are important parts of defense and we get very little of that from Pero. Please don't don't talk about how great he sets picks! We need an upgrade for the playoffs. Go back and watch what he did during the Pacer series last year.

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  3. I think taking a chance on Turner makes a lot of sense, especially at a reduced price. He can play both the 2 & 3 and gives us another ball handler. He is a very unselfish player and actually rebounds pretty well also. Really good in open court. Larry Bird said that he will probably average 17pts a game in the league next year.

    The other free agent I like is his former Philly teammate, Spencer Hawes. Hawes would be a big upgrade over Antić, better shooter and rebounder.

  4. Hawes does pass well... but rebounds well? As C's go, the stats I looked at say that he's one of the worst... it's essentially the reason I haven't gotten excited about the rumors that we're going to pursue him. But I'd love to be shown evidence to the contrary.

    Hawes averaged 8.3 (6.6 def) rebounds in 31 min this past season. Horford averaged 8.4 (6.1 def) in 33 min this past season. Hawes is a good but not great rebounder. His passing skills make him a great fit for Bud's offense.

  5. With a pool of over 400 NBA players to look at, THIS is all we come up with??? Why not try to find a young player who is not getting any playing time and see what they can do? Danny Ferry is a joke and has no vision or imagination. No trades at last years deadline, no trades over the summer and then this joke at the deadline this season? This upcoming draft is not that strong outside the top 5 players, so don't expect much help from the draft. I am done with the Hawks, they are a disaster!!!

  6. This season ended when Horford went down, so I am not saying we need to make a deal to salvage this season. Players like Turner (25yr) and Osik (27yr) are in their prime and would give us HOPE for the next few years when matched with Horford (27yr) and Milsap (28yr). Right now I see NO HOPE. With where we will most likely be drafting this season, we will be looking at adding a player that is years away from being a major contributor like Turner would be, see last years draft. The Hawks are so irrelevant right now.

  7. Our team is in a tailspin, our roster is depleted and worst of all our team is irrelevant with the Atlanta fan base! So do something about it! Teams are trying to get rid of quality pieces and we seem to be mentioned as possible trade partners for all trades yet nothing seems to happen. Take a chance, trade our draft picks if needed. Who wants to wait on some 18 or 19 year old kid to develop overseas? At this pace, we must be waiting on Lebron to retire before we make any meaningful trades. Evan Turner and Omar Asik are quality pieces, just to mention a couple. Add them to Horford & Milsap and let's see what happens. Maybe someone would actually watch a Hawks game then!

  8. We are really thin at the 2/3 spot, even with Carroll. I think Jenkins is better suited to provide offense off the bench. We need another starter to compliment Korver. Any ideas? Would probably have to acquire via trade. What about Austin Rivers, a lot of guards in Nola.

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  9. We apparently discussed trading Josh to Philly for Evan Turner and Spencer Hawes earlier this year. I would look at that again in a sign and trade.PG- Jeff Teague, Shane LarkinSG- Evan Turner, Lou Williams, John JenkinsC- Spencer Hawes, ZaZa, Jeff WitheyPF- Al Horford, Dejuan Blair, Mike ScottSF- Kyle Korver, Corey BrewerDraft Larkin and Withey. Larkin is a great athlete and clutch shooter. Whithey provides def help with his shot blocking skills.

  10. Josh is the only person defending the rim. Everyone else is just watching.

    While I think Josh is a good player, he has terrible fundamentals. He does not play defense when his man does not have the ball. He does not block out. He could lead the league in rebounding if he played harder with better fundamentals, but he wants to rely on his athleticism alone. He is a great shot blocker but not a great overall defender. He is our best bargaining piece in the off season. I would move him in a package for either Bosh or M. Ellis.

  11. While I think Bibby has helped the Hawks since coming to Atl, it is obvious that he cannot guard at a high enough level. I think we need to look in other directions for our future PG. All of these guys are potential restricted free agents this summer; Nate Robinson, Jarret Jack, & Ray Felton. We need to be more athletic and either one of these guys would fit.

  12. Portland has alot of talent on their roster that we could deal for. I would love to get Aldrige but we would have to give up a ton to get him. Other options would include Channing Frye who put up good numbers in limited playing time. With Oden coming back his time will be even more limited. They also have two shooters, Martell Webster and James Jones that I like. They also have Jack who is an Atlanta favorite and a very good leader.

  13. We don't need a defensiver SF. We need a SF that can shoot the rock. We were just about dead last in every offensive catagory in the league last season. Those of you that want to trade J. Chill, do you actually watch any of the games. He should be starting at SF ahead of M.Williams. Chill does everything better than M.Williams; ball handlding, defense, passing, rebound, shooting for a high percentage. We all know why Marvin starts!

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