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Posts posted by JaHawk10

  1. OK, venting time...

    It's been close to 2 months and this sale hasn't gone thru yet? Thanks AOL. Now i know why i cancelled my subscription w/ you. Not only is your online service slow, but so are your business deals. Anyway, I think that if McDavid can't buy this team, the perfect man to rescue the Hawks is none other than Magic Johnson. That's a no brainer. The guy has been wanting to own a team for years now. He has many business ventures in the "A". And for God's sake he has a basketball mind. Perfect Fit. IF he could buy this team, he'd bring instant credibility to the franchise, along with a winning attitude. And I know he would bring fans back (as if they ever were there) to the Phil'. This man could sell (insert explitive starting with "S" here) if he wanted. I know he could sell this team to the state of GA. Not only that, but he would recognize that the franchise's greatest player should NOT be sitting behind the bench, with clipboard in hand as if he's on an internship. Magic would give 'Nique part ownership and a REAL position with this franchise. The 2 of them would make the game experience a great one. I can see these guys sitting courtside a la the Maloofs in Sac and Cubes in Dallas cheering on the team at EVERY game. Not just one playoff game in 6 years like Ted did. No offense to the McDavid guy. I don't know him from Adam, but if he's not willing to be there at the games and sell this team like people say he can, I dont want him. He can just stay in Texas for all I care. But i know the combination of Magic and 'Nique will bring a basketball vibe to the "A". I think we do have some pieces that can win and contend, but more does need to be done. I'm just tired of these people running the team who are only concerned about getting money and pleasing themselves. If I were owner my first and last priority would be the Hawks, not the Braves and Thrashers, just the Hawks. Thats the kind of owner I want. Yeah i know this may be a pipe dream of mass proportions, but hey....its the morning after Saturday nite. What do you expect? I guess i'll return back to my regular self, and have fun again....

    Venting session over...

  2. OK. If we can give our current interm coach permission to talk to other teams about a position, why can't we talk to other coaches about coming here? I understand that he's technically still our coach, but it really doesn't make any sense. It sounds like whoever is calling our shots is contradicting themselves. First we have to work strictly on the draft, now we're giving our "coach" permission to pursue other employment while we are prohibited to find a replacement. What a joke...

  3. JT and Reef work well together. Are they the right fit? I doubt it. But, out of the two, I think it is easier to replace an out-of-place PG then a PF who is considered to be top 5.

    I am definately Reef biased, but I'm thinking --- why would you trade the only value to the team?

    I agree wholeheartledly. I don't think it's a good idea to make a trade just to say "we made a trade". Especially when it involves our best player. Now, I like everyone, would love to see Big (insert explitive here) gone, but its gonna be hard to move him unless we do waive him. Yes, Reef is our biggest value but i dont like the idea of trading him for a mid-lotto pick and a declining star. This team has gotten burned by trading its best players in the past. Making that deal would rank somwhere below Nique/94 and Smitty/99. Just say no...

  4. I heard this on Sportscenter this morning. For all intents and purposes, I hope he takes that job. I'm not at all high on this guy. He's a mediocre coach in my eyes, and he cannot take his teams to the next level (see Portland). I just want him to take the Clips job so WE won't try to hire him. I'd rather keep Stotts than mess w/ Dunleavy...

  5. I mean, when Duncan went to help him up last night and he ripped himself away from TD. He did it in a manner that was "threatening"... If I were TD, I'd have punched him.

    Yeah that was funny. I think people should leave K-Mart alone. This guy is not like Sheed getting T's left and right and he looks like he's passed his flagrant foul habits to Ron Artest. Fact is, K-Mart's one H-e-l-l of a basketball player, who will become better. I don't mind seeing a fiery guy in these finals who will show some emotion. Leave dude alone...

  6. Just remember: he had 10 assists against Dallas.

    OK? Point is? Dallas, although i love them are not exactly a defensive-minded team. I really hope DD pans out as a player, but the fact is, he's nowhere near ready of taking over a starting spot in the L...

  7. "As of right now, this team is still property of AOL/Time Warner, and they have probably put the kabosh on any move that the front office could make. I hear that Billy Knight has been told to work strictly on the draft."

    Well if that's the case, that really sucks. I don't have a good feeling about us waiting around for this ownership deal to finalize and watching other teams lure these top coaches. I feel a decision should've been made on Stotts right after the season. Was he in or out? I know we could've at least done that. Now if we want a new coach, we'll have to wait for the sale of the team. That's what's holding up everything. And that's why ESPN and these other networks are not mentioning us in the coaching moves. If McDavid takes over the team(s) I hope he studies guys like Mark Cuban and Arthur Blank. They took dead organizations and brought life..and fans back. The Hawks need both, BADLY. The franchise needs a facelift in the worst way. That being said, let's get this thing rollin. I'm tired of the waiting game!

  8. Just my 2 cents...

    First of all i wish this [censored] sale would be completed. My question is. Why does is this taking up to 2 months?? Secondly, I think that keeping Billy Knight as permanent GM is not a bad idea. He made some nice moves w/ Vancouver/Memphis and Indiana before that. On the coaching end. I want something to happen. [censored] if we're keeping Stotts okay, but we can't sit in limbo while other teams are making moves. I understand that nothing can really be done until the sale is final, but does that prevent us from some behind the scenes negotiating? Anyway, my coaching wish list is...

    1.Rick Carlisle (nuff said...he turned around Detroit w/ limited talent and was a top assistant with Indiana.)

    2.Mike Fratello (now that would be interesting, but a great move. I dont know if he'll come back this year tho.)

    3.Terry Stotts(if neither of these guys are available, I'd rather just stand pat although I know we can do better. The players say they want him back...we'll see)

    4.Dunleavy (I really hope the rumor of him coming here is just that..a rumor. I've never really liked him as a coach. Yes he took the LA to the finals, but look what he inherited. Inbetween that and those years in Portland, he [censored] near fizzled out in Milwaukee)

    Next, I'd like to get some energetic personalities here. Pat Croce is a great idea. He'll definitely do things to market this team and make the game day experience better. I'd also involve 'Nique in some capacity.

    Lastly, I hear a lot of people saying trade Dawg, trade Reef...thats nice but lets not make a trade to say we made a trade. Lets get value or at least future compensation. You gotta think about it. The last 4 years there has been some type of major change in our offseason to effect chemistry...

    1999-Trading Smitty for Rider

    2000-New coach in Kruger

    2001-Trading for Reef

    2002-Trading for Dawg


    Just my 2 cents...I'll holla

  9. Yeah i caught that on the Hawks page today. I'm very interested in watching this program and hearing his thoughts on the ill-fated trade of '94. I know 'Nique is still bitter about that along w/ gettin snubbed from the 50 greatests list. BTW, that list was Bullsh*t at its finest...

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