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Everything posted by keith

  1. The Hawks just won their biggest game in years and have a even bigger game tommorow and some fans are bitching on the coach like little pussycats. Is Woodson a great coach? I don't know,but he must being doing a good job to force a game seven in a series to a team that won 29 more games than his team.
  2. It should help more than hurt. If philly would of won,then it may of gave the Hawks a false since of security.
  3. Trade this,trade that,fire this ,fire that.... This is the biggest game in years for the Hawks and the local media and some fans are getting off topic. They act like those two home wins didn't mean nothing. Why do some people like to rain on the parade?Lets wait until the season is over before we go back to that bull# . Let the Hawks shock the world.
  4. For a team that has won 66 games,their fans and media have been doing too much crying and complaining. win with class,lose with class.
  5. At least we will have to wait three more days before that kind of talk resurface.
  6. keith


    After Watching some playoff games tonight,the Hawks fans should come out saturday night with all red or blue. That would help the the young Hawks get better homecourt advantage.
  7. In my opinion,Marvin is a small forward.He can guard the average small forward better than the average power forward. In todays NBA,there isn't much distinction from the two foward positions.If you are( 6"8"-6"9")230+,then most teams expect you to swing between pf-sf. The problem with that is there a small number of true power forwards who are 6 "10" 250 and a few small forwards who are 6"7" 220 that are high scorers that cause matchup problems.Marvin Williams moves his feet on defense(like a small forward) much better than he does with the ball in his hands.He also has some nice post moves and jump hooks (like a power forward)that he should going to more.
  8. Quote: The first game could very well get ugly - but even with our record we didn't "limp" into the playoffs - we had it done with 2 games left in the season - that ain't limping. Your right I might of been too harsh with the title,but the Hawks are young and it might take a game or two for them to get back in stride. I didn't like fact that the Hawks were supposedly trying to win these last two games by playing the starters heavy minutes.
  9. I'm 37, been a Hawks fan between 1982-94. I was a huge fan growing up. Sometime in 94 I disowned the Hawks and for the next ten years I had little interest. When a certain team president and G.M. were let go I jumped back on ship. With Nique able to forgive and forget and also brought back to the organization,I'm back to being a huge fan. I live in Macon.
  10. Don't get me wrong,I am a Hawks fan,but I didn't like the way the Hawks approached their last two games. They didn't play a lick of defense and the coaching decision of playing/not playing the bench was puzzling. I hope that the Hawks can regain some intensity or the first game could get ugly.
  11. keith


    Quote: Well unfortunately Woody doesn't have a Sam Cassell, PJ Brown, James Posey, etc to bring off the bench. He has to be forced to play guys that are borderline NBA players instead of guys with championship experience. Sure he is guilty of leaving guys on the floor or off the floor for too long but I can't fault him for not wanting to play the guys we have on the bench. I do hope that Solo earned a few minutes going forward with his solid 2nd quarter play tonight. I admit that the Hawks don't have as deep a bench as the Celtics,but Woodson has to find a way to steal some minutes from his starters. The Hawks had five players with over 30 minutes,not including Smith who was in foul trouble. The Celtics had only one player over 30 minutes. If these two teams meet in the playoffs this can't happen or the Hawks will struggle with fatigue .Woodson played into Rvers hand,he thought that he could play his starters heavy minutes,because the Celtics were going to do the same thing. In the fourth quarter it was fresh celtics bench against the tired Hawks starters.
  12. keith


    To use the bench or not to use the bench? I'm sometimes guilty of being critical of Woodsons substitutions patterns,but it was clear tonight that the Celtics bench was the key to the game.Woodson hasn't developed a bench and he plays his starters too many minutes. After that Memphis game Woodson has basically abandoned the bench. He only plays the bench when he is forced to. Unless Law is hurt he should be getting some minutes. The Hawks offense stalls when Bibby is out and Childress is ask to play point, taking away from his baseline game. JJ is good but he isn't 42 minutes a game good. He needs some rest from time to time.Good teams have good coaches who trust their benches.
  13. When Zaza picked up his second or third foul in the second quarter,Woodson didn't go back to Horford,he put Solomon in the game to close out the quarter. Last night the Suns Stoudamire had two early fouls,but they stuck with him and eventually won the game. The Suns unlike the Hawks new the importance of theses late season games and coach and play accordingly. Judging by the comments made by Woodson before the Pacers he didn't have the team mentally prepared. I guess the Hawks just aren't use to games with meaning this late in the season.
  14. keith


