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New Squawkers
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  1. worst team in the league on paper? Looks like we will sign Stephen Jackson. Last year we had the same team replace Jackson with The Ball Hawg. Everyone was saying we were great on paper but, couldn't put it together on the floor. Now we switch out Jackson and Dog and everone says we suck on paper. I am not saying we are great but, that is far from the least talented team in the league. Theo/Nazr SAR/Hendu Jackson/Diaw/CC Glover/Hansen Terry/Vaughn/Dickau
  2. Brandon and Theo for Finley and Lafreantz. SAR for Rasheed Nazr for Battier We line up: Raef, Rasheed, Hendu Battier, Boris, Crawford Finley,Glover, Hansen Terry, Dickau, Vaughn We would need to sign a big man but, that is one athletic team that if they meshed would not only compete but, dominate in the East. What about Bradley instead of Raef from Dallas?
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