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Posts posted by Hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwks

  1. yeah, gotta support schlenk so far. Going back to the playoffs with that same roster is pointless and now we have a young talented team along with quality veterens on good contracts, and were flexible as hell in the next upcoming years too. Gotta give the man his props so far.:MooseGoggles:

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  2. 8 hours ago, Peoriabird said:

    I hear you but Mike Smith won coach of the year also


    I’ll give you that.


    8 hours ago, Peoriabird said:

    the attention to other areas can be called into question like his lack of focus on rebounding especially offensive. There have been countless examples of where Bud would play the much weaker rebounders over the stronger ones even with a lead late in games.

    Rebounding. Hmmmmm. Weren’t we the ninth best rebounding team this past season? We used to be a bottom rebounding team in prior seasons for no other reason than employing the same guy that destroyed Boston’s rebounding statics. Bud even made a joke about it. And so we had to adjust by running back in transition to prevent the outlet pass and easy transition buckets.

    But with Dwight on board, I couldn’t really complain about out rebounding though. That wasn’t the biggest problem. Searching for those offensive rebounds did kill us though in those first two games vs wizards until we sat Dwight and went back to that old defensive strategy.


    8 hours ago, Peoriabird said:

    His offensive system requires above average shooting and passing which doesn't match his personnel. Good coaches adjust and change their system to better suit his personnel...Bud just rams his offensive system down the players throat even though we know players like Howard, Thabo, Millsap and Baze aren't good enough shooters to succeed in such a system.

    Show me a coach that can form a system around the talent we had last year and succeed and I will show you a god.

    8 hours ago, Peoriabird said:

    I hope so for our sake but he has displayed so much stubbornness that it is doubtful.

    Yeah he can be stubborn at times. I agree with you on that. Still, the official jury is not out until we can see what this guy does with some future star talent in Collins, bembry,  prince and whoever else we add in coming years.

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  3. 35 minutes ago, Peoriabird said:

    The biggest point I am making is you and others talk about changed in personnel as though someone other than Bud was responsible for those changes. Secondly, when it was brutally obvious that Korver had turned into Steven Jackson, Bud still left Devontae Freeman on the bench until over half the season was gone. The love a fair with players like Muscala and Ryan Kelly over Eddie cannot be explained. If you have no questions about Bud's personnel decision or his often times bizarre line up then we are just not watching the same games.  The primary thing that separates Quinn from Smith is Quinn's ability to recognizes qualities in young players no one else sees and utilizes these strengths beautifully to win games.  Smith like Bud prefers to ride already half broken down vets into the ground which will only get you so far.

    Although that is a good point that isn't enough to warrant a firing or even a thought about firing coach bud for that matter.

    The thing is you keep running in circles. No one is here to deny that gm bud was putrid. He made crippling mistakes in not trading away horford and milsap for assets when he had the chance. We never had a clear understanding of what path we wanted to take, tanking or otherwise. I as well as everyone else on here agrees to this, so enough said.

    Now, from a coaching standpoint, although I agree that he falls in love with certain players and it gets annoying ( korver, muscala, bazemore, antic) that isn't nearly enough to call for a firing. Every fan base complains about a few tendencies of there coach. Go over to the sbnations of Boston, Dallas, Cleveland, warriors, and hell even the spurs and I will guarantee when they are losing they have something to say about their coaches. 

    Coach bud is doing a great job here in Atlanta. In fact he's doing such a good job that that is the only complaint anyone can come up with. He's one of the best defensive coaches in the league by a mile without any real defensive talent outside of mislap and an aging Thabo. Our team has been constantly up there in asissts every yea he's been here. He has developed no bodies into coveted free agents and Allstars. He's won a coach of the year. The culture has completely changed since he's come here. There is so much going for him and you choose to keep bringing up his love affairs with certain players?

    Chill out a little, you're overreacting.

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  4. On 7/8/2017 at 5:34 PM, Peoriabird said:

    You considered last year a success?  Mike smith has successful seasons also so what's the difference between the 2?


    After this comment I lost you completely.

    There is a stark difference when you watch a team like the hawks play versus a team like charlotte or knicks etc. The hawks are disciplined, and with what they lack in talent and athleticism, they make up with ball movement and the right play, and just about every nba announcer/ broadcaster takes notice, if you watch the games at least. They make the right plays on offense, and  play on a string on defense. We've been consistently in the top 10 on defense every year.  It's just that we really do not have any scorers or shooters, or real talent for that matter.

    The 60 win hawks team consisted of two 40% shooters in demarre and kyle on the wings, a quality point guard rotation in dennis and teague, high bench players in dennis ,antic, sefolosha and bazemore,  one of the most talented big man tandems in the league in horford and milsap, and discipline and unselfishness at every corner. Last year featured a new starting point guard, kent, a run down korver/ streaky thj, and dwight friggin no havin hands ass howard. Literally did not when a game when milsap was out lol ! What did you expect out of that rotation, with no bench?

    Your are really undermining how good of a coach bud is. He is undeniably a top 10 coach and has succeeded without top 10 talent. Finding another coach on his level is not easy. Just ask the knicks.

    Sometimes you have to lose something to really understand how much you had......

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  5. On 4/27/2017 at 1:10 PM, Diesel said:

    I want to turn your attention to an article from a few years ago...


    Here's the thing... we have seen best practices with this team.  We have seen Budball work.  YET... you sit here an advocate antiBudball as if it has ever worked?