    Mr. Bibby we need you for friday night. You have been a big help to this team since you have arrived,but the last three games you have been missing in action. We as Hawks fans need you to step up and lead this team,so we won't have to spend time on this forum having arguments about the play of your backups.
  15. Quote: Quote: but when he comes in at garbage time then he tends to play like garbage, just like everyone else in the game at garbage time. . The last few games when Salim has played important minutes in the first half of theses contest,he has played well. His shot hasn't been off,but he is a true perimeter threat. When he is in the game teams have to guard him closely whether his shot is falling or not. Sometimes I listen to the oppossing teams broadcast and the first think they say when Salim comes into the game is(we now have to guard a shooter)he has the same effect as Bibby as an perimeter threat. Bibby is shooting 40%,but know one is saying that he can't shoot. Garbage time is garbage time, the last few times when Salim has played earlier in games,he has played well and within the offense. Against the Pacers he was(+18) and Bibby was(-25). JJ had some easy looks because the Pacers couldn't cheat with Salim sitting behind the line.
  16. Two fouls in the first half?That was important game,but it was coached liked it was some meaningless preseasson game. Maybe Woodson doesn't want Horford to win the rookie of the year. Let the man play,he is the Hawks best option at center. When Solo came into the game in the second Quarter http://www.hawksquawk.net/forums/images/icons/shocked.gif!
  17. I look at it like this. First of all Salim is not nearly as bad on defense as some of these posters are trying to say. Some people also say that Salim can't pass,but look at some of the passes that he made over the weekend against Philly.When Woodson puts Salim in the game,he puts him in the game as a role of an outside shooter,not a playmaker.Some posters get to caught up in STATS.This is not baseball.If a baseball player only has 100 at bats and is hitting (.220) most people don't panic,but if certain basketball players shoot 38% over limited minutes people go crazy. JJ was shooting under 40% the first two months of the season but we all new what he was capable of. If Salim and Law would get consistant minutes then their production would improve. It is no way that Woodson should have Chills running the point period.His passing and playmaking skills are poor. The spacing on the floor is terrible when Chills at the point. Last night when Salim on the floor at point the spacing was great and the Hawks made a little run.The few times Woodson puts Salim in the game at point in meaningful situations he doesn't force as many bad shots and he makes some good passes,but when he comes in at garbage time then he tends to play like garbage, just like everyone else in the game at garbage time.
  18. keith

    If Horford?

    Averages 10 points and 10 rebounds for the season then he will win Rookie of the year.Bibby and Joe Johnson are turning into a great backcourt.The Hawks played a little defense last night.Woodson had a game plan and the team executed it. I see a seven game win streak taking place.
  19. The playoffs that is. It gets easier here on out.
  20. Why is phiilly playing so well and the Hawks are playing so poorly?If you look at both teams rosters,I think that the Hawks have more talent.The sixers have no low post scorers and few outside shooters.They are also undersized just like the Hawks,but they get it done.It seems like when Cheeks got his contract extension Philly took off.I'm not saying that the Hawks should of gave Woodson a similiar deal but since they don't have first round pick,making the playoffs should of been their first priority,insteaded of leeking information to the media.The reason why the Sixers are playing so well is that the players are buying into what Cheeks is trying to do.The reason the Hawks are playing so poorly is because they think Woodson is a lame duck coach and they only play when they want to.I'm not saying that Woodson is a good coach or that he is better than Cheeks,but the Sixers front office has handle their in season coaching situation better than the Hawks.
  21. Two of these three teams will likely make the playoffs,who has the best shot.The Nets and the Hawks have made some moves to improve their rosters,but the Sixers have been on a nice little run.
  22. keith


    1.Why is Woodson still the coach? 2.Why does Josh Smith think he is the point guard? 3.Why isn't Joe Jonhson playing with fire? 4.What happened to Marvin Williams? 5.Why hasn't Zaza embraced defense? 6.Why has Al Horford fell in love with the 15ft jumper? 7.I'm going to give Bibby a pass since he is new,but he needs to take over the team and become the leader. 8.Why does Josh Childress from(Stanford)sometimes plays like he came straight from highschool? 9.Why does the coaching staff keep letting the same players make the same mistakes? 10.Why am I typing this crap at 3:00 A.M. in the morning ?
  23. keith

    What team....?

    Do you as a Hawks fan dislike the most? I respect the Spurs as a winning franchise,but I can't stand the way they play. Too much flopping and whinning. The Nets are a close second.
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