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Posts posted by lerspec

  1. Yup.

    He is purposefully misleading the public too. He keeps comparing this situation to Sterling and how Sterling was suing the league and yet that did not stop the sale. Well, Sterling was voted out by the NBA Owners. Unanimously if I am not mistaken. There has been 0 vote on Levenson. Levenson controls the sale. Yet Reed keeps clamoring like he has a say in it. Outside of him throwing a subsidy at potential owners, he really has nothing.

    I f***ing hate politics.


    Oh the subsidy....that's a big LOL.


    He's promising a subsidy that when it would go into effect, he would be long gone.


    That's just mayor pillow talk.



  2. If Gearons ONLY intention was to get Ferry fired, then yes he's a master chess player..




    I think what he ultimately wanted was to have him fired AND regain control of the team.




    So he's just a moron that gave up his stake in an NBA franchise and his reputation is forever tarnished as an a hole who leveraged a race war to gain power. 

  3. Reading back through the child Gearon's letter....where did Ferry say "Ferry completed the racial slur by describing the player (and impliedly, all persons of African descent) as a two-faced liar and cheat."


    Talking about Deng trying to manipulate the media doesn't equate to him being a two faced liar and a cheat......Gearon REALLY has it out for Ferry.


    That being said...this sucks. 

  4. The Rev. Markel Hutchins announced Wednesday's meeting was called off "at the last minute."


    He later said he received a call from Hawks spokesman Garin Narain on Tuesday night asking that it be postponed

    Read more: The Marietta Daily Journal - Hawks cancel meeting with civil rights leaders 


    Wait...which one is it Markel?


    I just CANT STAND "community leaders" like these....they aren't helping mend any fences...just causing more anger/problems.

    • Like 2
  5. Gearon is back where he wants to be as managing partner and he has called for Ferry's head in the past. It is unlikely the turmoil is done with. I hope someone convinces all the ASG to sell off but am not counting on it. We've already had that rug yanked out from us once before.


    Gearon isn't managing partner....nor will he get that title back. No chance.

  6. The problem with Koonin's argument is that he is trying to view Ferry's misstep in isolation. To do so ignores over a decade of incompetence from Hawks' owners and management.

    But his mis step IS in isolation.


    He clearly stated that in 2 years with the Hawks, NOTHING that involved Ferry beyond this one incident came back negative.


    Also, he stated that Danny has been involved with the league for 20 years and this is the first time anything has come up.


    Sounds pretty isolated to me.


    You can't tie in 10 years of Levenson/ASG with 2 years of Danny. 

    • Like 2
  7. Y'all pretty much covered the radio calls from Koonin (I wish I turned to V-103 for the calls he got during Ryan Cameron's show, he could barely talk about those.)


    Koonin is stuck in that situation that happens far too often, the guy who gets brought in late to the game and left to clean up the toxic mess somebody else created, the guy who has to get everything Back to Abnormal. He's the person you trot out there when the Love Canal issues begin bubbling to the surface.


    He has huge cachet among Atlanta's power players (Emory, the Aquarium, the Metro Chamber, the ASO, Coke, Grady High, Turner) but little rep in Atlanta communities directly aggrieved by what's unfolding. He's out there catching the slings and arrows because the guys with the biggest accounts knows he's among the ones who are held least accountable by Atlanta-area citizens.


    Lauded as being among "The Smartest People in Television," Koonin's appeal comes from taking staid, tone-deaf media outlets and giving consumers a reason to watch, in turn allowing commercial sponsors to better justify their investments. The job of drawing the eyeballs of people with spending cash became arguably even more arduous when he joined the Atlanta Hawks. Now the newest equity partner gets to serve as his fellow owners' shield while he's tasked with rectifying the problem.


    What's odd (as if there's just one thing) for me is that Koonin keeps insisting he just got here, that he was brought into this situation only after the internal freakout started and the investigation was well underway. He was brought here in April, not June or July. If he indeed was left out of the loop, why?


    Citizens and fans are left to trust a person who somehow was left out of the loop to now judge, with literal independence, whether the investigative lawyers' recommended punishment for Ferry was too light, to act on the findings of an investigation he didn't enact. As difficult as this would be for Nique, I'd take his word more sincerely than I would Koonin's.


    I'd be asking Koonin, how did we go from (paraphrasing) "Ferry will be punished privately" to "Ferry has been punished enough, take my word for it" in the space of two days? And we're expected to take you at your word, why?






    Did you hear the comments from Tyler Perry? They were incredibly supportive of Steve and shared a bit of their past history together.


    Is Perry not part of the Atlanta community that's being directly affected by this?


    Koonin has a tough tough job ahead.


    PS. He was announced in April but didn't start officially until the summer. That could explain some of this?

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