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Posts posted by Azodl

  1. Well if we didn't have to deal with a couple calls and guys from their team shooting three feet long shots and getting "banks" we would have won by 12 at least.


    Not saying we played our best game - they out-shot us for the most part - but we beat them on D and at crunch time.


    GO HAWKS !!!

    I didn't realize outshooting them 49.4% to 45.6% (and 55.6% to 36.4% on 3s and 89.2% to 66.7% on FTs) was them outshooting us.  :/

    • Like 1
  2. From the DS17Fanboy perspective, and again hearing the anouncers saying Schröder(after hitting one) is normaly not a very good 3-point shooter, I want to point out that Dennis hit 0,381% from 3-point range for the month of January. Also his deep two's are becoming money.


    So with that said, I see another great sign of steep progress.

    He's a future star.

  3. Let me spell it out to people that are pretending to be dense. Several posters on this board agreed that the Hawks were contenders at the beginning of the season...The rest of the board was borderline to overtly insulting to us convinced that there was no way that the Hawks were considered a contender. And now they want on the bandwagon...so you tell me what those kind of fans should be referred to as!

    Cautious? Typical? Normal? Smart?


    Bandwagon fans are generally those who had no previous/or very little interest in the team, who jump on board when the team starts winning.

    • Like 2
  4. So you are by definition a bandwagon fan so quit criticizing others for have the same doubt that you had!

    Doubting that you have a great team and not wanting to participate on a very regular basis but then choosing to pay close attention again when that team surprises everyone does not make you a bandwagon fan.

    • Like 2
  5. Forums don't have built in spell check. That comes from your browser.

    Well, I use Firefox and the built in spell check works on all other forums I'm on and in any other text forms. It only doesn't work on this forum.  When i right click in the text editor window here, it shows that "check spelling" is definitely on, so I assume it some kind of issue with the forum (possibly not being optimized to work properly on FF on mac). Anyway, no biggie, I'll just copy and paste into another site window if I feel I want to check it.

  6. I figured that there were more people like me who had no idea that a coach couldn't coach the AS team 2 consecutive years so I figured I'd throw it out there and see who'd bite. 

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the secret reason this rule is set up is to protect perennial winning coaches from having to coach the game year after year. I'm going to guess that they would probably prefer the vaca.


    (by the way, spell check is definitely not active/working on here)

  7. I don't like it.  It's not as extreme to the home run derby in the MLB, but this is a waste of time.  He's the best shooter on the planet and some pointless contest won't prove that anymore.

    Easy there. It's just for fun. And so what if he loses it? Do you really care that ignorant fans of other teams will say he isn't the best shooter in the league because of it?


    KK is the best 3pt shooter in the history of the game (yes, even Ray Allen, when it's all said and done. KK will have the best combo of % and total 3 pointers made ever).

    • Like 1
  8. Look..this is the first year in forever that the Hawks have such a dominating team. I don't expect the pundants and experts to be all giddy about Atlanta simply because they've had a good couple months.  If the team keeps it up, you'll be hearing about them everywhere.


    It is certainly fun right now for those who are paying attention and it's nice to fly under the radar sometimes.

    • Like 1
  9. Right....Spurs and Mavs aren't "real" teams now. Hawks won, and they're better than Detroit, no doubt. But gloating over a 3 point win, in which your opponent's best player was sick and barely played? You may be the one in need of a reality check.

    Man, real bummer to have to read through this thread with this guy chiming in every 3 posts. GO AWAY. (I know I'm a day late, but just sayin).

  10. So they've beaten the Clippers, OKC and now the team with the current best record in the NBA. Have they officially beaten someone now?

    No one should give a s**t about what anyone in the media ever says. Just stop caring and the season will be much more enjoyable. GO HAWKS! Great season so far.

    • Like 1
  11. Another typical ATL game. Go up by 10 (or close to it) and many points during the game and then let the other team right back into it, time and time again...never putting anyone away. At least this one was a win, unlike last game.

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