    This post is both accurate and inaccurate at the same time.its true that when the hawks are at their best, the ball is whizzing around and all five guys are engaged, the 60 win season points to that. 

    But at the same time, you can't Compare this years team to that one. No one on that team displayed egos and they were toghether for a while too. Think about it .We never had to worry about how al horord felt if he had 9 points on the night. Dwight on the other hand...

    Also ,When Dennis DOES pass to a wide open player, that player, whether bazemore,prince , hardaway is not knocking down those shots. On the other hand, we know how potent Demarre and Kyle were, and we were like top 4 in 3 point shooting.

    I also believe it is unfair to compare 60 win season Teague vs Dennis for a few reasons. Firstly, this is Dennis's first time starting, and he s made more much farther strides when compared to Teague at that point in his career. Also if u remember, the knock on young Teague was that he too was a me player and tried to do too much at times. He matured. So will Dennis. 

    Dennis is playing great and he will get better. Just give him time. He does one thing that will always equal success and that is an elite driving game.  This year, his midrange game has absolutely improved and so has his timing and decision making in the pnr. Once we can get some knockdown shooters and Better talent, then he will be even better. 

    Some responsibility also belongs to coach bud in that he should tweak his system to where Dennis can be relied on for scoring more than playmaking. (Hopefully bembry assumes the playmaking role) Think of it as a tony Parker role. He was never relied on playmaking. The team used him as a slasher to generate the ball movement, but manu was the playmaker. Stop comparing Dennis to wall and Chris Paul and compare him to tony Parker instead. 

    • Like 1
  6. In tonight's edition, guess which team is posting these stats

    Each stat is ranked in the top 5

    PPG- 109.6

    Rebounds PG- 46.8

    Fg% 48.2

    FTA- 26.9

    OREB- 12.1

    Ast per game- 26.8


    Steals per game- 10.2

    Net rating-10.7

    Defensive rating- 94.9



    Did I hear, Who are the Atlanta hawks for 500? ding ding ding

    We have a winner!

    :cheer: Spin the wheel for them, ladies:cheer:

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  7. 2 hours ago, aali34 said:

    Did we ever run it with Jeff Teague?

    yeah, we ran it a few times with jeff

    Many teams actually use this play tbh

    Ive seen philly, cavs, warriors, rockets to name a few

    But yeah, dennis can use this probably to the effectiveness of tony if he gets more of these, Ive always wanted his offense to come more from side/baseline pick and rolls as opposed to high pick and rolls, that way, the defender will go less under the screen since he is chasing from behind already, which will open up the offense even more. Spurs used these as primary options for scoring for parker since he had the same problem as dennis (poor threes).

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  8. 7 minutes ago, aali34 said:

    Thats possible, but there could be some growing pains early on in the season.

    Entirely possible, but if you examine the spurs, they brought along lamarcus slowly, limiting him in offensive sets, priortizing defense first, and riding on their star, kawhi leonard, before finally having him adjust to finish with a 67 win season. As we all know that Bud has imitated pop in many areas, this is no exception. We will use defense to win games early, and lean on paul, baze, korver on offense along with dennis. Dwight will still get his, but it will be apart from the offense, just in certain situations and isolations. But when the hawks incorporate him like the spurs did mid season , watch out...

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  9. Ive had it with people out there hating on dwight with no apparent logic to back these arguments up.

    People just don't understand that Howard is dominate in pick and roll, can rebound extremely well, and can score in the paint. Its just that he was averaging 8! attempts per game. And he was averaging around 60% fg. Sooo, how do we win only 45 games with him, Paul milsap, and Korver, Bazemore, let alone our depth and good defensive point guard (dennis) if nothing else turns out from him? Another thing I really hate the media is for how two face it can be. Every year, " The hawks have not done anything to improve and will stay in mediocrity", like what? Now everyone is saying we should have kept him, even thought that core plateued and would never have beaten cleveland? whats the point of playing games nowadays, to be a good team or contend for a championship?

    Coach bud is extremely smart. He set us up to grow in the future, while having a high risk/high reward opportunity to contend. If this plan succeeds, no way we get pushed around by Cleveland, and if it doesn't, plenty of cap space and young talent to add new pieces. We don't even have a high cap roll either, who wants to max out Horfod for 5 years? After two years hell be soft and annoying anyway. Might as well take the chance on a once bonafide superstar

    Lastly, I just want to point out that you just cant compare Atlanta to Houston and l.a ; were not going to use Dwight the way they used him. This man can clearly score in easy positions under the rim, on mismacthes, and on pick and roll. Its not like we have deandre jordan, this man clearly can still score in certain situations. Which is exactly how coach bud will use him. You can bet he will convert all of those easy buckets in the post that Al Horfords soft ass could not. He doesnt have to dominate against the best bigs, just in the situations we place him in. Houston priortized James harden over him, indicated by the lower attempts compared to hardens 20 attempts, as well as L.a with kobe. He is defintely going to produce at least 18 and 12 since he was able to put up around 14 with those previous offenses, heck he probably could have up to 20 attempts per game, and if he hits 60% of those, hell be right around that 17-20 range. That should defineitely place him in the allstar game too, along with paul. We already know how dominat our defense will be.

    I predict if these hawks can use dwight howard like Ive said, in early transition post ups, heavy p/roll, and mismatches, paul does paul, krover and thabo operate they way they did in cleveland the other night, and dennis plays his defense along with his p/roll , these hawks should have 56 wins at the 2nd seed and got to the ECF. Im sorry, but toronto, indiana, and boston? just cant see them beating us.

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