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Posts posted by Macknsweetjones

  1. 25 minutes ago, KB21 said:

    Obviously not very well then since you believe that losing should be institutionalized and allowed to pervade throughout the entire organization.  Talent does not overcome a losing culture.  Once you get the stink of tanking on you, you will not get it off you.  It's like a skunk spraying you.  

    When it's been 5 plus years since Atlanta has been out of the playoffs, maybe it will sink in at that time that this is an abhorrent strategy.  Basically, this strategy is nothing more than a GM being lazy and abdicating his duties as a GM, which is to put the best team he can on the floor and try to win games.  

    Yup just like I thought another dumb ass assumption. Typical. You don’t know shit bro that’s a fact just a lot of long winded post without any logic to them. Your whole gimmick is an assumption. I’m not going for none of that “In 5 years I’m going to be right” trash you’re spewing. You’re a couch GM that parade around this board pretending to know how to run a team. Countless of boards members have shot your logic into the ground with facts yet you still press on in a ridiculous banter. You’re the Atlanta Spirit Group in board member form straight treadmilling through threads, make sense for you to want the hawks to do the same thing.

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  2. 14 hours ago, Peoriabird said:

    You just don't throw away an entire season in hope of the 1 savior right?  There are so many other players involved in this process...Think of how they feel.  Dennis kinda spelled it out for y'all.  He said that I am entering my prime and wants to compete for a championship soon.  Who is to say that Prince or others on the team aren't thinking the same thing. You are just looking at this from your perspective as a fan.

    Who gives a f*** about what Dennis think ? Prince still on his rookie contract so it doesn’t matter what he thinks..lol @ sacrifice a season..get it through your skull we aren’t winning shit..not even good enough to make a run for the playoffs..have some got damn logic about yourself.

    14 hours ago, KB21 said:

    Another poster who has never played sports and doesn't believe in culture.  

    I played 2 sports..now continue post stupid ass assumptions like you always do.

  3. 1 hour ago, KB21 said:

    Yeah.  The team has to build that losing culture and make sure they are consistently in the lottery and have no shot at the playoffs.  They have to make sure that the young players do not develop properly, because instead of teaching them how to win games, you are letting them play in a way that allows you to lose.  

    You do realize that the roster putting the team in the top 5 is part of the tank?

    “Losing culture” is something you made up in your head, losing doesn’t stop player development period, if that’s the case John Collins wouldn’t be showing his progress right now, this is what you’re making up in your head to push a tired ass argument for your sake of wanting a playoff run that will result in nothing but a small ego boost for you. Nobody and I mean nobody but a few none logical fans like yourself wants to sit up and watch an above average team get bounced from the playoffs in the 1st round every year. 


    6 hours ago, Peoriabird said:

    Apparently there are no superstars in next year's draft either.  But like I said, if the roster lands you in the top 5 so be it.  There should be no reason to try to lose games anymore. Plus you can get to the top of the draft without being the worst team.  Image being the 3rd worst team and ending up with the 6th picks and the team with the 6th worse team or better ends up with top 3 pick or higher.  You might change that tune if that happens next year.

    Nobody would know if there’s a superstar in the draft of 2019 period because none of those kids have played an nba game, it’s an assumption/gamble with every draft. 3 lottery picks are better than two..especially when 2 of those picks have a stipulation on them.

  4. 58 minutes ago, Peoriabird said:

    At some point you have to ask yourself...Why does it need to continue? How many lottery picks are enough? And why would you need to try to get multiple top 5 picks on purpose?  It the current team's optimal performance is a bottom 5 roster so be it....If it isn't, why manipulate it into a bottom 5 performing roster?  I think we have enough of a core to start the growth phase.  We also have possibly 2 other lottery pick coming regardless of how this team performs so why not preach winning?

    Because we’re not winning anything special...what’s better than 2 lottery picks ? 3...and out of those 3 our pick can possibly get us RJ barett. Players are going to develop period. No super stars or star players are coming here..do what needs to be done, which is lose, not winning 5 to 10 more games for the sake of pleasing some fans who love a treadmill 

  5. 2 minutes ago, benhillboy said:

    Not being sarcastic or nothing, but you are aware that Huerter has a very similar profile to Klay with less defense and more handling.  The name of the game is to control your best players while still on rookie and second deals.


  6. 14 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    I didn't like the Acie Law pick back then but at least it wasn't our #3 pick in that draft. If we took Young at #19 I'd understand but still be disappointed. Where we took him was criminal. He really is just like Acie Law. Flashy college numbers against inferior competition without any athletic ability to play in the next level. Young is going to be out of the NBA by the end of his rookie contract.

    Put some money up behind that..I love delusional fan talk. 

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