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Posts posted by f_town

  1. Oh really? Recognize any of the below?

    Horrible decision unless the idea is to trade him later on. Teague is mediocre and not a natural point guard. We need to start our young guys and let them develop to see if its worth investing in them for the future. Having a mediocre Teague soaking up starting minutes plus wasting our cap on mediocre starters is horrible.

    Treadmill be treadmill.

    Posted Image

    Ryaan, on 13 Jul 2013 - 6:09 PM, said:Posted Image

    We have a point guard. We drafted the kid and we should start him. Sign a dud like Mo Williams to a one year deal to have a "veteran" if need be. Now we are stuck with a mediocre point guard making 8 million a year for four years. Yay treadmill!

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    Hotlanta1981, on 13 Jul 2013 - 6:14 PM, said:Posted Image

    He's been given up on by every team that's had him. He can't stay healthy, he's not good, he's not even mediocre. But he'd make sense as a cheap veteran back up point guard. I'd much rather have him on a one year deal than a mediocre Teague making 8 million for four years.

    terrell, on 13 Jul 2013 - 6:17 PM, said:Posted Image

    You are either trolling or you are Jeff Teague. No one that watches the NBA would take Teague over any of the people you listed.

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    RWF, on 13 Jul 2013 - 6:18 PM, said:Posted Image

    I have a feeling the A$G freaked out when Ferry told them he wanted to tank this year to get a lottery pick in the most loaded draft in a decade. Now we have the plan probably forced on him: make the playoffs and stay on the treadmill.

      [*]RWF likes this

    Posted Image

    Please remember this thread and bring it back up at any point over the next few years. Baring injury Teague will never be as good as the players you mentioned let alone BETTER than them. Teague is mediocre. Period.

    Conley at his worst is better than Teague. Holiday is the best young point guard in the NBA. I can't even believe you'd compare Teague to him. Rubio is an elite playmaker and defensive player, the only thing missing is his J which can be brought up. Lawson?? Wow.

    You are either trolling or Teague's mama or something. Teague is average. Just that. Average = mediocre. I can think of at least fifteen point guards better than him in the NBA right now. Maybe 20 better.

    If Teague could pass like Paul, be defensively as good as Rubio, score like Deron and rebound like Rondo he'd be...oh wait. He's none of that. Never will be. He's 25 already. He's peaked as a player. The dude is mediocre. His PER last year was 20th best out of point guards. Yawn.

    Using this flawed thinking any player would be great if they just had this or that. Here's the problem: they don't. Jeff isn't going to magically become a 20/10 All NBA point guard because you want him to be.

    Who is the real NBAsupes40retired? LOL!


    Go Hawks!

  2. In honor of Gustavo Ayón and his newly appointed nickname (Ayón Flux), let's list the top movies that suckered you in with great promos, a star-studded cast...and twenty bucks you'll never see again because the movie stunk so bad....

    that is total horse hockey

    Aeon Flux was very entertaining, despite negative reviews

    seen it about 10 times :)

    Go Hawks!

  3. I'll add that I think people forget how versatile and efficient Lou is on the offensive end and I think people will be surprised how effective Milsap and Horford will be together.

    i am hoping he has recovered fully from his injury...we need him bad :)

    Go Hawks!

  4. Maybe some guy shows up for training camp and makes the team like Ivan did a few years ago. BTW - where is Ivan?

    last i saw no one wanted to offer him more than the veteran's minimum and he was looking for mini-midlevel or something

    saying he might play overseas instead

    Go Hawks!

  5. SO TRUE...its gonna be a barn burner :)

    go Hawks!

    In my book, this year's playoffs couldn't have gone any better and I am at a complete ease right now because:1. Joe made Ferry look like a genius in game 7 vs. the Bulls.2. Dwight got swept.3. CP3 loses to the Grizz w/o much help from anyone.4. Woody loses in typical Woody fashion and will probably not coach another game in his head coaching career.5. The Rockets made the playoffs, giving us back-to-back picks in this years draft.6. The Hawks played well enough in game 3 and 4 to keep me content.7. My local team (Memphis) is proving to the world that team basketball wins and great coaching goes a long way. Blue collar basketball.Really the only icing on the cake would be to see the Pacers knock out the Heat and we watch Stern's head explode to a Grizz/Pacers final.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. You know I never thought we'd be having this discussion about SVG being a hawks coachThis offseason is going to full of twists and turns. Hopefully MNight Shyamalan isnt somehow directing this and we get some crap twist at the end where Dwight Howard joins UFC


    lmfao taz

    Go Hawks!

  7. If this is indeed Mr. Ferry and you are open to criticism I must make a statement. You are far from elite. You had the best player in the world and could not win a title. Until I see a title you are simply providing hope for people that will put faith in you because you seem more active than Sund. Riley got to the finals the year after clearing space if we are in the finals next year then I will put Ferry on a pedestal.

    he had the CURRENT best player whoe couldnt win a title THEN

    what a moran

    pz out nukkas

    Go Hawks!

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